[-] Zink@programming.dev 3 points 3 hours ago

The “every accusation is a confession” rule suggests that he was on some meds to help him keep his composure. Definitely not any truth serums though.

[-] Zink@programming.dev 1 points 3 hours ago

What if you were born in the wrong place and your family got gunned down or buried under rubble because the enemy thought a hostage (or their dead body) was in a building at the end of your street?

You can’t always assume you’re the one who is both on a righteous quest and in possession of superior firepower.

[-] Zink@programming.dev 1 points 3 hours ago

Iirc, didn’t he give Trump a much higher chance of winning than other outlets, even though it was still a small chance compared to Hillary?

[-] Zink@programming.dev 7 points 3 hours ago

Those of us who pay attention and give a shit would vote for her, but Biden (or what’s left of him) already has our votes whether we like it or not.

But for the people who are disconnected or ignorant enough that they aren’t already itching to vote against Trump? They can be influenced by the dumbest things.

[-] Zink@programming.dev 2 points 3 hours ago

I personally agree that one of those two being President would be great.

But then I think of the cold hard reality of who I share this country with. All the people out there who, in the face of Trump being Trump, can somehow be undecided or unlikely to vote. They just don’t seem like the type to get off their ass for somebody who will be characterized as extreme.

We here know they aren’t extremists. We know they’re basically centrists within the larger civilized world. But ignorance is a huge part of the problem for the US voters who are indifferent enough towards Trump that they aren’t already lining up to vote for Biden or anybody who takes his place.

[-] Zink@programming.dev 3 points 3 hours ago

C’mon baby you know you like our big throbbing F-22s and aircraft carriers!

Seriously though, if we manage to reelect the criminal and he pulls us out of NATO, I trust you guys to keep it running.

[-] Zink@programming.dev 4 points 4 hours ago

Young me: education! Work hard! Plan ahead! Prepare for the future!

Old me:

  • sits down
  • says “Here fishies!”
  • throws koi food
  • puffs weed vape
  • adjusts wide-brimmed fishing hat
  • stares at fish, stares at trees, repeat
  • mental tranquility intensifies
[-] Zink@programming.dev 8 points 22 hours ago

At this point it’s pretty easy to imagine a governor or president giving the SC the finger and doing what they want.

Unfortunately when I see that play out in my mind, it’s a Republican doing it. Yes, even though the SC is biased in their direction.

[-] Zink@programming.dev 33 points 22 hours ago

Yet another thing that tens of millions of people across the country would instantly lose their job for, made even MORE ok for the people who can cause the most damage by doing it. Every corporate conflict of interest training I’ve taken at current companies makes it abundantly clear that even the APPEARANCE of a POTENTIAL conflict needs to be disclosed and handled appropriately. Never mind there being literal, in writing, cash money kickbacks.

When it comes to having lower standards for state officials given special powers than we do for random schmucks, at least we’re consistent. From the lowest local cop to the highest federal politicians, why do we not only refuse to set standards but also remove ethical expectations?

[-] Zink@programming.dev 41 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Off the top of my head, these are the kinds of things my conservative family members or distant acquaintances would say and agree with:

What if somebody else gets more than me?

What if somebody who doesn’t “deserve” benefits gets them?

Why should I give a shit or have to pay for other people? (Unaware of how insurance itself works)

The economyyyyy!

[-] Zink@programming.dev 22 points 2 days ago

Does he think Europe has cut-rate health care? Canada?

Assuming we’re talking about one of my fellow Americans? Yes. He’s been conditioned to think that.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by Zink@programming.dev to c/risa@startrek.website

I can’t get enough of these familiar spacefaring faces!

submitted 6 months ago by Zink@programming.dev to c/risa@startrek.website

Making my first Lemmy post because this moment in my DS9 rewatch made me think of you all.

I think I’ll call her Captain Gilora Lochley.

Also, DS9 is even better than I remember. It’s been a while!

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