
joined 2 months ago
[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

On the flip side of this, my main account was banned there but my alt account that I've also had for a few years now wasn't. And I've even made a post or two with it there in the months since my main was banned, just to see.

And the funny thing is, the last time I was a banned for a few days (I managed to successfully appeal), they also banned my alt account that I had never even posted on before. Then unbanned it along with my main account after my appeal. So clearly their systems are aware that the two accounts are the same person.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Not sure if the mods will see this. Gonna delete this post actually. There's a tiny chance of anyone I've spoken about seeing this but the chance is there nonetheless.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

I hated that hairstyle when I was a kid too lol.

[–] 2 points 4 weeks ago

I was actually thinking of coming back to this and asking if you'd heard anything. Thanks for the update! Pretty weird that it's just seemingly running like a zombie there.

I haven't seen any of the porn communities in the three non porn instances I've tried here personally. So out of the big ones, world seems to already de-federated at least.

[–] 7 points 1 month ago

You're right. I honestly wasn't even thinking. Going to edit my comment now.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

Also Frank dying and the killing of Woodrue seems to parallel Frank being born and creation of Ivy.

Never noticed that! So this definitely seems like it's going to tie Woodrue into the Brainiac storyline somehow.

[–] 69 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (54 children)

I think Blåhaj handled this person well over all. Even if Drag wad just 100% troll, drag wasn't being fed in Blåhaj and had to go elsewhere. But also there was always the chance that drag is just someone on a journey or with things to sort out. Some people have completely given up on being any gender and treat it like a joke in an almost nihilistic way. But clearly there's a line between that and an actual troll.

Either way, I wouldn't say that it's standard heterosexual cisgender behaviour to go as far as Drag did just for the lulz. So maybe one of these days, Drag will have an awakening and remember how no one in the community either fed drag or shunned drag when drag was confused and behaving badly.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Ooh that's a nice one. And another in the J related names category. Thanks!

[–] 5 points 1 month ago

Fake it. Smile and wave when people reveal their politics or weird shit (that we all have) that doesn't vibe with you. Keep it shallow and surface level, like talk about music and movies and shit. Indulge in conversations about this restaurant or that brand of tea or some shit but never show them who you really are. And they won't even notice that they don't really know you and it's all good being an alien. Maybe everyone does this on some level.

And I'm protecting insanely here in case you couldn't tell (but that's because I relate) but instead of saying "go to therapy", I'm gonna say do yourself a favour and spend some time lurking in some mental health related communities / spaces and see if you relate to any of the things that people say there. And how much of it you relate to. And look up "autistic burnout" too.

As I say (just making double clear), I'm giving you this advice based on my own life so far. So maybe your story is different. But I related a lot to a lot of what you said here.

[–] 14 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Based on a couple of arguments I've now had, they actually sound a lot like manosphere, anti woke people. Just a bit more intelligent and well read. But even the "trans ideology" phrase that they like to use is just their version of "woke agenda".

I think that it is a sect of feminism that has been created and seeded by the same right wing christian nationalist types that are also behind the manosphere and MAGA. The Peter Thiel and Elon Musk types. They realised in the '90s that calling everything "satanic" wasn't working, so they started coming up with new terminology to pull people in.

First it was "SJWs", then "woke" but it all attracts the same kind of people. And "trans ideology" was the term they came up with for women that read and aren't completely dense. So they're all behaving like reborn christians and going around stomping out anything the norm. But they also sincerely believe they're right.

But honestly, based on the conversations I've had so far, all alt right people have the same talking points, which TERFs definitely are a part of. They're just, as I say, not as clearly dumb as other alt right types.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

Honestly not much to say about this episode. The play was fun, mostly a summary of what we already knew though. No Lois episode yet but I'm sure it's coming.

Although, holy shit, Frank! I bet Ivy is gonna grow another Frank some time. And also, serial killer Brainiac was something I didn't see coming. What an interesting take on this guy.

Edit: and regarding the play, for Clayface and Bane's sakes, I'm glad the audience seemed to really love it. Kind of a rare win for them. Although actually Bane is winning already with his family.

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