
joined 2 months ago
[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

From how I understand it, this first consultation with a general practitioner is for them to just gather basic information to pass on to the actual psychologist / psychiatrist. I'm doing this through government healthcare, not private, so I kinda have to go through the system this way first because I think there's just too many people coming through the system. So I'll just have to see how it goes as far as specialists etc. are concerned. I have heard that this side of our healthcare system is actually pretty good though, once you're out of the general hospital side of the process (I was expecting the opposite reputation in this country). So I'm holding out hope that this all goes smoothly. It's going to probably take a couple of months before anything concrete though.

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Could be one of those that I saw this morning, I guess. In world. It was a 'reasonable' post complaining about Trump. I just block them as I see them now tbh. Even the_donald started as satire.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

For the honour of grey whales!

[–] 9 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (5 children)

And now they're apparently starting to set up shop on Lemmy too. Before I blocked it, I saw they're on their best behaviour too. But mark my words, once the dating and flirting period is over, their shoes are going to come off and their feet are going to be up on the table.

I would've hoped that by now everyone would've learnt their lesson to never trust or listen to these people again. They flat out lie when they're talking about things like 'freedom' and once they're in power, they serve themselves and fuck over everyone else in society. And their leaders, that they don't mind associating with and supporting are a bunch of inbred kiddie fiddlers and have been since long before Trump. And yet here we are again, letting them have a seat at the table.

These people cannot be fucking trusted. And I'm willing to bet that they're going to be a source of a lot of downvote trolling too, in queer communities and women-centric communities.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago

personally i think they are sanitizing the site

Yeah, I also get the impression that they're making it more 'radio friendly' for advertisers and shit. I used Reddit for a little bit over a decade, used to be a lot more rowdy there back then, and about two years ago I got hit with my first suspension for an anti religion, then my second and my third in the same year, also for stupid shit. Didn't bother appealing the first two but managed to successfully appeal that third one. And I've been hanging on since then until a couple of months ago.

posting behaviour, writing style

I think they would definitely catch me on these if I had to spend too much time there.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

unless a Luthor

I don't really mind, personally. Pretty sure Lex has outsmarted Brainiac once or twice too and even combined with him in the Justice League Unlimited cartoon if I remember correctly (I clearly remember Darkseid combining with Brainiac but pretty sure it happened earlier with Lex too).

And over all, the Superman corner of DC (even though it's still popular) has probably got less than half the attention of Batman if you add all of the adaptations and appearances up. So even over used Superman villains (or their relatives) aren't as beaten to death as Joker and the rest of the Gotham gang.

I wonder if Frank will still return

I actually thought it was Frank just resprouting again at first. That was shit with the cum rag was actually fucking gross lol.

[–] 15 points 3 weeks ago

I've been playing around with Facebook for the last couple of weeks and the censorship is so crazy these days is isn't funny. But only if you post anti Trump and Elon content, even as a non American. I've already had a couple of posts flagged for 'misinformation' since after Zuckerberg made this announcement and I've seen it happening to other actual Americans too. These 'free speech' people are all fucking jokes and liars and the biggest pearl clutchers whenever someone exercises their free speech to speak against them.

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

One of the things on my wishlist for Stardew Valley version 10 or whatever, is an NPC overhaul to take them off rails and make them more Skyrim like. For example, they have their schedules but the rest of the pathfinding etc is up to them. So that they can walk around objects and maybe do unexpected shit sometimes.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

Just wanted to come back here and say, finally have an appointment for March 7. Definitely a general doctor first like I assumed for a basic assessment and shit, then from there I find out where I need to go or what to do.

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago

Yeah that's fair enough and I'm definitely generalizing. It's just the general sum of my personal observations over the years. And it could easily be just seeing the wrong conversations in the wrong places or whatever. To be fair, you seem to hear about US issues a lot more than European issues on the net in general anyway.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (2 children)

Well that was one hell of a twist in the Frank murder. And Frank(ette) 2 came a lot sooner than expected lol. I'm wondering if maybe Lena has a double motive and had something going on with Woodrue. She was the one that reintroduced Ivy to him.

Edit: also, Poison Ivy was a dumbass rushing to attack Brainiac without any plants.

[–] 12 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

I don't want to start a war or anything but as someone from neither the USA or Europe, Europeans online often come across as even more exceptionalist than Americans, despite the reputation to the contrary. Because, at least in leftish or liberal spaces, no one is more ready to shit on and call out the USA than Americans. And I don't mean they're anti-American or whatever, they just want their country to be better, so they call out all the shit.

Europeans on the other hand often seem more proud and / or defensive about their countries. Maybe they speak openly in their own country specific communities but I don't get the sense that they're as open and friendly to outside input or criticism as the Americans are.

The way I see it, we're all hooked onto the same stream of memes and billionaire owned news sources everywhere across the world. So thinking we're immune to being overtaken by dangerous alt right nonsense and ignoring all the obvious signs would be a very stupid move, wherever you are. If they're not taking this seriously, they're doing exactly what the Americans did and have done since 2016.

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