Ooh! That IS interesting. Half-harp, half-piano.
I don't get it. It's a piano built sideways? The person taking the video isn't really showing the context of all the details they're filming.
This seems to be endemic to billionaires. Robotman forces people to lose to him in a board game. Ketamine Kiddie pays people to play his video games for him so he can seem "elite". What are we going to find out about Bezos next? That he forces people to play poker with him with the card faces turned his way?
Woohoo! Finally a company I can boycott that's not already in my boycott of all American companies!
He can be both: really awkward and a Nazi. Or am I huffing paint thinner?
Again, judges don't GIVE A SHIT what you call it. They give a shit what things ARE.
And they will utterly fucking smack Tesla over this.
Judges aren't stupid people (at least not in Canada; can't vouch for American judges seeing some of the decisions Down South). You're not going to fool them by renaming things. That's the kind of view of law that a toddler would hold. "I didn't spill my juice because I call it ... ah ... foobles now!"
Yeah, I imagine it stings.
That's OK. I learned more than a few things about my nation of citizenship when I moved abroad and watched it from afar. A lot of them stung badly. You get over it; even get motivated to try to undo some of the bad things.
Allow me to fix that for you:
computer scientists: We have invented virtual dumbasses who are constantly wrong: Tech CEOs.
Optionally, since the plastic cover is so good at holding things in place, you can get two A3-sized or four A4-sized grid maps which is easier to find and far cheaper than an A2-sized one would be. That way you're only paying the price for a single A2-sized sheet of plastic cover.
Get an A2-sized paper grid map (FAR cheaper than laminated) and then get an A2-size piece of that plastic sheeting they use in cheap restaurants to protect the tablecloth (about 1.5mm thick transparent, soft plastic).
That's what I use (well, mine are bespoke to fit my table) and not only does it give me RPG-related grid map capabilities, it's also good for holding board game boards and displays in place, protecting them from drinks and food stains, while giving a surface that you can write on and that gives good grip for playing pieces.
Uh ... what?
Before my eyes glazed over and I scrolled to the bottom it seems like this is baby's first steps into Buddhism with a side of Daoism as written by someone who understands neither. But as the word salad kept getting tossed and tossed and tossed it just blended together into a word soup.
Is there a coherent description of this concept somewhere, or is word salad all we have?