[-] Worx@lemmynsfw.com 7 points 10 hours ago

I have a small van with a bed and a sink in. I don't visit any campsites. I don't see this as "wild camping", but apparently it counts so I'll pitch in my advice anyway. I feel like we would have very similar interests - my holidays consist of going to Scotland for roughly a week, walking wherever seems nice, and generally being away from other people. I park overnight in lay-bys or carparks that allow camping. I started out sleeping in the back of my car for the first few years, but it's not as comfortable and I enjoyed myself enough that I decided to invest in a van.

The things I bring with me are

  • bottled water (I have some 5L bottles that I fill from the tap, usually 30L is enough for drinking and hand washing for a week, with one "shower" from a bottle)
  • books
  • bedding
  • camping stove and wok
  • reusable plastic plates and forks
  • clothing
  • money (this is the most important, because if you forget anything else on the list you can buy it with money)
  • map of where I'm going downloaded to my phone

I go shopping and find a toilet once a day. I drive to somewhere nice (just look at the map and take a guess). Sit and read,go for a walk wherever looks interesting, snack, sleep, repeat. In terms of food, it's mostly pastries and salad, because it's hard to find ready-to-eat vegetarian food. For cooking, I've found that stuffed pasta and readymade sauce is easy to cook, and the other go-to is vegetarian sausages in a bun. But generally I only eat one or two cooked meals per holiday. It's not worth the washing up IMO.

My experience is probably different than what you're planning, but similar enough to be useful advice I hope. You can literally start by just jumping in a car with some food and water, and driving somewhere nice. As long as you have a car, anyway. I'd suggest to start small and close to home, then it's an easy escape if anything goes wrong

[-] Worx@lemmynsfw.com 21 points 3 days ago

Bonus fact bonus fact: Shakes are older than the rings of Saturn.

You did a great job in the Star Waes prequals, btw

[-] Worx@lemmynsfw.com 13 points 3 days ago

Eyes wide open, gotta make sure you're seeing all the performers

[-] Worx@lemmynsfw.com 8 points 3 days ago

I live in a rural area and know a lot of farmers (meat, dairy and veg), none of whom are wealthy. Several don't own land, but have to rent it instead. Those that do own land tend to be asset-rich but don't actually have cash (as in, they own land and farm equipment, but they can't sell it because then they wouldn't be able to keep working). Maybe it's different in other parts of the country, but around here people are struggling. We also have the issue of banks and other large corporations buying up land to plant with timber as carbon offsets, rather than putting in work to reduce their carbon footprint.

[-] Worx@lemmynsfw.com 0 points 3 days ago

Since when are farmers wealthy?

[-] Worx@lemmynsfw.com 15 points 4 days ago

Ross, is that you?

[-] Worx@lemmynsfw.com 3 points 5 days ago

I am always in awe when I read your posts. How do you have time and energy for all this sex with so many partners?? As usual, I really enjoyed reading your adventures ;)

[-] Worx@lemmynsfw.com 2 points 5 days ago

No other notes really. It was nice. We're almost certainly going to go on more dates together, but having sex is tricky logistically because we both live with other people. I did want to bottom for her but I hadn't prepared so yeah.. she did lie behind me at one point and just grind against me while giving a reach-around, which was a good alternative. TBH, I don't know if she'd want to top me. We did originally plan for anal (me fucking her) but I got overexcited with the face-fuck so we didn't get that far 😅. We'd been going for about an hour at that point so we were both happy to call it quits there for that day

[-] Worx@lemmynsfw.com 3 points 5 days ago

That sounds fun!

I remember trying something similar when I was younger but my arm just got tired haha

[-] Worx@lemmynsfw.com 8 points 6 days ago

I had a pretty good date with a woman last week. We spent the afternoon together then she came back to my house. It was my first time having sex with a trans woman - although I've been with men and cis women before. I really wanted to suck some dick (it's been a while!) so I started by giving her a blowjob for a while before she returned the favour. It was really intense and I had to tell her a couple of times to slow down. We calmed down for a bit with just some hugging and touching / stroking and grinding. She bit me a lot and left some big bruises on my neck, which really enhanced the pleasure of her hands on my dick and made it a whole-body feeling. She then straddled me and started face-fucking me, which I've never done before. I don't know that I liked it, but I was masturbating as she did so and I came incredibly hard, so part of me must have enjoyed it! I cleaned myself up (there was a lot of cum) and watched as she finished herself. Very successful date overall :)

As a slight aside, I was really happy with myself. I felt I communicated really well and although I felt she did less well there, we both really enjoyed ourselves. It's something that I've been working on and I think I nailed it :)

submitted 4 weeks ago by Worx@lemmynsfw.com to c/books@lemmy.world

I think it's a tobacco trial. The main character is the wife of one of the jurors? I think the bad guy / big company is trying to buy the jurors out by using the services of the wife

submitted 1 month ago by Worx@lemmynsfw.com to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

An option for me to buy a house has come up very suddenly and it seemed like a good idea at first - but I look at a mortgage and think "that's 15 years I'll spend paying back, at absolute minimum. Probably more like 25 years" - how can I possibly plan that far in advance?

So, how did you feel about getting a mortgage and seeing such a serious commitment stretch so far into the future? I'm mainly talking about the emotional side of things rather than financial

submitted 1 month ago by Worx@lemmynsfw.com to c/adhd@lemmy.world

Cooking my dinner, best set a timer because I'm bound to forget it's in the over.

Get bored and start reading book.

Timer's done - I'll turn off the alarm and just finish the page.

Ten minutes later ...Wait, what's that burning smell?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Worx@lemmynsfw.com to c/music@lemmy.world
submitted 2 months ago by Worx@lemmynsfw.com to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

I've been driving a van for a couple of years now, but I'm much more used to driving a car. My van is heavier and has much less power than my car and I sometimes have trouble merging onto fast roads so I'm looking for any insight from more experienced van drivers.

I don't have rear windows or a rearview mirror (only side mirrors) so visibility isn't always great. The van's also pretty slow, so I'm usually only going 50-60mph as I merge. This isn't a problem on motorways because the slip roads are so long I can plan my spot to merge easily enough. On dual carriageways where the slip roads can be really short, it feels like all I can do is put my foot down and hope. There's sometimes only a few seconds where the sliproad and main road are lined up such that I can see traffic in my mirrors, and by then I'm pretty much stuck at whatever speed my poor van has given with my foot to the floor.

Bigger and heavier vehicles than mine merge safely all the time, so I must be missing something. I'm also fairly inexperienced with such slip roads because there are no examples near me. I only encounter them a couple of times a year.

[-] Worx@lemmynsfw.com 202 points 2 months ago

We know this comment by Shannon Martin is correct and sensible because it was reviewed by Shannon Martin! As a licensed insurance agent, I'm sure she is qualified to talk about uh.. electronics.. hmm

submitted 2 months ago by Worx@lemmynsfw.com to c/music@lemmy.world

Looking for songs where there's a very definite, regular beat that's played by a non-percussion instrument. (piano counts as non-percussion for this particular request).

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Worx@lemmynsfw.com to c/mtg@mtgzone.com

The pertinent ruling is apparently

608.2g: If an effect gives a player the option to pay mana, they may activate mana abilities before taking that action. If an effect specifically instructs or allows a player to cast a spell during resolution, they do so by following the steps in rules 601.2a-i, except no player receives priority after it's cast. That spell becomes the topmost object on the stack, and the currently resolving spell or ability continues to resolve, which may include casting other spells this way. No other spells can normally be cast and no other abilities can normally be activated during resolution.

EDIT: the above rule is why you can cast spells with Gix. There's a ruling on Xanathar that says "Xanathar doesn't change when you can cast spells [...] You must still follow all normal timing rules"

submitted 3 months ago by Worx@lemmynsfw.com to c/music@lemmy.world

Very fun, upbeat song about someone figuring out their life. I like this song a lot and it's one of the rare occasions where I feel the music video adds to the story in the song.

submitted 3 months ago by Worx@lemmynsfw.com to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

Let's imagine it's currently Wednesday the 1st. Does "next Saturday" mean Saturday the 4th (the next Saturday to occur) or Saturday the 11th (the Saturday of next week)?

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by Worx@lemmynsfw.com to c/dnd@lemmy.world

Having diverse worlds and representing different types of people is a good thing. For something like skin colour, sexuality or gender it's very easy to just say that your character posseses those qualities because it doesn't necessarily change much about them. However, how do people feel about playing NPCs who are neurodivergent?

The main example I'm thinking of is someone with Down syndrome. I don't have that lived experience to draw from because I don't have Down syndrome, but I also feel that these people (like all people) can be valuable members of society and I don't like to see them excluded. Therefore, I would want to see them in my fantasy worlds too. The problem is, I worry I'd mainly be falling back on stereotypes in a potentially harmful and offensive way.

EDIT: I would especially like other neurodivergent people to chime in, of course. Personally I really like to see representation for my neurodivergence in D&D and other literature, but also it can really upset me when it's done badly and it's worse than nothing at all

submitted 4 months ago by Worx@lemmynsfw.com to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

Let's say that it's scientifically proven that ghosts exist. Would they then stop being supernatural and become natural, thus making it impossible to ever have proof of the supernatural?

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