Maybe add Signal; It’s easier than Element, but it’s also centralized
signal runs on amazon servers. Anything that can't self host and isn't federate isn't worth it. Matrix (and element) fill this requirement. But IMHO, the best is XMPP where you can self-host or use federated servers located in other countries.
Maybe add Delta chat
Delta chat is basically email.
Remove Stremio
Why? Because it's torrents?
Other alternatives would be viaplay or britbox. Unfortunately there's no legal alternative that's available in all europe.
Add aurora
Aurora is just a front-end for google playstore. You should add f-droid
Just because it is not part of the base protocol, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist or supports it.
I like it for personal reasons. Just because is lightweight and there are way much more servers than matrix, imho makes it better. However, In the end it boils down to personal preferences and your attack surface.
WHen i tried it years ago, it was just a normal email with a special subject that the delta chat client would read, parse and display.