copying isn't stealing

they were haranguing you for proof socialism works in the USA. I have the answer

american socialist enclaves: the swamp maroons, the anabaptists

[-] -1 points 2 days ago

that's not funding.

this, too, is rhetoric, and not evidence

this, too, is not proof, but more rhetoric.

if it were true, you could provide proof, instead of rhetoric.

I seem to recall that the anonymity of car is based on obscuring transactions through bundling, but that method was deanonymized by poisoning wallrts somehow. this was like 10 years ago so my memory is fuzzy.

saying it doesn't make it true.

Factory farming is a response to public demand for meat.

I think this is a fiction.

oh? so the owidx chart that shows 70% of all soy by weight being fed to animals as "soy cake" or "soy meal" is outdated? I would happily believe that if you present some evidence.

i thought monero's mixer was show to be susceptible to poisoning.

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