[-] Unquote0270@programming.dev 60 points 2 months ago

Wtf are Israel playing at. Other than genocide I mean.

[-] Unquote0270@programming.dev 12 points 5 months ago

So we get surprised every three months rather than every month.

[-] Unquote0270@programming.dev 15 points 9 months ago

Anything by Stanislaw Lem. I really liked Fiasco.

[-] Unquote0270@programming.dev 28 points 9 months ago

Wouldn't this benefit everyone? Presumably the implications are far wider and more important than who makes the most profit from it.

[-] Unquote0270@programming.dev 14 points 9 months ago

Love a bit of kit

[-] Unquote0270@programming.dev 33 points 9 months ago

A valid reason for a start.

[-] Unquote0270@programming.dev 13 points 9 months ago

Her being a narcissist.

[-] Unquote0270@programming.dev 13 points 10 months ago

Infinity by a long way. It's very early though, not really a fair comparison.

[-] Unquote0270@programming.dev 15 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Thanks for the reply! Basically, I don't want us to have our own libraries. I have tons of family images which Immich face-recognises and I can merge them accordingly and set up albums etc. However, when I create another user, this user can only see the photos through the Sharing page and cannot see the Faces/People tagged by the recognition, it's just a gallery of dated pictures. Presumably I will have the same experience for pictures they share.

What I want is for all users to be able to all the People (tagged by the facial recognition). With the way that sharing appears to work this wouldn't be possible if my family members were individual users so I am wondering if the only way around this is to have just one generic user login which everyone uses, that way we all get to see the People through the Explore page and can see the map for all pictures that everyone uploads.


I'm just trying out Immich and I'm really impressed, seems to be exactly what I'm looking for except for one thing. I am looking for something that is a central library for my family so we can all access the same photos and all upload to the same place.

It looks like users can see other users' libraries but you lose the People functionality and perhaps a few other things.

What's the best solution? I'm thinking of just creating a generic user and giving the details for everyone to use but it seems a shame to lose the user functionality of individual passwords etc.

[-] Unquote0270@programming.dev 14 points 10 months ago

"There was climate change when the Vikings were around so it's not as clear cut as people make out."

In my country we've had the opposite of a heat wave, the worst summer I can remember with rain almost every day and temperatures barely making it above 20 degrees. He says that this shows the planet isn't heating up and jokes that we need more carbon.

[-] Unquote0270@programming.dev 15 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

This will be amazing if it works, I've been frustrated with mtp for so many years. Thanks for posting about it.

Edit: Windows only FFS. Guess I'll look at using adb itself as someone else mentioned here.


cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/655754

So I’ve finally decided to get a real rack and I’m looking for advice on a couple of areas. I will be making drone/dark ambient and I already have a digitakt, 0-Coast and NTS-1. I want the rack to create slowly evolving drones and textures which I can layer with the 0-Coast for fx/bass and the digitakt to play more textures, glitchy fx, or whatever sounds right. I also plan to use VCV for CV modulation and sent to midi which seems to be nice and easy with the Nifty case.

So far I have decided to get the Nifty case and Morphagene, along with FX Aid XL for big reverbs and probably Befaco Out v3. The areas I am undecided about are modulation, distortion, and perhaps utilities.

For modulation, I would like a few different LFOs that I can use with both the rack and with the 0-Coast. I’ve been thinking about Ochd + some kind of mixer because I love it in VCV and it seems hard to beat in terms of separate LFOs and footprint. But then, perhaps Maths might be better? I would get less choice of outputs from it vs Ochd but I could potentially do more with it?

For distortion, I really have no idea. I want it to be stereo in/out as I plan to use it before or after FX Aid but I don’t know what kind of distortion I need for creating filthy distorted pads/drones. I quite like VCV's Debriatus’ saturate and fold sections in VCV. I’ve been looking at Erica Synths Pico DSP since it is small, stereo and could be useful to have other fx when I don’t want distortion. I think I also want it to have some kind of tone/filter to tame it and make it dark.

For utilities, I don’t think I need a great deal, at least for this iteration of the rack. It looks like I can attenuate the inputs on Morphagene and I don’t really need to create envelopes for now, nor do I need sample and hold (although this might be handy later on).

So any advice on modules? I’m also thinking that a stereo mixer with a few different inputs might be useful so that I can route the digitakt (which will have the 0-Coast running through it) because I only really have a stereo output to my speakers/computer.

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