Just as reliable as the other news orgs.
We don’t need to fix plastic, we need to replace plastic.
Fair point!
Yep, that headache type is the exact kind I had too.
Well from the literature I read, it affects people differently. I drank a lot, but probably not as much as coffee drinkers.
My caffeine was mainly Mountain Dew. Couple of 20 oz bottles a day, every day for several years. Not much compared to most gamers and shit.
But for me, it was very very painful and uncomfortable to quit.
I also know someone who drank coffee every day all day, way more caffeine than I did, and she quit cold turkey. One day headache, then she was good.
Great use for it!
How was your experience? When I quit caffeine cold turkey, I was miserable. Crazy ass dreams. Headache that wouldn't go away. Two weeks of just total shitty symptoms. Month before I felt totally ok.
Now I'm caffeine free, but holy fuck, that was tough.
Quit caffeine that way. Brutal. Felt like shit for a good solid two weeks. Didn't feel normal for another month.
But I did it and now I'm caffeine-free. :)
We gotta lot of shit we need to fix here, before we help the rest of the world.