Mostly I use custom launchers because I don't like the Google News feed and the general UI layout of the stock launcher. KISS launcher has been perfect for me.

Mastodon is easily the largest decentralized social network. Idk what you're on about.

tortur(ul)e (

A picture of sexy Sonic the Hedgehog stepping out of the shower with text bubbles saying- "Are you frying chicken, baby? Haha just kidding" "You make a lot of noise when you pee. I like that." Sonic is very sexy.

Happy May Day! (

There's hope, kids!

[-] 20 points 2 months ago

We love to see bigots on a trans-masc persons social media page affirming that they've never been a woman and are obviously a man for x, y, and z reasons.

[-] 25 points 4 months ago

Yea sometimes I'll exclude the .nfo from my downloads. Thankfully the tracker I'm on now disallows any files that aren't media in their uploads.

[-] 21 points 4 months ago

It's not a cliffhanger at all. The show would be greatly improved by a third season imo just because the tone of the 2nd season is really intense compared to the first, and while S2 has a fairly satisfying ending - it could really use the catharsis of a final act.

[-] 18 points 5 months ago

Workplace safety harnesses are very different from climbing harnesses

Yummy rule (
Our Flag Means Rule (

A three way vinn-diagram with pirates, vampires, and Princes in the three main circles. At the intersection of pirates and vampires is "classic go-to villains". Vampires and Princes share "living in castles". Princes and pirates both have "stealing from peasants". The shared trait of all three is "wearing these shirts" with a picture of a fancy white shirt with big ruffles on the neck and sleeves.

[-] 46 points 8 months ago

Yes as a fan of the manga and anime it is very good. Seems like even people who aren't already fans are liking it too

Overworked rule (
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by to c/
[-] 23 points 9 months ago

That's such a hot fucking take

rule (
[-] 18 points 10 months ago

Now THIS is quality content

[-] 23 points 10 months ago

Liberals are certainly pro-capitalist, but a modern leftist wouldnt refer to a fascist or conservative as a liberal. The term is pretty much used to describe people who claim to be left leaning while still advocating for incremental (rather than radical) change, such as the modern American democratic party. It is used as a derogatory because liberals generally speaking don't have any intention of dismantling the corporate capitalist oligarchy, or implementing true socialist policies.

Even if some self-identified liberals do desire these changes - to a leftist their methods are seen as ineffectual by design, therefore further contributing to the longevity of the broken capitalist system.

[-] 40 points 10 months ago

In this context "liberal" is being used as a synonym for communist, because that's how American right wingers use it, but to a a leftist (socialist, communist, anarchist - the target audience for this meme) liberals, or more accurately neo-liberals, are center right capitalists. So while a right winger might throw all of these as insults at someone left of fascist, a leftist would only take offense to being called a liberal.

7 billion is a lot rule (
[-] 39 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Don't equate the struggle for liberation and self-determination with a fascist coup attempt

The Bop-imal lounging (

Pure rule (
Bass Pr(ule)o shop (
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joined 11 months ago