[-] Traister101@lemmy.today 19 points 1 month ago

Nah bro that's just the memory leaks, your supposed to force close and reopen it every so often so the OS cleans up after their shitty application

[-] Traister101@lemmy.today 15 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

So as a recent child depression/mental health issues are so much more common because the world we were born into is very obviously getting worse. As a little Elementary schooler we actually had like snow. Like snow days each year were expected. I remember playing outside in the snow, coming inside to some nice hot chocolate and grilled cheese. Do I even need to tell you how it's changed? The snow we do get is more extreme (power goes out) and for shorter periods of time. This year I believe we got about a week of snow you could reasonably play in, however you wouldn't want to do that cause everyones power was out or it was a fuckn blizzard.

We've got nowhere to go hangout. Malls are closing (not that you could walk to em) parks are okay but you STILL cannot walk to my neighborhoods closest park cause A: there literally isn't sidewalks the whole way and B: you'd have to cross two busy roads. Basically in short the world we were born into wasn't designed with us in mind, instead it was designed for the car. Course that brings up the fact that we aren't getting drivers licenses as often as earlier generations. We can get deep into it but frankly I don't care this comment is already too long. Instead I'll just tell you my personal experience and choice to not get a license. It doesn't provide me any meaningful benefits. I'd lived life up till 16 needing to be chauffeured around by my parents or a friend's parents to go anywhere which like all kids was something I hated as I knew I was a burden. So, as you'd expect the internet became our meeting place. It avoided the burden of being chauffeured around. Once I was finally able to drive, well, where would I even go? A friend's house perhaps but well, we can just join a voice call and do it like that.

[-] Traister101@lemmy.today 22 points 3 months ago

Gotta love that monopoly money

[-] Traister101@lemmy.today 15 points 3 months ago

Jesus fucking christ buddy you are a horrible person

[-] Traister101@lemmy.today 16 points 4 months ago

I love everybody missing the point by trying to be super smart and tell you that you can use phones too much. Computers of all sorts folks just cause you browse lemmy on your pc doesn't mean you are better than anybody else.

Primarily I think the issue is social media. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook you know the ones. If you use these platforms a ton you should uh stop you'll feel better. One of the best decisions I made was deleting my Instagram, Twitter and Facebook account something like 5 years back. If you can't just delete your account put a time limit on how long you can use the app. Have a good think about how much of your day you want to be mindless scrolling.

[-] Traister101@lemmy.today 19 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Or hear me out we let them block puberty because that's literally hurting nobody and preventing them from doing so very clearly does hurt people.

But also you know that kids don't think they are trans cause of puberty angst right? Come on man. If you were fundamentally unhappy going through puberty as a teen then sorry to say but that's actually not normal. Most people are rather content knowing their balls will get hairy or they'll grow boobs. We're talking about kids who've been dreading puberty since like they knew what it was. I'll again repeat if you dreaded puberty that's not normal.

[-] Traister101@lemmy.today 16 points 7 months ago

Wait are you telling me insurance is a scam because if you ever need to use it it'll cost more money? That's crazy dude, I feel so awful for the massive multimillion dollar companies that are forced to pay for it...

[-] Traister101@lemmy.today 15 points 7 months ago

Wow so brave 🙄

[-] Traister101@lemmy.today 20 points 7 months ago

Sheesh they didn't completely shut down the possibility. They just said they think it's unlikely, and I agree with them. Whenever I've seen people suddenly jump out like this to make extreme claims it's been somewhat sketchy at best.

[-] Traister101@lemmy.today 16 points 7 months ago

Capitalism is sadly doing exactly what it's designed to do there's just a lot of propaganda to mislead you such as the infamous trickle down economics idea

[-] Traister101@lemmy.today 17 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Always comment the why, not the what/how. Bonus of doing this is you only need to update the comments when the why changes

[-] Traister101@lemmy.today 15 points 8 months ago

Your? You mean ours

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