After pulling those games off other stores, some of which refused to refund pre orders
Why does reading this give me flashbacks to Earl in Big Guy and Rusty?
The original image makes me inclined to think it was originally a "lot lizards" joke
Combination of factors including being treated like dogshit by everyone that think tractors are still flywheel powered monsters
I know, I grew up in a farming town. One of the few reasons I accept how fucking angry rural people are is because of how the internet and urbanites treat us, it doesn't matter who I'm talking to as soon as I let my accent slip you can see their opinion drop as now they just see a country hick
Sure, shift blame away and never help feminism 101 when it comes to men
Imagine being this condescending to professionals in a highly complicated field. Farmers know this shit, hell they helped invent it you fucking prick.
You first then, don't volunteer the vulnerable to be your fodder
I voted Harris, I'll die under this you fucking ghoul
Why does it need value? Living to extract value and nothing else is toxic to your body mind and soul.
Land electing presidents is bad, but Senator's have a purpose. The better solution for the legislative house is uncapping the House so places like California are properly represented