[-] ThorrJo@lemmy.sdf.org 4 points 9 months ago

I use NoMachine, but that's in a Linux-to-Linux environment.

Did a test last weekend sitting in a department store parking lot on the store's public wifi, wifi bitrate about 50Mbps both ways, 50ms between me and my homelab ... very very usable experience with quality set at 6/10.

[-] ThorrJo@lemmy.sdf.org 8 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

it’s active disinformation campaigns and propaganda.

That's for me to decide, not for you to decide on my behalf.


Their instance continues to exist without us, their free speech continues, but by remaining federated we are giving them a platform.

This entire ideology is bullshit and I am not interested in being on instances run by people who believe it.

[-] ThorrJo@lemmy.sdf.org 4 points 11 months ago

When Nextcloud finally shipped a credible wiki (the somewhat absurdly-named "Collectives" app), this was finally enough to get me to install it for myself and my business partner. So, currently, Collectives plus the Sync feature ... other apps may draw me in later.

[-] ThorrJo@lemmy.sdf.org 4 points 11 months ago

Just wanna put in a good word about GL-iNet routers ... they are more travel- and pro-sumer focused than a lot of what's been mentioned here. They run a proprietary front end on top of OpenWRT, but if you don't like that, most of them have full support in vanilla OpenWRT.

These are definitely more for the tinkerer market, their documentation and firmware can have quirks, but that being said (and as somebody who wouldbe wary at that caveat) I have been using GLi routers with manufacturer firmware as a daily driver for 3+ years and once you get them set up they are very solid.

Might be a good option for the digital nomads among us who need a smaller device which can connect to a host network and then send all traffic over a VPN with very easy setup.

[-] ThorrJo@lemmy.sdf.org 4 points 11 months ago

I have a background (in the distant past) as a PHP dev, and currently make my income doing mostly Wordpress work.

For a very long time I took a jaundiced eye towards big PHP apps for the exact same reasons. That being said, I just two days ago finally installed Nextcloud in my homelab and exposed it to the world.

It's worth noting that a lot of PHP's bad rep comes from Wordpress, which is terrible in security terms in large part due to a huge and very poorly vetted ecosystem of plugins written by coders of all skill levels.

PHP itself had a number of anti-features which made security difficult in the past. A lot of those issues have been worked on. As somebody who was up to my eyeballs in PHP for years during the bad old days, I'm now confident installing big PHP apps if I think the dev team and dev process are reasonably mature.

[-] ThorrJo@lemmy.sdf.org 7 points 11 months ago

You might also check out rathole as it is very easy to use: https://github.com/rapiz1/rathole

[-] ThorrJo@lemmy.sdf.org 7 points 11 months ago

Basically, subs with anti-corpo principles but refuses to leave corpo Reddit.

See also: Discord

[-] ThorrJo@lemmy.sdf.org 3 points 1 year ago

same, I don't regret my exodus but I had to make the decision to force myself to find and/or bootstrap elsewhere what I was getting from reddit

[-] ThorrJo@lemmy.sdf.org 4 points 1 year ago

No regrets, I haven't fully broken the habit of reading a couple subs tho

[-] ThorrJo@lemmy.sdf.org 7 points 1 year ago

They are simply outright incompetent and driven by standard corporate middle managers chasing the next KPI.

Recent comments from the CEO confirm it. Bloodless money-grubbing techbro shitbag.

[-] ThorrJo@lemmy.sdf.org 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

If you block all of Meta just because they’re Meta, not only do you punish countless potential valued contributors who have done no wrong,

Bullshit. There's no "punishment" whatsoever. Those users are free to open accounts on fediverse servers at any time.

you also embolden Meta to engage with the Fediverse in less legitimate, more underhanded ways.

You mean like anointing a few heads of big instances as representatives of fedi and trying to get them to sign NDAs? Shit like that?

Let’s focus on building affirmatively and consciously the community we want

This is literally the point of pre-emptive blocking. Meta is an existential threat to the quality of this place, period point blank.

People, individual people, built Fedi out of nothing. It's our party, we quite like it, and we can pre-disinvite entities with an enormous track record of shitty behavior whenever we want.

If you want to interact with such entities and the typical user that comes with, by all means, find servers that federate. It will drive a netsplit, and that sucks, but it's also working as intended.

I just hope SDF is on the right side of the split. Fuck Facebook and every single thing they stand for.

[-] ThorrJo@lemmy.sdf.org 4 points 1 year ago

That sounds rough, good thing I'm no longer a participant in that whole mess

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