[-] The_v@lemmy.world 52 points 1 month ago

"Seed" in 1910 was not even close to what it is today. This was also likely cereal grains and maybe some pulses. What you could buy was basically grain from the previous year.

Also the local Coop's/grain sellers would absolutely give free seed to new immigrants anyways. It was just smart business for them. The new farmers had no place else to sell the harvest but to them. More production = more money for them. A few pennies invested that yielded dollars for years.

[-] The_v@lemmy.world 42 points 3 months ago

That would be a logical reason for it but remember this is Utah... so no.

Bees have weird place in Mormon lore. The creepy founder created a new name for them in the Book of Mormon "Deseret".

His successor, Brigham Young, used it as the name of country Mormons tried to establish in the west.

"It represents a theocracy ruled by the church."

The bee symbolism used in sermons from the 1850s described the godly society the Saints strove to build.


[-] The_v@lemmy.world 41 points 4 months ago

It's so weird that here in my state they are having 100+ applicantions for every open position.

Could It be because it pays one of the higher wages in the nation and the state next to it pays on average 1/3 less.

It's almost as if there is no teacher shortage, there is a shortage of pay to teachers.

[-] The_v@lemmy.world 63 points 5 months ago

Please....the cartels would wipe out meal-team-six in minutes and keep going.

Actual murderers who are trained in violence versus stupid cosplayers.

[-] The_v@lemmy.world 71 points 6 months ago

Chickens do not receive any hormones. It's been banned in poultry in the U.S. since the 1950's when it was tested and shown to be ineffective. Beef commonly gets hormone implants in their ears. No hormones are approved or used in feed.

The rapid growth of the birds is mostly due to selective breeding and nutritional improvements. The growth rate and adult size in animals can be massively changed by breeders. Just look at the Great Dane and mini-yorky in dogs.

They also use antibiotics in the feed to reduce the bacteria load of the birds. This does increase the growth rate and reduces sick birds and deaths. It is not a good idea when it comes to antibiotic resistance buildup in bacteria however.

[-] The_v@lemmy.world 58 points 6 months ago

I haven't seen my parents in over a decade. Born in '50 & '51 they check all the boxes of the worst stereotypes.

Republican ✓

White ✓

Racist ✓

Bigoted ✓

Ultra-Religious ✓

Limited education ✓

Entitled ✓

Narcissistic ✓

Physically and emotionally abusive ✓

Depended their parents assistance until their mid-30's, kicked their kids out at 18 (17 for me). ✓

I honestly have no clue if they are MAGA or not. I suspect they are because my older sister was pictured in the news at the orange cheetos inauguration.

[-] The_v@lemmy.world 51 points 7 months ago

Translation for those unfamiliar with MBA speak.

"The executive team are all fucking morons and screwed up a easy cash cow. So now we are going layoff the people who didn't kiss our asses properly."

[-] The_v@lemmy.world 41 points 7 months ago

I feel attacked.

[-] The_v@lemmy.world 44 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Trail Mix = 13g vs. Chocolate Chip=14g

[-] The_v@lemmy.world 45 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

A few issues with your method for the average manager.

What work exactly is the employee doing?

How do you know if it is being done correctly?

The average manager has no clue on either of these questions.

These managers rely on wandering around the office judging productiviy by who looks busy and holding constant meetings to hear themselves talk.

[-] The_v@lemmy.world 42 points 9 months ago

Personal responsibility gets all screwed up by math. I know school was a long time ago for you but you can use a calculator.

I graduated over 20 years ago. I paid for it all by myself as I was on my own at 17. My schools annual tuition/fees books was around 3.5K. Lodging/utilities/etc cost me $5,000 (roommates and no car). So a total of around $8.5K/year. I worked 25hrs per week at $7.25/hr for a gross income of around $9,400. I ended up $3K in debt. It took me 5 years to pay it off after I graduated. I started out at $27K.

My sons a sophomore this year at a the same school. Tuition is 9.7K lodging/utilities, etc around $14,000/year. So around $23.7K/year. Minimum wage in the state just went to $13.20. At 25hrs per week this is a gross income of $17K.

So my son would end up $30k+ in debt doing the exact same thing I did.

I start out my career making 27K with 3K in debt. Only 11% of my gross . Itwasn't that hard to pay it off and was never a major concern.

My son would start out making around 45k/year with more than 30K in debt. 66% of his gross income.

[-] The_v@lemmy.world 45 points 10 months ago

It's a pretty good example of a few things.

Starting from left.

Ear 1 & 2 lack of fertility early on.

Ear 3 severe pollination issues - no fertility problems.

Ear 4 and 5 - ran out of fertility around tasseling.

Ear 6 moderate pollination issues - looks like the plant germinated late.

Ear 7 is immature

Ear 8 - tip back - either genetic or linked to planting density/light levels.

Ear 9 - on the edge with full light and adequate nutrition.

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