[-] TheFriendlyDickhead@lemm.ee 13 points 2 days ago

I recently bought the samsung A15. And even though it came out this year it still has the headphone jack. If you don't have special use cases for your phone that you need a lot of power for I can realy recomend the low end samsung phones. They work absolutely fine. I used my last low end samsung phone for 5 years before replacing

[-] TheFriendlyDickhead@lemm.ee 18 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Can anyone in their right mind realy trust someone who said this:

Probably even brought out the fresh toilet paper for the loo’s.

[-] TheFriendlyDickhead@lemm.ee 3 points 5 days ago

What happened to Belarus?

[-] TheFriendlyDickhead@lemm.ee 46 points 3 months ago

Some wanna be dictator.

[-] TheFriendlyDickhead@lemm.ee 80 points 4 months ago

Ok, what did I miss?

[-] TheFriendlyDickhead@lemm.ee 66 points 5 months ago

He was also ~~a massive~~ French ~~asshole~~. 🤢

[-] TheFriendlyDickhead@lemm.ee 70 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

The difference is that they usualy plan for a longer time, sometimes for generations, while the usual CEOs plan very short term, because they don't care what happens with the company after them. Family owned business don't have to give out part of their earnings every year, so it's not that big of a problem if they have little earnings in a year, while the market share of a normal Company will immediately fall. So there actually is a huge difference.

That aside I don't know why they market it like that. I think it just sounds more trustworthy.

[-] TheFriendlyDickhead@lemm.ee 53 points 8 months ago

To be fair when living on the street a pitbull can defend you from other junkies robbing you or just Dickson who are attacking you.


In politics most people just critizise each other, but what did your local government actually do a good job on?

[-] TheFriendlyDickhead@lemm.ee 48 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

prefer u are in or went to college.

When exactly are you supposed to go there if you spend your whole day with this person's spoiled brats.

[-] TheFriendlyDickhead@lemm.ee 185 points 10 months ago

I actually click on all the porn posts. Just like ah yes boobs, very nice and continue with my day


Happend 10 years ago.

When I was in 7th grade my teacher was late. So me and some other people sat at the computer and did dumb shit. Then one person has the idea to look for a weapon online shop. I tiped it in and the second I clicked one a website the teacher came in (yea I know fucking stupid, but I was a kid). He reacted realy strangely. He asked me if everything was OK and if I had problems at home and stuff like that. So realy extreme stuff for just a dumb kid googleing to much. But not at all judgy, more concerned. At the time I didn't think much of it.

Two years later he killed himself. Nobody saw it comming, because he always looked happy. Apparently he had depression and already had it for years. And after that it kicked in my head. Two years earlier he asked me those questions because that's what he felt. He was concerned that I felt what he felt and wanted to help me get the help he would have needed.

I still think of this regularly and it makes me realy sad. Mental illness is a bitch.

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