I've had to cave and use some services (for work reasons) that I'd swore I would never use. No matter how much we value privacy and look for alternative software/services when possible - we still have to eat and pay bills.

If you are in the same boat and you must use services like that, then my advice would be to keep it strictly business. Keep your personal details and personal social connections to a minimum unless where it would be otherwise beneficial for work purposes.

[-] TheFeatureCreature@lemmy.world 30 points 5 days ago

Good. Fuck that fascist and his companies. The only sad part of this story is that they used paint and not something that would etch or scratch the stainless.

Even with her guard up, Shadowheart's character is still more varied. Her reactions are more mixed and you can really see her bluntness and pragmatism come through. Her responses vary from indifference, apathy, rudeness, hostility, and moments of care and tenderness. Astarion in Act 1 is just an asshole all the time. I also feel that some of his reactions clash with his character and don't make sense. Don't get me wrong; I think he's a good character but I can also see why so many want nothing to do with him.

[-] TheFeatureCreature@lemmy.world 18 points 6 days ago

Astarion is particularly annoying in Act 1 for some reason, with 99% of his reactions just being him hating anything that is remotely positive. His reactions (and character in general) in the following acts is a lot more fleshed out and varied.

I've finished nearly all at least once.

But I've played Skyrim for thousands of hours and only ever completed the main questline once.

[-] TheFeatureCreature@lemmy.world 199 points 2 weeks ago
  • and X has threatened to take them to court to seek the return of the funds plus interest

Doubt it. Call their bluff. They'd lose so much more to legal/court fees than they'd ever get back. X is just looking for a quick cash injection.

[-] TheFeatureCreature@lemmy.world 195 points 2 weeks ago

And so begins "Line must go up" and the inevitable enshittification .

[-] TheFeatureCreature@lemmy.world 190 points 3 weeks ago

This is just flatout theft. This is stealing of customer property. Incredible.

[-] TheFeatureCreature@lemmy.world 289 points 1 month ago

Not surprising. They archive information that powerful people would rather we forget.

[-] TheFeatureCreature@lemmy.world 156 points 1 month ago

New AI technology promises to-

Hmm, where have I heard this before...

Neglect - 3D (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by TheFeatureCreature@lemmy.world to c/artshare@lemmy.world

A little something I whipped up to stress test my new workstation PC while in-between bigger projects. Made in Blender and Photoshop! :D

[-] TheFeatureCreature@lemmy.world 174 points 2 months ago

Excited to see Discord do absolutely nothing about this despite it being an egregious breach of their TOS.


I picked up this old calculator from a thrift store for $25. I cleaned it up and got it working again and decided it would make for a cool thing to model, especially with the VFD tubes! My model is not perfectly 1:1 to the original but I tried to make it match where it counts. This model was a lot of fun to make and I am very happy with how it turned out! Made in Blender and Substance Painter.

Mushy (3D) - By Me (photos.smugmug.com)

A little close up macro scene I put together in Blender! I usually do expansive vistas or interiors so this was a nice change of pace for me.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by TheFeatureCreature@lemmy.world to c/artshare@lemmy.world

Remaking one of my very first 3D scenes with my modern skills and knowledge. I think it turned out alright! Thank you for looking :D

Made in Blender and Substance Painter with editing in Photoshop.

Winter Wonder (3D) - by me (photos.smugmug.com)

Been a while since I made something snowy in Blender! Turned out decently, I think. I usually do pictures with stronger, more direct sunlight so it was cool to do a semi-overcast scene. Made in Blender with light touching up in Photoshop!


A sort of thought-exercise-turned-artproject encouraged by my therapist. Not exactly how I imagined it when I started but that is usually how these go. Made in Blender with editing in Photoshop. Thanks for looking :D

Ashore - by Me (3D Art) (photos.smugmug.com)

My newest 3D piece I finished up this morning. Made in Blender with some mild editing in Photoshop afterwards. Thanks for lookin! :D


My latest thingy made in Blender with light post processing done in Photoshop!


Handsome and floofy. Was surprised how big they are when I saw some in person. Beautiful birbs!

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joined 1 year ago