[-] Tattorack@lemmy.world 38 points 3 hours ago

Unfortunately, when America farts we're all forced to smell it. America wants Europeans to stay out of American business, buts that's rather difficult to do when that country demands to be the center of attention.

[-] Tattorack@lemmy.world 6 points 3 hours ago

It's very difficult to avoid comparing right wing America to fascists when they have this much of a problem with Maus.

[-] Tattorack@lemmy.world 13 points 5 hours ago

The choir. This is preaching to the choir.

[-] Tattorack@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

I bought a certified refurbished 512 GB LCD model. This was shortly before the OLED version came out. You can get a lot of games to run 4 hours on it, longer if the game hardly challenges the Deck.

Other games just juice the Deck like a lemon.

Games like Worms WMD last a very long time on the Deck.

No Man's Sky lasts 4-ish hours, though perhaps a little under 4 hours.

Civ 6 sucks the battery dry in less than 2 hours, but with tweaking some settings now lasts 4 hours.

Phoenix Point runs well but drinks battery power like an alcoholic, lasting only an hour.

Switch games emulated through Yuzu can last a surprisingly long time. I've managed to play Breath of the Wild for nearly 4 hours.

All in all I would say the LCD model is not a bad choice at all. However, if you can afford the OLED model, I'd recommend getting that one; it's exactly like my model in performance, except better in a few areas. The battery is bigger and lasts much longer. The screen looks gorgeous being an OLED. Valve has made opening the Deck easier, for maintenance and modification purposes.

[-] Tattorack@lemmy.world 6 points 1 day ago

That's a really good quote.

[-] Tattorack@lemmy.world 44 points 2 days ago

The alleged skull of Mary Magdalene.

[-] Tattorack@lemmy.world 6 points 2 days ago

Now wheeeeere have I seen this before.....? Hmmmmmmm...

[-] Tattorack@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

I use Yuzu through EmuDeck. Even with Nintendo having given the crunch on Yuzu it's still my preferred emu and can run almost anything with little to ko flaws.

  • Mariokart 8 Deluxe runs great, flawlessly I'd almost say! Online multiplayer works really well too, if you have friends that are also playing through Yuzu. However... Local multiplayer is hit or miss; there is a prevalent issue starting up a splitscreen match with the controller activation pop-up, as it tends to soft-lock the game.

  • The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild runs great too, but with occasional framerate instability. However, I noticed framerate on the native Switch wasn't perfectly stable either when I played my friend's copy. You'll certainly notice bad framerate when the game has to render rainy thunderstorms.

  • Raymen Legends The Complete Edition is completely flawless!

  • Mario Wonder struggles a lot with framedrops. Dunno what it is, but that game is seriously difficult to get a stable framerate on regardless of the Deck or a modestly powerful desktop, even after trying all sorts of settings.

Those are all the Switch games I've played, but I'm also playing, and have played other emulated games:

  • PCSX2 for PlayStation 2 I don't think you're going to have any problems with. I've played through some of Rayman 2 and Spyro The Eternal Night and have had no issues.

  • RPCS3 for Playstation 3 takes some finangling with the settings to get games to run decently, and you WILL still get imperfect framerates... Buuuuut... I'm currently playing the first Motorstorm and the Ratchet & Clank HD Trilogy and I really can't complain. Despite the occasional slow-mo lag (especially in Ratchet & Clank for some reason) performance is great.

The two games I'm playing through RPCS3 work best by setting the resolution to 75% native and turning on 50% FSR in the emulator's graphics settings. It looks better and runs better that way, as opposed to using the native resolution.

[-] Tattorack@lemmy.world 8 points 2 days ago

Not everyone never leaves their house.

[-] Tattorack@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago

Thanks to Humble Monthly I have over 400 games on my Steam account.

In just the last three weeks I've played No Man's Sky, Worms WMD, Civ 6, Bravery and Greed, Darkest Dungeon, Warframe and just today LEGO 2K Drive.

And that's not counting emulation.

If you're complaining that some AAA games don't work, that's because AAA games have sucked for the past 5 or so years. Starfield, Jedi Survivor, Cyberpunk all still struggle to run nicely on even the best hardware out there. Not a problem with the Deck, but rather the state of the industry.

[-] Tattorack@lemmy.world 20 points 2 days ago

Imagine not understanding the point of a handheld PC.

[-] Tattorack@lemmy.world 6 points 3 days ago

Oh no, plenty bad happens here. Just that when comparing to the problems the US has... Yeah, it's a good reminder of how well everything works over here, despite the problems.

submitted 1 week ago by Tattorack@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I have a 2nd generation XP Pen Artist 13. It's a great tablet and I've managed to make it work with my Steam Deck too.


It's basically an external monitor with pressure sensitive surface, so still less portable than an actual stand alone table. So I'm wondering if there is a tablet with a pressure sensitive screen and battery free pen that either comes with Linux or can install Linux on.

The programs I use for making art are Krita, Gimp, and Blender 3D.


There are many other bee species that can sting Humans and survive, but the European honeybee has a barbed stinger, so it cannot remove the stinger once it's stung. In attempting to remove the stinger the bee will rupture its lower abdomen and then die.

Why? What is the evolutionary advantage to that?


I apologize if this video has already been posted here. I did a rudimentary look through the posts of the past few days and couldn't see it.

submitted 7 months ago by Tattorack@lemmy.world to c/music@lemmy.world

Recently discovered The Art of Noise by looking up Max Headroom. Found a bunch of tracks I like that fit well with my already existing Spotify playlists.

However, I want to find more music like three of the dance tracks on the album Dreaming. specifically like the tracks "Colour Red", "Colour Maroon", and "Colour White".

Any recommended tracks/albums/artists?

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by Tattorack@lemmy.world to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

I want to get back into reading, so I'm thinking of getting a Paperwhite. But I have no idea if it's possible to transfer files to it from a computer, and I have no experience with pirating books.

Do I go to the same places I torrent movies and games or are there special places dedicated to E-Books?

EDIT: So many awesome answers on here! You guys have been very helpful. Thanks a lot!

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