[-] Tamo@programming.dev 6 points 7 months ago

'Evacuation zone' aka these peoples homes and communities, where many other civilians need rescue and aid. No no please keep supporting the idea that 2 million people can just move to an undeveloped plain and have all aid including food, water and shelter withheld. Collective punishment is a war crime.

Monstrous take. Do better.

[-] Tamo@programming.dev 5 points 7 months ago

Isn't Dishonored somewhat of a spiritual successor?

[-] Tamo@programming.dev 3 points 7 months ago

I'm by no means saying that they have no further role in the company, and you are absolutely correct that these companies need to continue to innovate. This is why I mentioned transitioning control to a better candidate, because the role of the CEO changes as the company matures.

Smart founders should find a way to continue to play into their strengths instead of clinging to the highest title, otherwise they will always need to be removed.

[-] Tamo@programming.dev 2 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Surely protecting is by definition preemptive since it means you are not allowing the violence against yourself or someone else to occur? Not saying your first point is wrong just doesn't seem consistent to me.

Only revenge/retribution would not be preemptive which imo is not better.

[-] Tamo@programming.dev 6 points 8 months ago

Hey, the anime isn't going anywhere. You can still enjoy it whenever you like. Just accept this isn't for you, and be happy for the people it is for instead of gatekeeping.

[-] Tamo@programming.dev 3 points 8 months ago

Absolutely not. Citizens can be just as much a victim of terrorist states as those they affect beyond their borders, and are just as deserving of humanitarian aid as any other civilian in an active warzone.

[-] Tamo@programming.dev 2 points 9 months ago

Any particular goals with Ada? Had an academic curiosity for a few years but never used it in earnest.

[-] Tamo@programming.dev 6 points 9 months ago

Deliberately trying to burn the house down on the way out more likely

[-] Tamo@programming.dev 3 points 9 months ago

Bit disappointed in the 'other galaxy', and the lack of effort to make it feel different. Especially the local raiders being basically tuskans, using the same energy rifles as the main galaxy, more sisters of dathomir just with a different name and they still know of and care about the jedi.

Would really have liked it to feel more distinct from the star wars galaxy, like it had a truely separate history, and not just like another planet.

This episode had a lot of positives though, more insight into Balen's motives and the new storm trooper armour was great.

[-] Tamo@programming.dev 7 points 10 months ago

ARM is also expanding hugely into the autonomous vehicle space, given the amount of computing required in cars is increasing and low power is very desirable.

RISC-V is an interesting experiment into what an open source ISA looks like, and it is getting funding and interest, but I'd say we're at least 5-10 years from RISC-V meaningfully competing with ARM's market share, which it massively dominates currently. It just isn't a coherent product yet.

[-] Tamo@programming.dev 3 points 11 months ago

Good luck ever doing anything embedded if you always need a clunky IDE. Best thing I ever did was get comfortable in a solely vim/cmake/gcc environment. Even if the majority of work doesn't require it, it'll teach you a lot.

[-] Tamo@programming.dev 2 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Ah so the prime minister had the pass code to his official government phone just written down somewhere... That's great sounds secure to me, carry on

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