[-] Talia@feddit.it 3 points 1 month ago

Immagine what it could be if the cortisol mechanism didn't work

[-] Talia@feddit.it 4 points 2 months ago

I'd like to but many people I've heard said it's a procedure that needs to be repeated periodically, isn't it?

[-] Talia@feddit.it 4 points 2 months ago

Sure, but nothing close to 60k a year

[-] Talia@feddit.it 7 points 2 months ago

We don't really need college founds in Italy, the fee for a middle class family is around 2k a year

[-] Talia@feddit.it 14 points 3 months ago

Unless they're being rude about it you shouldn't take that personally, they're doing exactly that job for you and it's useful to make easier to find contents for other people

[-] Talia@feddit.it 1 points 3 months ago

I'm so happy I can fight my bottle when I want to drink, the solution could have been to have aluminium caps like for the glass bottles or even to switch to only glass bottles but noooo, let's use more plastic to make sure people wrestle with their beverages

Vicini e lontani (www.spreaker.com)
submitted 1 year ago by Talia@feddit.it to c/podcast@feddit.it

Indirizzo RSS: https://www.spreaker.com/show/5866247/episodes/feed

Vicini e lontani è un podcast de il Post sulle specie aliene, le specie alloctone, quelle che l’attività umana ha spostato dal loro biotopo per portarle dove non sono previste. Pappagalli, nutrie, alberi del paradiso, ratti, insetti parassiti delle palme: sono ormai moltissimi i casi, li conosciamo bene. Matteo Bordone e Adriano Martinoli dialogano su questi temi nelle loro declinazioni, con interviste ad altri biologi che si occupano sul campo di prevenire problemi futuri e gestire quelli per cui ormai tornare indietro è impensabile.


joined 1 year ago