[-] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 4 points 2 weeks ago

From what Internet tells, it's in the Calculus Affair, but I cant remember for sure

[-] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 4 points 2 weeks ago

Je sais pas vraiment si c'est de l'argot, mais moi c'est gloubiboulga. Quand j'étais gamin ça me faisait beaucoup rire d'entendre mes parents dire ça, et ça m'amuse toujours un peu aujourd'hui

[-] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 3 points 1 month ago

Haha you're right I do Thx for sharing this :D

[-] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 3 points 1 month ago

Im 25 so slowly leaving the young person sphere, but I do have CDs and I did buy some at concerts.

Im a metalhead, so it was mostly for metal bands, and maybe this is specific for this genre, but every show i went to, I saw CDs being sold. I think out of 20-25 concerts, i bought 5-6 CDs, that i mostly listen to in my car. Two of them were signed by the band, so this was one more reason to buy it.

When I don't listen to metal, im into folk, rap or electro. I do have some folk CDs, that i listen to with my parents. But for rap and electro, everything happens online. My brother released a first rap EP, and printing on a CD was a very distant option for him and his crew, like 'this would be cool but that' s too much for now'. On the opposite, my friend who have a metal band immediatly started a crowdfunding to get their first EP printed on a small scale

[-] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 4 points 1 month ago

I get that people may be bored of politics, this is legitimate. I disagree that it is a Lemmy's problem though. Imho, decentralization and leaving Reddit are political decisions, opposing the up hand of big companies on social medias. So it seems to me that it is in the nature of Lemmy and Fediverse to be politically oriented. And even if you disagree that it is in their nature, maybe we can agree that it is logical that they tend to gather politically motivated peoples, as apolitical folks will probably stay on mainstream medias.

[-] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 5 points 1 month ago

Upvote for the trump point, im with you on this one Other questions are meaningless here imo, just because X did not commit the crimes Y did, does not mean they should be treated differently if they did crimes of their own

(Still better voting blue than voting red though, fuck trump)

[-] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 5 points 2 months ago

Je suis d'accord, notre système "semi" présidentiel me paraît un défaut Une des difficultés que j'ai rencontrées en en parlant autour de moi, c'est que ça facilite la lecture politique pour pas mal de gens, en polarisant autour des personnalités plutôt que des partis : à mon sens, c'est en bonne partie pour ça que des partis peuvent pâtir de l'image de leur leader (coucou Melenchon) et qu'on peut construire des partis autour d'une personne plutôt que d'idées (coucou Macron) On me dira que c'est aussi le cas dans les régimes parlementaires, avec lea premier.e ministres ou les leader de partis, mais je pense que le côté suffrage universel pour élire le président n'y est pas pour rien. Genre sur le papier c'est simple et efficace : on a tous et toutes voté pour, donc la personne est forcément légitime à tout diriger. Et derrière ça engendre des tensions au sein des partis, autour de qui est censé diriger, qui est légitime, etc.

[-] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 6 points 7 months ago

Not at the moment, from what I know

[-] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 6 points 1 year ago

Eh, in general i agree with you, but i think in this case it could be considered as "ironic". Like someone complains "I'm tired of hearing about trans in public spaces, pls keep it for yourself, we dont care", and someone replies "Im' tired of hearing complaints about trans in public spaces, pls keep it for yourself, we dont care". I think we all agree that the argument is not really good in any case, but as the second one was a reply, maybe we can see it as an application of first comment's logic to itself.

[-] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

I agree on the point that "they are racist/pedo because of the power they receive" is pretty much false in this situation.

But i would say that this is not the only meaning behind "Power corrupts". (What follows is only a personnal opinion, there may be some wrong usage of terms or anything) To me, it also means that power corrupts our ways of thinking : believing in a strong power, even if you do not hold it, tends to makes this power more important than human lives or conditions. Like "Police is important, so it's okay if some peoples get hurt to protect it". In other words, the more you believe in power, the more it may become an end rather than a tool. This is were the corruption is to me.

I think that people get racist because they believe in some kind of great cause that should held power (like Homeland, Historical Background, Race, etc.). Then they consider normal to use power for this cause, even if it is against other people. Maybe it's not the same thing for getting attracted to young people. But doing pedo crimes always involve some power in the very act of it, and to some extent in the decision making that led to it.

To sum it up, imo the hate and weird attraction of those cops basically mean that they think they have, or that they should have, a legitimate power over other people (minorities, kids, etc.). Even if it's not the specific power that they got as cops that corrupted them, it is their belief in power more generally. (and as other said, the power they got as cops probably reinforced all of this, as a vicious circle).

[-] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 7 points 1 year ago

Ooooh ok, got it. Thank you very much for explaining !

[-] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

Hey, noobie question here, I dont know much about fediverse, so don't mind correct me :

Is it a good thing ?

I first had the feeling that it ain't, but everybody in the comment section seems happy with it. My knowledge of the Fediverse is this :

  • Federation aims to decentralization
  • The aim beyond decentralization is to prevent one entity (like Reddit) to have too much power over the content created and shared.
  • When Meta said they wanted to connect Threads to the fediverse, people seemed concerned and/or opposed to it. It seemed coherent to me as the federation with Meta was seen as a danger for decentralization, because a big entity could have access to the content. (I feel like I probably misunderstood that part though).

Now, I (personnally) consider that any state is as a big entity as big companies, and that we should feel as much concerned about their power over content and informations. This is of course debatable and maybe the origin of my misunderstanding.

So here's my true question : do i miss any point in this, that could make me understand why you consider it a good thing ?

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