[-] Squizzy@lemmy.world 1 points 5 hours ago

I didnt say it was created by colonists, it was however pushed as a term to be used to strengthen the view in eyebof the public, this was a specific policy noted by Churchill.

[-] Squizzy@lemmy.world 2 points 12 hours ago

Yeah he definitely can veer too much into that stuff for a time. I strongly dislike his thumbnails and titles but I feel he has to do that to compete but I do like his content, some days just less than others.

[-] Squizzy@lemmy.world 4 points 19 hours ago

Thanks for the great breakdown, it sounds vaguely familiar. I remember K's retraction bit and I follow Philip DeFranco. Disappointed he landed on the wrong side.

[-] Squizzy@lemmy.world 1 points 19 hours ago

Good man yourself

[-] Squizzy@lemmy.world 1 points 19 hours ago

Except it was a politicised term used by an occupying force to strengthen their claim over our lands. Apologies if the suffering of our people, decimation of our language and culture and not to mention crippling genocide should be tolerated by use because "British and Irish and isles" is too wordy for you.

Ill take south eastern icelandic archipelago if you would prefer.

[-] Squizzy@lemmy.world 4 points 19 hours ago

What drama, and if sided with Kurzgesagt when they were in the right as you say, what is the issue?

[-] Squizzy@lemmy.world 7 points 19 hours ago

His shit got waaaay too long too.

I'll end with haemmoroids if I watch his feature lengtj vids when I take a shit.

Damn algorithm really pushed good creators to ramble and add fluff.

[-] Squizzy@lemmy.world 4 points 20 hours ago

Still with Phil, my god it has been so long. I was there for the lost mountain dew video. My interest goes up and down, he can go through periods of very celeb focused or very america focused which can be boring but overall I like him and what he creates.

He needs to stop with the "news studio" shit and commit to something, let it grow and see where it ends up. I have lost like totally awesome, sourcefed and now rogue rocket.

[-] Squizzy@lemmy.world 11 points 20 hours ago

I watched an Irish tech reviewer because I wanted to support local, he was decent and would have relevant info regarding pricing and release windows.

Noticed he was getting abit whiny and doing some oddly focusef videos but I made no conscious decision to stop wtching.

Remembered him a few years ago and he is gone fucking nuts with this mad US centric Trump conservative nonsense. It is honestly nearly laughable only for it is so aggressively hateful.

[-] Squizzy@lemmy.world 3 points 20 hours ago

Meh 6 people, almost every song we could want for less than 20 bucks is ideal.

That said I am gearing up to change streamer just because they annoy me with UI changes, forcing originals, pushing gigs despite disabling that function...and the longest running gripe of all: let me disable censored songs you cunts. I never want the clean version.

[-] Squizzy@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago

It was always a contentious issue, there was just a lot of sympathy for the jewish people given the circumstances. Right being right, a portion of Germany should have been given. Instead the issue was exported to be dealt with remotely to the detriment of a different people who were wholly uninvolved.

At the moment, any defense of Israel's right to exist is used to excuse a very clear land grab. Israel has the right to eist within is Israel only.

[-] Squizzy@lemmy.world 17 points 3 days ago

Why add this to te immigration screeming process while they are actively committing war crimes, stealing land and murdering kids?

germany has managed to land on te wrong side of history twice in the same conversation.

Blindly standing with a group becuase germany feels they have given their own atrocious history.

submitted 3 months ago by Squizzy@lemmy.world to c/star_wars@lemmy.world
Wedding Confusion (lemmy.world)

I an lost with what to wear to my wedding. It is a summertime lakehouse venue and I am thinking 100 different things.

Half of me wants to stand out that bit extra and get a dinner jacket/tux. Or else a three piece mismatched set, like matching waistcoat and pants with a different colour jacket.

The other half wants simplicity with a two piece and suspenders.

I like three pieces because they keep you looking together throughout a long day and night.

I am mostly against check patterns and am leaning toward greens like sage or emerald with cream but open to options. Happy with earth tones or natural colours.


I need to get up without waking the wife and kids, I got a smartwatch to vibrate and it woke her. The alarm is always going to wake the house.

Is there anything else?

submitted 4 months ago by Squizzy@lemmy.world to c/australia@aussie.zone

I watched beautiful Kate years and years ago, my first Mendo movie, and I loved the music. I used to listen to the main theme and "this little Bird" on YouTube but the latter has been removed from everywhere I've searched.

If anyone could help I'd really appreciate it.

submitted 5 months ago by Squizzy@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I check the spec and it has a wifi chip but the os can't see it.

I had a wifi toggle on windows 11 when I got the PC and also when I used a mint USB boot. Driver manager sees nothing to update or install.

The mint community page has failed to post my question a few times so now I'm here.

submitted 5 months ago by Squizzy@lemmy.world to c/ps5@lemmy.world

I want to get a sync box but they are not 4k120. The FancyLEDs box only has one input meaning I can't use a PS5 and set top box or Apple TV.

Any advice or successful set ups?


I am looking for speakers, decent quality and nice looking that doesn't stand out too much. I want it on a bookshelf in the kitchen and another in the sitting room.

I want it to connect to a home server but also Spotify/streaming. And I'd like them to link together.

Basically I want the house listening experience to be seamless when going between different rooms, 2-4 speakers. Audiobooks and some music would be stored on a Nas and most music and podcasts would be Spotify.

I'd prefer to interact with it through my phone, Android if possible but not completely necessary.

In my head I imagine walking into a new room and tapping the speaker with my phone to switch to that speaker.

Is this a real thing?


I see a lot about source codes being leaked and I'm wondering how it that you could make something like an exact replica of Super Mario Bros without the source code or how you can't take the finished product and run it back through the compilation software?

Feature Requests (lemmy.world)

Long press on links to show the link address.

Pressing images open the image in the viewer which currently doesn't happen for me in comments on posts with images directly posted.

Option to disable all data saver options, I'd like all images to open at the max resolution.

submitted 9 months ago by Squizzy@lemmy.world to c/liftoff@lemmy.world

On relay for Reddit there was a function where I could use keywords like "Putin" and it would filter out all posts with that word in it's title.

I yearn to clean up my frontpage.

The Missing (lemmy.world)
submitted 10 months ago by Squizzy@lemmy.world to c/television@lemmy.world

Just finished season 2 and wanted to discuss. I think it was a little bit long toward the end and behind the first season but otherwise it was enjoyable. The actress playing the daughter was very good, creepy though.

submitted 1 year ago by Squizzy@lemmy.world to c/fitness@lemmy.world

So I've been out of the game a couple of years, I did a bit of calisthenics but I'm too fat now to go at that and also I was never flexible which brought a bit of a wall to that path.

I've about 10kg put on past my resting happy weight and 13-15kg past my prime. I'm looking to drop weight first and foremost and maybe build stamina.

I have my own barriers tl push through, hoping this restart takes but mostly I now have to be self motivated because a change in location means no classes only gym access.

So... Could anyone provide a quick 45-60 minute routine to get me started. I'm 183cm and 100kg.

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joined 1 year ago