[-] SomethingBurger@jlai.lu 5 points 1 day ago

The Ultimate Edition on Steam has all DLC.

[-] SomethingBurger@jlai.lu 11 points 1 day ago

The increase in the use of "hell" must come from metal.

[-] SomethingBurger@jlai.lu 9 points 1 day ago

Same in France. They had huge protests years ago to ban Uber, because they didn't want competition making it harder to pay for their license.

Motherfucker, who lobbied to limit the number of licenses in the first place?

[-] SomethingBurger@jlai.lu 1 points 1 day ago

Ne jamais interrompre son ennemi quand il commet une erreur.

[-] SomethingBurger@jlai.lu 12 points 2 days ago

NFT = Non-Fuckable Teenagers?

[-] SomethingBurger@jlai.lu 27 points 4 days ago

Test what? Downloading zips?

[-] SomethingBurger@jlai.lu 3 points 4 days ago

This picture was taken in Israel.

[-] SomethingBurger@jlai.lu 106 points 6 days ago

MIT License

Hopefully, you learned your lesson.

[-] SomethingBurger@jlai.lu 102 points 3 months ago

Microsoft: "what do you mean, your PC?"

[-] SomethingBurger@jlai.lu 154 points 5 months ago

All modules that call a Unix library contain WoW64 thunks to enable calling the 64-bit Unix library from 32-bit PE code. This means that it is possible to run 32-bit Windows applications on a purely 64-bit Unix installation. This is called the new WoW64 mode, as opposed to the old WoW64 mode where 32-bit applications run inside a 32-bit Unix process.


[-] SomethingBurger@jlai.lu 93 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

triple parentheses

unironic use of the word cuck

conspiracy theory about Google being a fake company


beubar (jlai.lu)
submitted 8 months ago by SomethingBurger@jlai.lu to c/rance@jlai.lu
[-] SomethingBurger@jlai.lu 250 points 8 months ago

A photograph of two Chinese athletes hugging after a race has been censored on Chinese social media because the women’s race numbers inadvertently formed a reference to the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989.

How fragile is their regime if it is threatened by race numbers?

submitted 9 months ago by SomethingBurger@jlai.lu to c/france@jlai.lu

Un fait-divers hallucinant ? Un troupeau de moutons a dévoré 300 kg de cannabis, près de Almyros, en Grèce. Les bêtes, qui vivent en liberté, se sont introduites dans une serre de cannabis médical après que les inondations qui ont suivi le passage de la tempête Daniel ont dévasté leurs sources de nourritures habituelles.

"Nous avons perdu 80% de notre production à cause des inondations. Alors que nous essayions de sauver tout ce que nous pouvions, nous avons soudain vu des moutons paître à l'intérieur de la serre", témoigne le propriétaire de la culture, Yannis Bouroounis, selon des propos rapportés par le média grec Skaï. Le cannabis médical est légal en Grèce depuis 2017.

"Le problème était de savoir comment les chasser de la récolte, car rien ne les faisait repartir", raconte encore le propriétaire. Les moutons "aiment vraiment le chanvre, le haschich et les légumes verts", ils "sautaient plus haut que les chèvres", conclut Yannis Bouroounis.

submitted 9 months ago by SomethingBurger@jlai.lu to c/videos@jlai.lu
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