[-] SmilingSolaris@lemmy.world 8 points 1 month ago

Pedantic af. Where's it say on your license that you gotta be such a baby?

[-] SmilingSolaris@lemmy.world 8 points 2 months ago

Brother did you know it's currently a crime in the United States of America to be a government employee and identify openly as a communist?

[-] SmilingSolaris@lemmy.world 8 points 2 months ago

I want you to genuinely think. Will more queer folk be harmed under Biden or Trump? It's a cynical question. But you can't lie to yourself and say the answer is the same. That's my simple math.

Saying I'm going to "stand by and shrug my shoulders". You don't know me. Your arguing a faceless amalgamation of every liberal who vaguely says something liberal. Understand I am not a liberal. Understand that I have stake in this. Understand that we both can shit on Biden all god damn day but at the end of it, we both know queer folk will suffer less under Biden. That doesn't mean he's going to fix it. Doesn't mean he's going to be a big ol trans flag waving person. He simply will not accelerate it.

I'll take the extra time. Because unless your planning on grabbing and gun and popping shots in the next few months, that's the fucking choice right now. And I'll take the extra time rather than the guy who's gonna turn your states anti trans legislation into federal legislation.

It's cynical. But thems the breaks.

Respect comrade. We are in this boat together.

[-] SmilingSolaris@lemmy.world 6 points 2 months ago

Hey what's your thoughts on manifest destiny? Just curious

[-] SmilingSolaris@lemmy.world 6 points 2 months ago

Y'all just said German twice

[-] SmilingSolaris@lemmy.world 6 points 3 months ago

My point is that targeting civilians is never okay. And if we are going to open the box to "well the state committed war crimes so civilians had to be targeted" I'd like to know your opinions on both 9/11 and October 7th, cause I bet there's gonna be some inconsistency to your belief.

But that whole argument concedes the point that the nukes stopped Japan. They did not. Japan was already sueing for peace. They were willing to negotiate and we know that what they were and were not willing to give up lines up with what we did end up agreeing to post war anyways. The nukes were pointless on top of being abhorrent.

[-] SmilingSolaris@lemmy.world 6 points 3 months ago

Because the other option is more people suffer and I am not an accelerationist willing to hold my comrades lives hostage to prove a point to liberals. There are other means and methods. We can't vote socialism in but that doesn't mean we ignore it. It serves another purpose if not the one you want it to.

[-] SmilingSolaris@lemmy.world 8 points 3 months ago

Just remember, most western atheists were Christians for a long time first. They ain't outsiders talking about a faith they don't understand, they are people of the same culture criticizing that culture.

In short, they own the Bible just as much as you do.

[-] SmilingSolaris@lemmy.world 8 points 3 months ago

But that's not the cause for a ban here.

[-] SmilingSolaris@lemmy.world 8 points 3 months ago

Who knew the magical word was China to turn everyone here into a meta lapdog

[-] SmilingSolaris@lemmy.world 6 points 4 months ago

For speaking the truth? Justify Bitcoin minings worth to society and the cost on our planet it causes. Gimme

[-] SmilingSolaris@lemmy.world 7 points 6 months ago

Isreal is nothing but a continuation of the holocaust. The mass migration of jews from their nation of origin to a colony is genocide from all the European nations and America who supported and funded its creation. It was final solution part 2. Not even an original one, the nazis had the Same idea first for Madagascar

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