
joined 2 years ago

I can think of no punishment more severe.

I'm confused about what you want.

Mods literally got replaced by reddit because they refused to capitulate.

I'm not a fan of reddits choices, but if I was deeply involved in a community I'd consider staying to be part of that community still.

That was aggressively awful.

I get what you are saying, and I don't mean to trivialize ADHD or anyone's experience. I just feel that many opinions and experiences I've seen here are common occurrences to me and most people I know. It's impossible to judge how frequent or distressing each of them are to anyone who is suffering due to them. In my experience nearly everything posted here is a not a "that happens once in a while" but a "yes that is a thing humans do."

I think since everyone who has ADHD only knows what it is like to have ADHD many silly things everybody experiences are seen as a result of ADHD. Like giving up on a comment while posting it.

Once again, I have no way of judging how impactful, frequent and distressing any behavior is for another person, nor do I think there is benefit in doing so. I just believe that much of content I've seen here is not unique to ADHD people.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Why not just get a safety deposit box?

And if you have a ton of money in crypto talk to your home/rental insurance and have it covered. You don't have to do crazy etching.

[–] 7 points 2 years ago (3 children)

Nearly every post I've seen is not only applicable to me, but my wife, friends and family.

So either these aren't things unique to the ADHD experience or everyone I know has ADHD.

Are you against roads?

Do you use the sidewalk without paying a fee to a private entity that helped develop it?

Housing doesn't have to be a scarcity market. I don't anyone is complaining about people who own a house, but people are complaining about companies and individuals who own 10,000 homes.

It is easy, if you can get a mortgage.

I currently pay less than $2k a month on my mortgage. A 1 bedroom apartment near me is about $1.8-2.5k and a 2 bedroom is $2.5-3.5k a month. People aren't lazy and not buying houses because it's so fun to live in an apartment, they are doing it because they can't get a loan.

The only difficult thing about buying a house is the hours of paperwork and surprise costs that make no sense.

[–] 13 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I may have missed some steps but I recall reddit removing and replacing mods of many subs.

It doesn't matter, because the damage is done. Small communities aren't what they used to be and the big subreddits are even lower quality.

Sure, but there is a world of difference between 1700 and today, and an even bigger difference between today and space faring civilizations.

I think the idea that changelings had universally negative experiences is crazy.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

One of the problems with arguing with people online is I tend to assume people are arguing in good faith.

After getting about 50 studies showing that cell phones are bad for learning, I switched to duckduckgo. Not until page 3 did I find your sources. You have waded through data that says you are wrong. I'm not interested in copying them for you.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago (3 children)

I disagree.

Great! But you have no evidence to support your argument. Your apples to oranges comparison of laptops isn't compelling. Nor am I compelled by your methodology argument, which seems to take issue with testing a hypothesis that phones are a distraction.

thought hitting was better than nothing even when they knew it was net harmful

Once again, we know cellphones are detrimental to learning. This is not a matter of schools failing to adapt to new technology. Tablets, computers, interactive software and more are used. It is about unrestricted cell phone use, which studies have shown hinders learning.

a phone ban in NY caused an increase in overall student obedience and educational productivity, ... Of course, this study does directly contradict your educatoronline article.

No it doesn't. It says that no phones mean better learning. You are missing the forest for the trees.

Crowd dynamics

Lots of research has been done on this, and a small number of people can influence a large group. Look at "wave" studies for more info.

Calling minimum acceptable classroom behavior "picking yourself up by your bootstraps" is absurd. It's like saying that you can't expect people to not talk at the theater because that's just asking too much of people.

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