I like this list, but "what is not needed should not be made" basically ends all processes of discovery and creativity.
Also who decides what is needed? Sure, ideally we live in an equitable and inclusive society and everyone's need are respected, but we don't yet, and many people today see, for example, things disabled people need to exist, as completely unnecessary, extravagant, and even harmful, and would happily stop producing at our expense.
I get what they're trying to say, we absolutely make enormous amount of shit no one needs to feed an endless cycle of overconsumption created because line must go up, but they're focusing on the wrong part. It isn't production that is the problem, humans have always wanted to make things, it is the "for profit" component that leads to all the problems, because you're not just selling (E: or ideally simply making) to meet a need, you're creating needs that don't exist so you can sell, and always prioritise profit over anything else (sustainability, working conditions, quality, and so on).
They are checking with lemmy.ca 😂
I knew they looked familiar.. 😂
The differential between high and low tides in Alaska is crazy to me
Canada apparently get the highest with 11.7 metres (38.4 feet) mean tidal range, which I found out by accident because I was actually looking up the range specifically for the UK out of curiosity, knowing it was high but not realising it would be on the top 3 list (E: with maximum range in the Bristol Channel being 15 metres (49 feet)! ) lol
One of us, one of us.. 😂😂
And yet, instead of just scrolling on and ignoring it, hiding the post, or even blocking me, each of which or even all together would have taken a couple of clicks at most, you decided that taking the time to let everyone know was a better use of your time.
Had you even considered that no one cares that you don't like a completely inconsequential thing? 😂
Mine have been pretty much fucked since birth, so I always knew they'd eventually completely betray me lol 😭
our big companies are infinitely more powerful than our government
The big companies ARE your government. Wtf do you think "lobbying" is? Who the fuck do you think funds both your parties? (Hint: It's bribery and billionaires, respectively)
and it seems like SOME of them should be putting up a fight, standing up for their queer employees, Hispanic customers or at least the Palestinian family members of the board.
Why the fuck would they?
Because they used pink/green/crip/whatever wash for a few days each year to fool you in to believing they care? They don't. Never have.
Companies exist to make profit, as long as appropriating marginalised peoples' struggles and pretending to care made them money, they kept the mask on, now it no longer does, nor do they have rules like (what they would consider) that "silly" DEI keeping them from openly discriminating and maintaining the white supremacist cis-heteronormative ableist patriarchy they still openly favoured even when the rules were in place. Bending the knee to fascism (which capitalism will always decay in to precisely for this reason) will ultimately be much more profitable for them - the billionaires who own the companies (the companies are just a shell, that they will drop for a bigger one. Prison labour? Deportation camp labour? Slave labour? They're already here, and are about to have a growth spurt) in a fucking flash.
Literally no one with real power is opposing this fascist takeover, and it fucking disgusts me.
Literally anyone with real power under capitalism is fascist, or at least dedicated to maintain the the capitalist system that leads to it, what the fuck did you expect?
Companies are jumping at the chance to appease orange Hitler, and all struck down their gay pride policies before even being ordered or threatened.
Welcome to pinkwashing, queers have been telling you for decades that rainbow capitalism is a mask and a trick you shouldn't fall for.
Also maybe consider doing some research in to war and other oppression, see how motherfuckingly eye-wateringly profitable it is.
I guess somehow I was naive enough to hope that Starbucks or Patagonia or Target would pretend to resist the erasure of queer people, or even just push the oppressors into a courtroom before kneeling down to lick their spray tanned boots.
I'm sorry, but that is beyond naive, that is wilfully out of touch. These companies, the government, and capitalism itself have been telling you all along who they are, and those who they oppress have been scream it forever, it was all there for you to see and hear, but you chose not to, probably because it was more comforting to believe the lie, and marginalised people couldn't possibly be right with our "cynicism".
This is America. Land of the ~~cowards~~ corporation.
These people are not cowards, and the longer you continue to frame them as such, instead of as the intentionally oppressive individuals, and their machine, that they are, that machine will continue to chug along uninterrupted.
The idea that corporations and the people who run them should be “brave” and stand up against the very system that enables them to exist, or somehow give a single fuck about society at large, otherwise they’re “cowards” (and not simply self serving oppressors) is so far beyond absurd, it’s actually enraging at this point.
Snailmail (as in chainmail lol)