[-] Sekoia@lemmy.blahaj.zone 6 points 1 day ago

Wait is she just pumping King's magic with every glyph? Damn poor guy must be exhausted lol

[-] Sekoia@lemmy.blahaj.zone 30 points 2 days ago

But there's no "biological" reason for that. In the same way, skirts/dresses being for women and suits/ties being for men, leg hair, haircuts, voice, mannerisms, emotional availability, all get tied one gender or another.

We, in our society, have associated some properties to one of two genders. Some of these properties tend to be associated to one sex (sex being a more "biological" thing (but still not binary or unchangeable!)), but many of them are just expectations we put upon people. This is what "gender is a social construct" means; that the general understanding and intuition about gender is constructed by the society in which we live. Different societies may have more than 2 genders or completely different sets of associations.

Unfortunately these categorizations are bad for a significant portion of the population, including trans people, gender non-confirming people, but even cishet people; how many times have you heard of some act making you "not a real man" (eg crying for a movie)?

[-] Sekoia@lemmy.blahaj.zone 8 points 3 days ago

So like... is she not gonna question the horn? Girl's got her priorities in some kind of way if she falls in love with the first guy she sees (who also has a horn) after waking up in an unknown location

[-] Sekoia@lemmy.blahaj.zone 4 points 5 days ago

Oh it was absolutely not a negative point, it's a lovely smile!

[-] Sekoia@lemmy.blahaj.zone 8 points 5 days ago

You look great sis! Those glasses and that hair really suit you <3 I love how you have exactly the same smile in every photo lol

[-] Sekoia@lemmy.blahaj.zone 0 points 6 days ago

Poast c'est pas un peu un site de nazi?

[-] Sekoia@lemmy.blahaj.zone 22 points 6 days ago

Wow, I didn't know that! That's absolutely wild

[-] Sekoia@lemmy.blahaj.zone 21 points 6 days ago

.... The root of the thread you're replying's main body is stuff JSO has actually achieved.

[-] Sekoia@lemmy.blahaj.zone 116 points 1 week ago

I'm assuming this is referring to JSO.


Beginning on 1 April, they carried out England-wide blockades of ten critical oil facilities, intending to cut off the supply of petrol to South East England.[33][34][35]

On 26 August, the group blocked seven petrol stations in Central London and vandalised fuel pumps. Forty-three people around London were arrested on suspicion of criminal damage.

On 20 June, the protestors spray painted private jets at a private airfield at Stansted Airport. The group had been targeting a jet belonging to singer Taylor Swift, but could not locate it.[140]

Yes, a lot of their protests are "awareness" stuff (basically none of which do actual damage. Unlike oil, actually!). No, it's not just that. The UK isn't an active warzone so bombing stuff is slightly more difficult to justify.

[-] Sekoia@lemmy.blahaj.zone 90 points 2 months ago

There's no reason you should need to drive for that kind of stuff. Sure, it takes 5 minutes, but it's worse for your health, the environment, your wallet, and your morale.

[-] Sekoia@lemmy.blahaj.zone 71 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Somebody created an account at MyEpson with OP's email address and the name "GET BITCOIN NOW link", which sends a confirmation email to OP with that name. Basically it's spam using Epson as a trojan horse to get past filters.


Spoilers and explanation of solution:

Each vertex here is one intersection in our hike. We don't actually care about the parts in-between, because there's only one way to go. The above is a visualisation of the final path, the red edges are the edges taken. Our graph looks "like that" because it's a hiking trail, not a maze, so there's no dead ends. This took about 2 seconds to generate, due to all the cloning needed to keep track of paths. The two veeery long edges on the ends are pretty obvious choices, but one might notice that pretty much every vertex takes the two maximum paths it has, given the restrictions of the path. There's still some mildly surprising paths, such as (99, 29) -> (89, 37) with a weight of 38. I'm wondering if there's a way to dismiss more paths... This graph is actually pretty free in terms of movement.

My actual solution takes ~150 ms to run (and 8 microseconds for part one with barely any optimization, damnn)


Anybody got some ideas to optimize today? I've got it down to 65ms (total) on my desktop, using A* with a visitation map. Each cell in the visitation map contains (in part 2) 16 entries; 4 per direction of movement, 1 for each level of straightaway. In part 2, I use a map with 11 entries per direction.

Optimizations I've implemented:

  • use a 2D array instead of a hashset/map. No idea how much this saves, I did it in the first place.
  • the minimum distance for a specific cell's direction + combo applies for higher combo levels as well for part 1. For part 2, if the current combo is greater than 4, we do the same*. Gains about 70(!!) ms
  • A* heuristic weighting optimization, a weight of about 1% with a manhattan distance heuristic seems to gain about 15 ms (might be my input only tho)

*Correctness-wise: the reason we're splitting by direction is because there's a difference between being at a cell going up with a 3 combo but a really short path, and going right with a 0 combo but a long path. However, this is fine because a 3 combo in the same direction as a 0 combo is identical, just more restrictive.

Optimizations that could be done but I need to ensure correctness:

the same optimization for the combo, but for directions. If I'm on a specific combo+direction, does that imply something about the distance for another direction? Simply doing the same for every non-opposite direction isn't correct

Code: https://codeberg.org/Sekoia/adventofcode/src/branch/main/src/y2023/day17.rs

Warning: quite ugly, there's like 8 copy-pastes for adding to the queue

[-] Sekoia@lemmy.blahaj.zone 77 points 6 months ago

That's because it's suspended from your instance. Many instances are blocking threads since. Yknow. Facebook. Privacy and such.

Also the whole "committing a coup". And the "actively spreading discord". And- you know what I'll just stop there


Is there a way to measure performance without depending on the hardware, i.e. two entirely different computers get the same score for the same code?

I could probably run the program on a server or something, but something local feels more reliable.


My Intel NUC server just died (whenever it's plugged in, it makes a buzzing noise, and the external power LED is off (the internal one is on tho)), so I need a new server box. Any recommendations?

I can salvage the RAM (16 GB DDR4) and hard drive (1TB HDD) off of this one, I believe.


I have a few selfhosted services, but I'm slowly adding more. Currently, they're all in subdomains like linkding.sekoia.example etc. However, that adds DNS records to fetch and means more setup. Is there some reason I shouldn't put all my services under a single subdomain with paths (using a reverse proxy), like selfhosted.sekoia.example/linkding?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Sekoia@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/is_this_thing_on@lemmy.blahaj.zone

According to https://lemmy.blahaj.zone/post/72658 I shouldn't be able to post but if you can see this...

Admin appreciation post :) (lemmy.blahaj.zone)

I just want to say that the admins here are great and deserve appreciation, especially during this whole kerfuffle with Reddit :)

Have a good one, mods and admins!

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