[-] SSX@lemmy.world 15 points 4 months ago

I'm leaving because I'm tired of the lack of public infrastructure and healthcare. I just want to take a bus and train to where I want to go and feel comfortable knowing I can go to a hospital and leave not broke.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by SSX@lemmy.world to c/worldbuilding@lemmy.world

The Republic of Merchants - Full Album Here

The Republic of Merchants is a country located in the far-south of the Aquarius Continent. It shares a land border with the Xin Eitu Claim of the Al'Modian Empire to its north. To its east is the volcanic land of the Imperium of Rekkaku with the Ashed Isles found to its south-east. The country itself is made up of multiple small territories and islands that border the Southern Sun Sea wherein ships are the usual mode of travel from one area to another. The country is made of 4 main states with multiple sub-territories. The small country boasts a vast sum of wealth with a yearly sum of trade valued in the 4th spot for largest amount of trade only beaten out by the three major empires of the world. The Republic was founded during the Infernal Transgressions and would boil over into the Sunless Sea War which saw the rise of new power shift throughout Southern Aquarius.

The Infernal Transgressions

The Infernal Transgressions was a time period between 786 P.E and 788 P.E in which the Al'Modian Empire launched a series of domestic inquisitions to kill followers of Humarian religions. Tensions had been building over the last several decades after the Silence of Saints brought an end to the Ēlian pantheon. Despite this, many still followed the old ways within Al'Mod for years and this would ultimately culminate in violence against those that followed the Humarian religions in an attempt to keep the growing influence of the new god out.

When the Infernal Transgressions reached the south-western trade cities of the Empire in mid-786 P.E, many of these cities were already hosts to the newly established pantheon brought in by Blackreaver and Aquarian merchants. The influence they brought in helped the pantheon spread further throughout the southern hemisphere which ultimately caught the eye of the Al Inquisitor. Two ships carrying 500 Al'Modian Legionaries docked in the city of Aelsaal and immediately marched on the Governor's Plaza where they proceeded to arrest many government officials and dragged them back to the ships for interrogation by Inquisitors. Several dozen troops went to a shrine dedicated to the new god where they tied ropes to it and yanked it from its base. The event sparked an angry mob from nearby followers of the Humarian faith as they began throwing stones and bottles at the soldiers. The soldiers retaliated with spears and arrows on the civilian population which only added to the chaos; by the end the event known as The Sanguinar it had left 22 people dead and another several dozen injured. In haste to retreat from the growing anger of the crowd, a soldier tossed a firebomb into a nearby stable which caught fire. It spread rapidly, engulfing the entire Varrian District in smoke and flame.

Back at the docks, crowds were already beginning to gather around the event that was taking place as their government officials were being led onto the ship in chains. Soldiers from the Aelsaalian Guard would eventually show up followed by a commander who ordered the officials be let go and to provide evidence of wrongdoing. The order was denied and were told to return to their barracks by the Legionaries who were becoming more worried about the vast number of people. Anger erupted from the far crowds as the retreating Legionaries were now in eyeshot as they shoved their way through the crowds trying to get back to the docks, with smoke quickly rising over the city. The docks turned into a full scale riot.

In the madness of the clashing with the Legionaries and the people, an official of Aelsaal shouted to the Guard to attack the Legionaries before being struck down. The commander, initially hesitant, ordered his troops to attack and rescue the officials. The troops did as ordered and were quick to establish a foothold on the dock entrance where they clashed with the Al'Modian Legion. A firebomb was once again used, this time by the Guard who managed to toss one onto one of the two ships. The explosion would spark an oil fire aboard and detonate several barrels at once. The explosion blasted out the windows of the surrounding buildings and Legionnaires began retreating back towards their remaining ship. The ship would take off early, leaving many trapped behind as well as taking several officials with them. Remainders were either killed or arrested, many drowned.

News of what had happened in Aelsaal would reach the other trade cities but most of the interest fell on the ears of the island of Iewain. The island had been an independent country nearly 50 years prior before it was invaded by Al'Modian forces. An armistice would be established within 3 days where it was promised that the government could continue to rule over the island but under the control of the Empire; the deal was accepted and the population's resentment towards the Empire grew in the decades after. The Iewain Nobility saw the bloodshed in Aesaal as an opportunity to free themselves from the Empire's control and even further damage the Empire through its finances. A hand was reached out by Iewainian Lord Prokol Ver to Aelsaal and help repair their city as well as offer up finances for new weapons and soldiers.

On 27th of Sun's Rest, nearly 5 weeks after the riots in Aelsaal, five ships docked in the Iewainian port city of Niseh. As they marched through the streets many of the Legionaries took notice of the lack of crowds in the streets. Upon reaching the first plaza, Iewainian fire mages lit explosives beneath the street causing a cave-in directly into the sewer below. In the midst of the panic, archers from the rooftops began firing down into the masses of soldiers. Those that managed to claw their way out of the rubble dropped their weapons and ran towards the harbor where they were met with a horrifying sight -- all their ships had been sunk. Iewainese soldiers would arrest those who surrendered and killed those who did not.

Iewain would aid in sparking several other attacks on Al'Modian ships throughout the Southern Sun Sea, the Empire would begin attacking merchant ships within the region which only added fuel to the growing issues. As tensions in the region increased, Al'Mod soldiers were stationed in the region of Tufaro to act as a barrier between Iewain and Aelsaal with ships. Portions of the cities of Al'Aenalieh and Shoka'm would force out citizens from their homes to house the soldiers, all the meanwhile still carrying out the Inquisition Orders. In what would become the bloodiest day so far of the Infernal Transgressions, on the 58th of Moon's Light, 766 P.E, Inquisitors and Legionaries would kill 253 people including children in Al'Aenalieh. One of the people unknowingly killed that day was the son of Sorya Abal, a high ranking Al'Modian noblewoman. When word reached Sorya in Ai-Sri, she gathered her army of 3000 and marched on the city wherein she ordered the bloodshed of all the Inquisitors and Legionaries. The fighting would drive-out the Empire's presence from Tufaro and Sorya would be declared a traitor to the Empire.

The Battle of the Three Crowns

The largest battle of the Transgressions would take place in the late-winter of 787 P.E with The Battle of the Three Crowns. An Empire patrol ship would be spotted off the coast from Tewei and the Iewainese navy would make chase after it. The small ship would duck between the Three Crowns islands where the Iewainese would come into direct conflict with a formation of Al'Modian Ships. Fighting would commence just shy of noon with a volley of fire from Al'Modian fire mages. Raids on ships was the most common way of fighting due to the lack of room to maneuver ships. By the mid-afternoon another dozen Iewainese ships would come in from Niseh and Tewei, with half-a-dozen Al'Modian Ships from Nariin. The fighting would last until nightfall where locals on the Three Crowns described the battle as 'the ocean itself set ablaze', but would finalize in a Iewainese victory as the last ship of the Al'Modian formation went down in flames.

The battle would signal that the Infernal Transgressions were a much larger situation in the south-western reaches of the Empire. The victory would also flip the opinions of several Al'Modian Nobles in the city of Al'Midden who believed that the Empire was starting to lose its strength. They would instigate an insurrection with the help of Iewainese soldiers and by the end of 787 P.E The Horn was united with the other southern trade cities in their fight against the Empire and would officiate themselves as 'The Republic of Merchants'.

[-] SSX@lemmy.world 19 points 8 months ago

I feel like I'm in the handful of people in this world that finds this trait kinda cute. I know nothing about solving rubiks cubes, but I listened to a guy talk about it unrestrained for like 2 hours.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by SSX@lemmy.world to c/worldbuilding@lemmy.world


Arius, where legends are born, heroes never die, and hope remains immortal. From the time of the Exile Event when humans crossed the multiverse from their dying world through a magic portal, into the centuries of theological warfare in the name of false-gods, to a time period when humanity was the only line of defense against an enemy that lurked in darkness; Arius is a world forged by a history of the many peoples, their cultures, and their stories that have been written through the ages.

Even before humans arrived from their journey across the multiverse to the world of what would become Arius, the history ran deep and would set the stage for the course of human involvement for the centuries to come. The typical historical timeline of events that many follow when dating times exclusively from Arius are broken apart by B.A (Before Arrival) and P.E (Post Exile), with the latter being marked by the 0-year. Where as B.E (Before Exile) only refers to human history.

Before (Human) Arrival

Before humanity's arrival in the new world, the Emari people had been active globally for millions of years. Their culture and society were proficient in Magi-Technology and excelled in the usage Magical Theory. With it, they cultivated the planet as they saw fit, changing entire regions to fit their needs and creating a suitable environment for them to live in. Vast cities were built up using synthetic materials that allowed them to create displays of abstract beauty within population centers. Animals were genetically reshaped to fulfill more niche needs that their society sought after. However, the greatest achievement was arguably the usage of their magi-technology to prolong their lifespans by hundreds of thousands of years. They would transmogrify their bodies, altering them as they saw fit, constantly seeking to expel death from their society at all costs to hopefully one day solve the Immortal Code. This however reached a ceiling and despite everything they attempted death was still something they could not rid themselves of entirely.

That was until a group from what is currently the central Aquarius continent looked beyond the physical world and into the meta-physical. Realizing that reality was nothing but layers upon layers seeping further and further downwards forever, they discovered that time eventually became irrelevant at a certain point yet maintaining the stability of physicality. The only issue to this was the amount of magic required to physically descend deeper into reality was nearly unachievable. But it wouldn't take long to figure out that the amount of magic required was currently present in nearly 90% of the world's population. Plans were drawn up of a massive machine that would span outwards in hundreds of directions to intake as much mana as possible. Not long after the Emari civilization entered its last chapter that human historians would call The Extinction War.

It's unknown exactly in what order the events that transpired during the Extinction War. But what is known is that high-yield magical weapons were utilized in the far south of the modern day Southern Aquarius Continent and more traditional combat took place in the Northern regions of the world to varying degrees. In time however, the mana required would be gathered and the Deep Root was awakened. A majority of the Emari race would vanish almost entirely from Arius. Those that managed to survive the onslaught and harvesting of their mana were left with an empty world and too few to repopulate. Many would die from the hazards that now plagued the world, some would wander pointlessly for decades until their magitech ran dry before dropping dead, while some others just chose the easy way out.

For the first time in a long time, the primeval world of Arius fell silent.


The 1st of Sun's Light, Year 0.

After 3000 years, Arius was awoken from its deep slumber as a fleet of large wooden ships slipped through a portal. Aboard these ships was a total of 853,102 people from the Blackreaver Kingdom. Another roughly 50,000 came from surrounding countries that bordered Blackreaver. These voyages carried the first intelligent life that the world had not seen in nearly 3,000 years and they had just survived the end of their world.

Conditions aboard these ships were heavily cramped and unsanitary. As much room as possible was spared for children and elderly, yet this was hardly easy to do. Poor, Rich, Working Class, Noble, Farmer or Scholar; everyone suffered the same conditions even King Natten Blackreaver who was cramped in with the government officials. Food was rationed heavily, only allowing a single meal a day. By the time of the 4th day, many were starving. Parents regularly denied themselves food to feed their children and pregnant women.

After 6 days of time at sea, land was finally spotted and roars of cheers were heard throughout as a notice flag was flown from the lead ship. Due to the currents, many of the ships were displaced in their landing areas but the first to make landing was at what is known today as Sdarder Point. From the ship emerged the King and his Court, at the very front was a man dawning a red and black cape. He stepped upon the grassy fields of the new world and sobbed as he collapsed to his knees. The man, Abidius Stylether Valtor was the one who had orchestrated the entire Exile over 3 decades prior was finally seeing the seeds he had sown so long ago begin to bare fruit. Humanity had survived. And in their new world they would thrive. History would once again be carved out piece by piece through new discoveries, new conflicts, and the stories that would carry on through the ages.

The year is 1308 Post-Exile. The world, while imperfect, has experienced an age of prosperity for the last several centuries due to changes brought on by those that have greatly altered history's path. But on this very year that course would greatly change once again. For out in the Salted Wastes near the Blackreaver border, a prince would collapse from exhaustion and rescued by a young boy. A meeting that would change their lives forever.


The name deriving from the ancient Talgian word Ariatē meaning 'immortal' which was then translated to the modern Rievish word of Arius.

[-] SSX@lemmy.world 23 points 8 months ago

I've joked that if they made Spaceballs 2 they need to release it on VHS before it comes out in theaters.

[-] SSX@lemmy.world 39 points 8 months ago

I'm bi, I like kissing everyone.

[-] SSX@lemmy.world 16 points 9 months ago

Arkansas is literally uninhabitable because of a Bio-Plague. Lol

[-] SSX@lemmy.world 20 points 9 months ago

At the same time, he finally gets to experience the hilarity of it.

[-] SSX@lemmy.world 53 points 9 months ago

This is ultimately why I hate capitalism.

These corporations spend tons more money fighting against stuff than they do paying it out. The woman wanted her hospital bills paid, that was it. Instead, they go to town spending so much money with the intent to misinform and spread propaganda than just paying it.

Many of these large employers do the same with unemployment cases and on-site work injuries. Spending more time and money doing fuck all than just paying it out like the greedy pigs they are.

[-] SSX@lemmy.world 111 points 10 months ago

Meanwhile, Valve: Here's how you can rip apart our handheld computer, we don't recommend it, but it's yours so who gives a shit?

[-] SSX@lemmy.world 44 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Hottest shit I've ever eaten was Thai Food.

I've done the One Chip Challenge, regularly dump Carolina Reaper Sauce on my food, have eaten Ghost Pepper raw twice.

But none of it compares to the regular spicy noodles and beef dish I have eaten from the local Thai place. Southeastern Asians are just a different breed when it comes to Spices.

[-] SSX@lemmy.world 19 points 11 months ago

Your valid as fuck bro, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

-Bisexual Dude

[-] SSX@lemmy.world 11 points 11 months ago

I probably lean harder pan than bi, but the bi flag is too nice to not like it.

[-] SSX@lemmy.world 38 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Been in Colorado for the past week or so. You guys are a lot further ahead than Illinois is. Lots more bike paths and lanes, better traffic control that doesn't result in stop and go movement, overall a lot more green space in your shopping centers and in human spaces, also lots more walking areas.

Don't beat up your state too much, it's fantastic compared to mine. :'c


Reposting some of my stuff from reddit.

submitted 1 year ago by SSX@lemmy.world to c/eldenring@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 year ago by SSX@lemmy.world to c/bisexual@lemmy.world
submitted 1 year ago by SSX@lemmy.world to c/bisexual@lemmy.world

Show is Komi Can't Communicate.

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