[-] Qualanqui@lemmy.nz 3 points 8 months ago

Hamas was also left to run amok for 5 hours and at the end of that were able to cross back over the border with hostages.

How on earth is one of the worlds most powerful militaries caught with it's pants down that badly and how were they not able to organize some kind of a response in 5 hours?

At the very least you'd have expected them to ambush them on the way out and rescue the hostages. They have fleets of drones for pete's sake, they could have taken out every single one of those terrorists with drones to spare.

It makes no sense whatsoever, unless of course they let it happen as a casus belli to once and for all deal with the Palestinian problem.

[-] Qualanqui@lemmy.nz 3 points 9 months ago

Fantastic movie, I especially liked the body horror aspect they used with the ETs, the way they moved and the huge long limbs etc.

Spoiler time though, I reckon it was all the parasites. The only way they can survive and propagate is by assimilating new hosts, that's why there were a bunch of different ET species but they all looked uniform and they were all sexless too because the bodies are just vessels for the parasite, they have no need to reproduce. Also why the ETs didn't care she ganked those other ETs, the parasites escaped and there were plenty of new hosts to be had, it was only when she tried to crush the parasite that they got angry.

And the end bit where the ETs are talking about what to do with her and that ET's throat is vibrating, it's because the parasites are discussing what to do with her and not the hosts. The tall classic ETs are powerful telekenetics so it would stand to reason they're equally powerful telepathics too so they wouldn't need to talk vocally.

So I reckon the parasites cooked up the "perfect world" shown at the end to keep the humans minds docile while the parasites piloted their bodies around, assimilating new species.

[-] Qualanqui@lemmy.nz 4 points 10 months ago

My biggest UI gripe has to be the lack of a Contraband menu, instead you have to search through all your gear looking for a tiny yellow or red tag.

[-] Qualanqui@lemmy.nz 2 points 10 months ago

True, should be more like exponential growth in perpetuity or something but you get the idea.

[-] Qualanqui@lemmy.nz 2 points 10 months ago

I have civ 3 running on my tablet through an emulator, could possibly even do civ 4 but haven't tried that yet. It takes up next to no space, the graphics are light enough you could run it on a potato and it's one of the best civ iterations I reckon.

[-] Qualanqui@lemmy.nz 4 points 10 months ago

I disagree about the publishing side somewhat, every now and then the publishing team hits a home run. Like I've been playing Ghostwire: Tokyo recently which is published by Bethesda and it's a pretty good game, and let's not forget Prey which was an awesome game also published by Bethesda.

So tbey do get it right sometimes.

[-] Qualanqui@lemmy.nz 2 points 10 months ago

Ancient Minoan would be the place, chilling on the sunny island of Crete in the reasonably calm Mediterranean sea with abundances of food and water as well as trade goods from all over the Mediterranean. And they weren't crazed militarists like most of the other Greek tribes, so don't have to worry too much about war either.

[-] Qualanqui@lemmy.nz 2 points 11 months ago

I'd recommend Long Dark and Subnautica, they've both got crafting but it's part of the survival/exploration loop and they've both got a bunch of mods (on PC) that are really well done.

[-] Qualanqui@lemmy.nz 2 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

corporations being into every piece of the pie: a logical extension of the trend to privatization or "wanting government to be run like a business" is the replacement of nation-states by corporations or zaibatsu-like alliances of multiple corporations

I personally think corporations are going to kill each other off (most likely culminating in a global corpo-war where the last two duke it out) with only one surviving and becoming something akin to the catholic church in the medieval period, plunging the world into a new dark age.

[-] Qualanqui@lemmy.nz 3 points 11 months ago

You, sir, are worse than Hitler.

[-] Qualanqui@lemmy.nz 4 points 11 months ago

Give Vivaldi a try, it's a chromium fork but with a strong focus on privacy.

[-] Qualanqui@lemmy.nz 2 points 11 months ago

I've tried everything to try get rid of google's voice assistant on my phone, stripped it right back and disabled it and then went into the settings in google and my phone but still every time I turn on my wireless headphones it always pops up. It's doing my head in, why can't I stop it!

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