[-] PseudorandomNoise@lemmy.world 19 points 3 days ago

free filing would discriminate against the poor

As opposed to the current system where the richest among us can hire a whole team of accountants to find every deduction possible?

[-] PseudorandomNoise@lemmy.world 16 points 3 days ago

You're acting like the filing that would come from the government would be the final record and you wouldn't be allowed to correct it, which is not at all what people are suggesting.

Plus, audits will still be a thing.

[-] PseudorandomNoise@lemmy.world 6 points 3 days ago

It's honestly getting infuriating how people around here don't want to acknowledge what Biden's been doing the last 3 years. Yours is one of the few positive comments I've seen about JB in months.

[-] PseudorandomNoise@lemmy.world 189 points 3 days ago

Doubt there is one. The hard truth is that most Americans' taxes are pretty simple and straightforward. We can stop pretending that copying some boxes from a W2 and a 1099 is difficult.

I mean, personally I wish we'd stop pretending that the IRS isn't already fully aware of what you owe and could just do the filling for you, like in other countries, but until Grover Norquist fucks off forever we're stuck where we are.

[-] PseudorandomNoise@lemmy.world 153 points 3 days ago

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange won the right to challenge a British court's decision to extradite him to the U.S. to face espionage charges

Emphasis mine, since the headline is poorly worded. He didn't win an appeal, the court agreed that he can appeal. He still could be shipped off to the US and then eventually .

[-] PseudorandomNoise@lemmy.world 28 points 3 days ago

Watching the GN video was insane because I had that exact same experience with ASUS 10 years ago. Back when they made the Nexus 7. I had to RMA 3 of those dam things and each time I had to go through that song and dance with the RMA forms. I think when the 4th one failed I just gave up, recycled it, and moved on from this company as a whole.

Looks like nothing's changed, which means this way of treating their customers is endemic at this point. They're a lost cause.

[-] PseudorandomNoise@lemmy.world 19 points 3 days ago

McConnell has already said

Let me stop you right there, because this man has already shown his word doesn't mean anything. It shifts with the political winds.

Democrats have to win in a lot of red states this time around. I'd be over the moon if that happened, but maybe we should have a backup plan in case Democrats lose in Ohio, Montana and Texas.

[-] PseudorandomNoise@lemmy.world 36 points 3 days ago

I’d say it’s fine to be an investment for individuals and families. You should be able to at least break even on something you owned for 3 decades that’s still in good shape.

But that’s all. No LLCs or S Corps or any of that shit. People should own homes!

[-] PseudorandomNoise@lemmy.world 70 points 3 days ago

Even if you hate Biden because of Israeli support

i.e. don't be a single-issue voter.

[-] PseudorandomNoise@lemmy.world 41 points 3 days ago

It's very likely the GOP will win control of the Senate, and if they do McConnell would sooner die than let Biden even consider nominating someone.

Still gonna vote for Biden though, because if Trump wins the Conservative justices will all retire at once and they'll nominate 30-year-olds to fill in. I don't want 60+ more years of a Conservative court majority!

[-] PseudorandomNoise@lemmy.world 13 points 4 days ago

Wow, literally the first sentence and already this article is full of shit.

His reputation is set in stone already. No matter what the jury decides he will appeal, and keep appealing until there's no one left to appeal to. He will not drop out of the race even if he is jailed (spoiler alert, he won't be), but assuming hell freezes over he'll still get at least 40 million votes.

Fuck articles like this. Why even post this click-bait trash!?

[-] PseudorandomNoise@lemmy.world 272 points 5 days ago

Despite concerns about accuracy and potential misuse, facial recognition technology seems poised for a surge in popularity. California-based restaurant CaliExpress by Flippy now allows customers to pay for their meals with a simple scan of their face, showcasing the potential of facial payment technology.

Oh boy, I can’t wait to be charged for someone else’s meal because they look just enough like me to trigger a payment.

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