A different perspective - my grandparents grew up speaking French. Then the state passed a law saying only English in schools when they were young children. They would get hit on the hands with rulers for speaking French.

This was of course passed down to my parents and myself. But my mom still bitches about kids where I currently live being in school and unable to speak English because they’re new immigrants.

She doesn’t see the hypocrisy and it’s sad.

OP keeps spamming this nonsensical shit thinking they’re being edgy.

One thing about this that could get interesting is when the school leaders are different versions of the Christian/Catholic faith. Which Bible do you use? Which lessons do you incorporate? What about the trinity? Mary? The saints?

It would be fun to watch, ngl

Thank you. I’m so sick of these BS “stranded, stuck” headlines.

Popeyes is fucking awesome.

Man it’s hard being a fan who genuinely dislikes a good amount of the Disney stuff for reasons other than “mouse worked my show, woke bad!”

The ST was an unplanned, nonsensical mess which there is no excuse for given the experienced directors, money thrown at it, and IP that landed in their laps.

Rebels was good, Resistance was a hot mess.

Rogue One was great, still watch it on a regular basis with the OT/PT

Solo was meh.

First 2 seasons of Mando were great.

Mando season 3 sucked.

BOBF sucked.

Kenobi sucked but seeing Alderaan was cool.

Andor was fucking amazeballs.

Ahsoka was ok.

Acolyte has just been really boring so far until Ep 5, which brought some good action and story. The writing and acting still need work though.

I don’t know what the answer is. A lot of the stories are good but they just aren’t executed very well. With Kenobi it was also the quality of the effects…like it wasn’t finished completely in post-production. I hope Ahsoka season 2 is better, and I hope they make things that you don’t have to have read 20 years of Legends to follow (even though they’re great and should be read).

I wanna hope that things will pick up, but it’s been 10 years and idk how long they can keep just being “ok” considering the IP, the tech, the money, and the experience behind the scenes that goes into all of it.

IIRC it was around 10,000 French words that were introduced into English after that. That’s what we learned in school, anyway.

lol needed that laugh this morning

About an hour later, Whitefeather returned home and guided deputies to another 6-year-old girl who was visiting with another couple from their church.

Good Christian folks, I see.

[-] PrincessLeiasCat@sh.itjust.works 265 points 1 month ago

Playing online multiplayer using mic chat.

[-] PrincessLeiasCat@sh.itjust.works 197 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

My family is super Catholic & conservative. They hate the Pope and it’s so weird - growing up in Catholic school, one good thing I’ll say is that we were educated in almost every aspect of that religion and its history.

So even though I can’t remember the last time I was in a church, I do remember shit like “the pope can talk to god”.

Now, of course it’s bullshit, but I have to assume that’s the premise we start from here. If so, shut the fuck up. He talks to god. End of story.

And somewhat related - they’re MAGA types. They like their dictators. Fuck off. This is what you get.

[-] PrincessLeiasCat@sh.itjust.works 204 points 7 months ago

The enshittification will continue until morale improves.

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