[-] Poutinetown@lemmy.ca 2 points 6 days ago

Might look good, but with price of mobo and ram it's not worth it (i.e. might as well spend more to get a better CPU).

[-] Poutinetown@lemmy.ca 50 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

From the blogto article linked by op:

He says that "After a couple of sips, it became soggy and started to stain. Thereafter, I could taste a few small lid pieces in the drink, which was like 'yuck.'"

Yep sounds like terrible design and Tim's cheapen out in the material. I've had non plastic caps that were much better than that.

You know what would bring us back to the good old days? A real ceramic mug you can use to sit down, drink it slowly and enjoy. But I haven't been to a Tim's in a while where the server would ask if I wanted a mug or to go. Maybe the lady would call that woke too?

[-] Poutinetown@lemmy.ca 33 points 3 months ago

First search result brings you to this answer.

[-] Poutinetown@lemmy.ca 37 points 3 months ago

The real story:

Just 10 per cent of Canadians who think there is too much immigration say their concern is that Canadians will become “a minority” in their own country. Only eight per cent say new immigrants don’t adhere to Canadian values and just four per cent believe that immigration is bringing criminals to the country. Eighteen per cent worry that immigrants are taking jobs from Canadians.

[-] Poutinetown@lemmy.ca 34 points 3 months ago

Nice, now we just need 80 CPUs and we won't need a GPU anymore!

[-] Poutinetown@lemmy.ca 57 points 3 months ago

Reality in Canada.

[-] Poutinetown@lemmy.ca 31 points 4 months ago

Why is this executable web UI distributed as a python script?

submitted 4 months ago by Poutinetown@lemmy.ca to c/montreal@lemmy.ca

I have updated some dependencies and refactored the posting mechanism, now the bot should correctly post to Lemmy. Previously Reddit's RSS was broken, then the lemmy Python dependencies became outdated, which caused the bot to be out of commissuion for a while.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by Poutinetown@lemmy.ca to c/bapcsalescanada@lemmy.ca
submitted 6 months ago by Poutinetown@lemmy.ca to c/worldnews@lemmy.ml
[-] Poutinetown@lemmy.ca 40 points 6 months ago

He will probably become partner by 30.

Because of his skills? Probably not; he didn't graduate from a T6, didn't have a bachelor from an ivy league, didn't intern at a V10. Maybe his parents have connections, idk, but without connections it's hard for him to "make it".

But it doesn't really matter for any law firm. Just being able to say "youngest partner in the history of the firm/US" is a good enough marketing tactic, especially to recruit younger associates with the hope that they, too, can "make it" while still young.

In his 30s, he will be able to work with other "genius" clients with a background in tech, biotech, finance, etc. people who successfully built billion-$ startups by their 30s. If we think about it, no law firm would pair a 65-yo partner with Mark (for any reason he would need a law firm) when Facebook just IPO'd. He would be the perfect person for that, especially with the whole "genius kid from SoCal" label he will be able to carry around.

So whichever law firm that hires him have an interest in retaining him (and avoid burning him out like they'd do for the average associate that didn't go to HYSCCN).

[-] Poutinetown@lemmy.ca 34 points 6 months ago

Meta hasn’t provided any clear reason as to why it’s now changing course three years later. However, it’s likely the reversal could be to avoid regulatory consequences of the EU’s Digital Markets Act, which aims to keep companies from holding monopoly power by favoring their own services. It also includes requirements for large companies to include compatibility between messaging platforms.

[-] Poutinetown@lemmy.ca 50 points 7 months ago

The cost of these registration services for verifying phone numbers when people first install Signal, or when they re-register on a new device, currently averages around $6 million dollars per year.

That's pretty crazy. Wonder which third party providers they are using. Maybe the identity verification methods we have today is due for some significant changes?

[-] Poutinetown@lemmy.ca 34 points 7 months ago

The blog reported that Copeland, a Republican, confirmed that the accounts were run by him, saying they were a “hobby” he used for “getting rid of stress.” 1819 News reported that Copeland asked them to not out him, but they did so anyway, even though it does not appear he had taken any public positions against LGBTQ issues that could be construed as hypocritical.

[-] Poutinetown@lemmy.ca 50 points 8 months ago

Really excited about the new PDF editing features!

submitted 8 months ago by Poutinetown@lemmy.ca to c/anime@lemmy.ml

This trailer looks pretty promising, the art style looks somewhat similar to Monster.


As you might see, we've had a multiple spam posts that made it through Reddit and got reposted by the bot. There was no way to determine if a post was spam or not.

To partially alleviate this, I added a ignore list here: https://github.com/poutinetown/reddit-sales-repost-bot/blob/main/ignored.txt

If you want to add something, please make a pull request (very easy with GitHub UI, you can learn here) that only modifies the ignored.txt file by adding a new line, and briefly describe the reasoning.

If you feel a URL has been unjustly added there, please open an issue and I will remove if it makes sense. So far, the URLs were based on the removed posts.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by Poutinetown@lemmy.ca to c/bapcsalescanada@lemmy.ca

A popular subreddit like /r/gamedeals is a good place to find game deals. In the BAPCS Canada subreddit, game deals are forbidden except for free games.

However, since the other game deals community are smaller/less active, would it be a good idea for this community to be a place to share Steam/Epicgames/Prime Games deals? Should there only been free games (like the subreddit), or is any discount okay?

Not sure about GoG and other platforms, but happy to hear thoughts on those as well.


I was wondering why the Reddit deals were no longer being shown here, especially the $1300 Dell PC with RTX3080+7700x.

It turns that bot was banned. I don't think there's any explanation available, guess bots are just not welcome in this instance?

Anyway, it was a great run, but guess Reddit couldn't be replaced in the end.


After reading this post and many comments supporting the use of a bot, I started testing a repost bot (initially announced here) on a test community.

It seems to be working well so far, with posts every 10mins. Since it uses GitHub Actions, there's no hosting aspect involved. Although the actions might not start exactly every 10mins, which means in some cases the posts maybe be a bit more delayed, no hosting means it will work as long as the GitHub Actions service is not shut down.

Unless there's serious opposition (happy to hear thoughts in the comments), I plan to deploy it here starting next week. If you simply do not like bots or don't want to get spammed, you can select "Block user".

submitted 1 year ago by Poutinetown@lemmy.ca to c/buildapc@lemmy.ca

If i want to run an Ubuntu server 24/7 with Plex and Qbit, would it make sense to use a hard drive as home/boot drive? Or is it better to use an SSD?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Poutinetown@lemmy.ca to c/bapcsalescanada@lemmy.ca

Product Details

Model: 9EF04AA#ABL
Processor: 2.30 GHz AMD Athlon Silver 3050U
Display Type: N/A
Storage: 1TB HDD
Video Card: AMD Radeon Graphics
Operating System: Windows 10 Home
USB Ports: 2 x USB 2.0 Ports, 4 x USB 3.0 Ports
Additional Ports: HDMI, VGA
Features: Optical Drive, SD Card Slot, Small Form Factor
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