The Venezuelan opposition has apparently published their tallies online:


[-] 41 points 3 months ago

I am very happy that Yanis Varoufakis, who would probably get called a lib here, straight out said “I do NOT condemn Hamas” and got promptly banned in Germany.

So I wonder, what kind of communists are these CPUSA people?

[-] 29 points 4 months ago

Where do you suggest to donate for people of Gaza? I’ve got this org in my mailbox: ?

[-] 25 points 4 months ago

Wait...hold on... "In short, the Pentagon has a system, and the public should trust it, the argument goes"

That the same Pentagon which can't track trillions of "lost" dollars?

[-] 79 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I was watching Mearsheimer at Piers Morgan (I know) the other day and he was criticizing and blaming the US for massive war crimes of intentionally targeting and killing Japanese civilians in WW2.

Piers asks for an example of an army that didn’t target civilians when faced with existential threat and Mearsheimer responds with, and I kid you not, Red Army and the Soviet Union.

I guess it’s “comrade Mearsheimer” now?

From about 28:00…

[-] 59 points 5 months ago

Ah, so the US says "free market" competition is bad now. It's like the "free market" thing, thrown around by the Collective West for all these decades, and even enforced by brutal methods, was a total scam all along. I am totally shocked...

Also it's totally fine for a white American to fly way over there, to lecture the Chyneese how they are doing "the economy" wrong, while China is outperforming the entire G7...totally acceptable. I swear to god, how the Chinese can go through this, without just returning her head in a box to White House, Shogun style, is amazing in itself.

[-] 34 points 6 months ago

It seems like the Germans are claiming Americans forgot to turn on the IFF (If Friend or Foe) system and failed to inform anyone else about the drone...

[-] 30 points 7 months ago

This is literally the GDP growth rate. I don’t think you know what you are talking about, but please point us to a definition of the indicator you are talking about as well as to the comparison by country.

[-] 63 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Dr.Finkelstein with uncut and uncensored reply to Bernie.

"I can barely say that name anymore, without being filled with contempt and disgust".

To Bernie: "If you have nothing constructive to say...SHUT UP".

"Hamas needs to be destroyed?" (quoting Bernie) and then gives us facts why Israel is far worse in every respect, stating that given Bernie's arguments, Israel should be destroyed instead. He is absolutely on fire...

[-] 31 points 10 months ago

That is such a garbage site...of course liberals are always throwing it at my face, although the site has been proven to peddle biased BS several times themselves, and have no actual methodology whatsoever. It's literally some brainwormed American arbitrarily slapping labels. According to this guy, the CNN is this very leftist media outlet, which if pushed little bit more to the left, would end up rebranding as the Marxist News Network.

Interestingly enough, the Media Bias Fact Check web site looks so bad, it might get confused with

[-] 27 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Well, they are already way outperforming everyone's expectations, including those of the US government.

China is already planning to build a giant chip-making factory with a particle accelerator, which could completely change the chip-making industry as we know it and could possibly leave the rest of the countries lagging behind considerably. Their approach could end up flooding the market with the most advanced chips, which are also very cheap, and with which the current industry just wouldn't be able to compete any longer. This tectonic shift in chip making technology, could also have a massive influence on Taiwanese economy and reintegration sentiment with the mainland, since it might make Taiwan far less economically relevant in the future, just like it happened with the Hong Kong.

SCMP: China plans to build a giant chip factory driven by particle accelerator

Contrary to commercial players such as Advanced Semiconductor Materials Lithography (ASML), which favors reducing the size of chip-making machines for export, the Chinese project aims to localize manufacturing by building a colossal factory housing multiple lithography machines around a single accelerator. This innovation could foster high-volume, low-cost chip manufacturing and potentially propel China into a leadership role in the industrial production of advanced chips, known as 2nm (nanometer) chips, and beyond.

This is an older article. In the meantime, China did overtake the US in life expectancy.

Also, IIRC, even if you compare it by wealth, the American 10% richest live less than other “developed” countries 10%. It’s like the whole country is cursed.

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