[-] PlzGivHugs@sh.itjust.works 0 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Except you've given no reason you shouldn't play those games, nor any reason to think that everyone can afford the games they play and instead resorted to personal attacks because I think its not unreasonable to play a game for free when the publisher asks for a month's salary for it (or for part of it). You're ignoring all the points I put forward, and examples I give showing that people can't afford the access price and just declaring everyone entitles for wanting media. But no, you're right, all these poor people are just entitled, anyone who doesn't have money to pay the asking price should stop thinking they're better than these poor, poor investment companies and just accept that some culture just isn't for poors like them.

[-] PlzGivHugs@sh.itjust.works 0 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

You're completely ignoring the point. Those games often are available, just not in the same form, or from the original developers. You either buy a switch and play a locked down, emulated version, or you buy a used copy for a fortune. Either way, the original Developers get nothing. Similarly, you might want to have your own copy of a game, rather than a rental than can be taken away or destroyed at any time for any reason. You can count that as "not legally available", sure, but at that point you're arguing its fine to pirate almost anything released in the last decade - anything older than that also doesn't support your argument unless its a small indie studio that hasn't been bought out, since devs are usually laid off or forced to move. Even ignoring that, which is relavent, you're ignoring the fact that games now often cost well over a hundred dollars to get the complete game, during an economic crisis. I can get a Steam Deck right now for the price of Lego 2K Drive (with the missing content), the Sims 4 with a couple a DLC items, and Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Even as someone who is in a pretty good position financialy, I can't justify buying games like this, nonetheless if I had a rougher start or was in a higher cost-of-living area. Look at areas where income is lower and it becomes even more apparent. Theres a reason places like Brasil, Russia, and Eastern Europe are known for piracy and Canada or Western Europe are not. Its also why people tend to pirate a lot as a teenager but not as an adult. When an individual has money (and the official version isn't actively trying to screw over the customer) they are willing to pay for the product. Once people are adults, or when they're given access to games within a price they can afford (IE regional pricing) they'll start actually paying. These options wouldn't exist if that weren't the case. On the other hand, when the cost of living is skyrocketing, as it is now, and people are struggling to even afford food and rent, they won't chose to spend all their rent money buying Sims DLC and will simply pirate it.

[-] PlzGivHugs@sh.itjust.works 0 points 3 days ago

The reality is that most digital piracy is perpetuated by people who are well-off and have lots of tech, access to broadband internet, and high-end gaming computers.

Yes, piracy is for rich people who should just be buying games. Thats why we only see it in places like Western Europe and North America, whereas places like Brazil and Russia just buy all their games. Thats why in these places, they have N64s in every house to support companies making great games like Rareware, unlike filfthy pirates in the rich countries. If the rich first-worlders would stop being greedy and just pony up a few hundred in microtransactions a month during this economic crisis, then publishers wouldn't have to remove games from your library as often.

[-] PlzGivHugs@sh.itjust.works 2 points 3 days ago

Yes they should. Unfortunately, we live in a very unequal world, so a lot of people don't have any way to reward artists for their work. In those cases, the most they can give is attention and word-of-mouth advertising. Often, thats better than buying it, considering how frequently you have corporate owners who force the artists out and/or destroy the game shortly after its published. At least in those cases, the artist gets something rather than it all going to an already-rich investor.

[-] PlzGivHugs@sh.itjust.works 5 points 4 days ago

But it doesn't cost their time and effort. Time and effort has already been spent, and as a result, the media exists. Someone playing a copy of the game has no effect on the developer (except maybe advertising).

[-] PlzGivHugs@sh.itjust.works 110 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Skibidi Toilet is a serious of SFM shorts that became popular with young kids. Think in the same vein as the weird flash videos or early SFM videos that were popular with young kids 10-15 years ago. "Skibidi" doesn't mean anything and is just taken from that.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by PlzGivHugs@sh.itjust.works to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

I get pretty easy depressed watching TV shows with a depressing tone or a lot of character deaths or that. If its more in the background its generally fine, but things like Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, and The Boys are a lot for the moment. How does the new Fallout show compare?

Edit: Came back after watching it. Its depressing, but nowhere near as bad as people made it sound. No main character deaths, main characters do stupid stuff but are generally good people, and while things are grim and dark, there is hope for progress despite everything.


For example, I used to follow a lot of subreddits for individual YouTube content creators, however, Lemmy doesn't really have the size or culture to support this currently.

[-] PlzGivHugs@sh.itjust.works 87 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Tl;dr: The recent 7.6 magnitude earthquake was slightly beyond the rated limits of one plant but the plant wasn't running, and there was no damage done.

[-] PlzGivHugs@sh.itjust.works 34 points 6 months ago

I'm asking because I've personally found it far more hostile than Reddit (the only other platform I've put much time into). What I've mostly seen is that people downvote quickly and tend towards eliteism relative to Reddit. That said, I recognize that this could be just by instance or community, so I'm curious how others have found it.

[-] PlzGivHugs@sh.itjust.works 59 points 7 months ago

Probability. If something has a 50% chance of occuring, that does not mean it will happen every second time, and our brain has a very hard time rationalizing that. For example, we assume its near impossible to flip heads on a coin three times in a row when really, the probability is 12.5% - not that low. Another example would be something with a 95% chance of success - we naturally round up and assume thats basically garenteed success, but theres still a very decent chance of failure, esspecially on repeat attempts. Our brains are just not wired to handle randomness well, which is part of why gambling is so addicting and why games like X-Com have to rig the odds in the players favour to avoid pissing them off.

[-] PlzGivHugs@sh.itjust.works 38 points 7 months ago

That feels awfully soon. I hope they can actually create enough new content for this, as Below Zero felt far too similar to the first. It felt more like a new game plus rather than a full-price sequal.

[-] PlzGivHugs@sh.itjust.works 43 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

They added some bonus content including a mini-campaign originally bundled with other products, and added a bunch of QoL updates for modern systems (including but not limited to the Steam Deck).

[-] PlzGivHugs@sh.itjust.works 37 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I don't know about your location specifically or the specific age range you're refering to, but at least where I am, school/college tends to start at like 8:00 am, and most students want to or need to work fairly busy jobs given the ongoing cost of living crisis. Considering that, it means they can't stay up late, and don't have much energy to socialize compared to older generations. Although again, this varys by area and individual.

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