It just hard locks minutes to an hour after boot. I tore it down to the cpu and removed the motherboard and reconnected everything. I've now narrowed it down to CPU, MB or power supply. My bet is on MB, so I have a new one ordered.

The newest episodes with Tennant are on Disney, most of the 2005 series is on max from what I understand.

If it's not the GPU I'm almost positive it's CPU or mobo. It's hard locking anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour. No heat issues.

I've fresh installed windows 10, 11 and tried pop os. Pop froze twice during install. Disconnected everything except the ssd, GPU and a single stick of ram. Update bios. Tried both sticks of ram individually in slot 2 where it's supposed to go and slot 3, which still freezes and tells me I'm a dumb ass for not reading the manual for ram location. Tried installing windows on a hdd. Ram memetest86, sfc, ssd check through the bios etc.

Wish my CPU had onboard graphics to narrow that out, but I'll try the old GPU I have. At that point I guess I could throw my CPU in the kids pc and see if there's issues, but will probably just buy a mobo and see.

I've thought about it. The NAS enclosures are pretty expensive though. And since I usually just run the server on my gaming pc I couldn't justify the cost for another box when they fit in the pc just fine.

Wouldn't the hair prevent a good seal? Do these actually work, or does the gas leak in through the fur?

Rehab only works if the person wants to get clean. Otherwise it's just incarceration. There needs to be more support for those that want to get clean, but decriminalizing drugs also has to be done so that they can feel safe to seek treatment without fear of punishment.

People are probably more likely to call for their help if they don't have to fear being thrown in jail.

I thought the same thing for 20+ years. A nice rice cooker is great though. Ours has a yumcarb setting that my wife likes, which has a separate basket with holes in it. Most of the starch leaks out of the rice and pools below it.

Ps5 does have other stuff like checkerboard and dynamic resolution available though. Fact remains, control was almost a locked 60fps on pc, and locked at 30 with less impressive visuals on PS5. And I would bet it'll be same for Alan. In that I could get better framerate while also having better visuals on my pc than which I would get on the ps5.

I have 2080 super, which is probably a bit behind the 3070 and it pretty heavily out performs my ps5.

I canceled last time they raised the price and started including football. The only thing prime is really good for is if you like making a bunch of little purchases frequently. I honestly don't miss it at all. When I do buy something, you get free shipping on anything else you buy for the next 24 hours. That ends up covering the little stuff I might have forgotten on the original order and prime shipping was rarely 2 days anymore anyway, so what's an extra day or two wait.

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