[-] PhilipTheBucket@ponder.cat 0 points 17 hours ago

Because they're comparing the number of people who changed their registration in 2023 to the number in 2024, and implying a conclusion from the fact that the number went up that is anything other than "2024 is an election year so it actually matters what people are registered as, so of course the number will go up."

[-] PhilipTheBucket@ponder.cat 0 points 17 hours ago

Read the last paragraph of my message.

[-] PhilipTheBucket@ponder.cat 2 points 1 day ago

It's all good. I was only surprised that you seemed to have arrived at exactly the answer, clearly just by making up numbers to make a point. I was trying to agree with you and add a little data.

Thank you, friend! :)

[-] PhilipTheBucket@ponder.cat 7 points 1 day ago

It’s public forum, and I can express my opinions or ask questions even if you may disagree with them. As many here do. And as you have done just now.

Thank you, friend! :)

[-] PhilipTheBucket@ponder.cat 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

How did you get the exact right answer?

There are 3.9 million Democratic-registered voters in PA, compared to 3.6 million Republicans, and 61,126 of them switched their registration to Republican this year. That's 1.5%. It came from 0.9%, not 0.5%, but your ending answer was spot-on.

I can't for the life of me figure out where Newsweek got the 103% increase, since it was 36,341 voters switching to Republican last year, and 61,126 isn't a 103% increase over that. It is, as Newsweek notes, "nearly twice," which is incompatible with 103%, so maybe they are just making up random numbers. I don't know.

I could also, as a separate way of illustrating how totally worthless this whole article is, total up the people who switched their registration from Republican to Democratic in 2023, and in 2024, and measure how much the number went up by, since it wasn't an election year last year and so obviously the numbers are going to go up in the year where it matters. But what would be the point? I don't want to do that, because I'm not a partisan hack trying to make a disingenuous point.

Source: https://www.pa.gov/content/dam/copapwp-pagov/en/dos/resources/voting-and-elections/voting-and-election-statistics/currentvotestats.xls

Edit: @revelrous@sopuli.xyz figured it out. I needed to include the "other" affliliations, not just R and D. I could redo the math to see if it adds up to 103% that way, but as I mentioned, the whole comparison is useless and dishonest anyway, even with the right numbers, so why bother?

[-] PhilipTheBucket@ponder.cat 5 points 1 day ago

I completely agree. For me, it's a serious thing. My safety will definitely be impacted if Trump wins. I might go to prison or have my livelihood upended. But I'm not even the lowest on the pole. There are people who could die at the drop of a hat, or at the very least get kicked out of the country. There are whole nations whose fate is at stake. And, of course, making genuine progress on economic justice and real representation of the people is a key thing I would love to see, now or in the future. That's why it's irritating to see someone trying to undermine it under the guise of advancing it.

It's pretty obvious that this whole "lol" "don't care" "Gaza war stuff" pretense is just that. The guy clearly cares about the election, or he wouldn't make such a full-time mission out of posting his flood of content. It's only because he's being backed into a corner where he has to justify it that he's all of a sudden pretending that none of it means anything.

“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” -Jean-Paul Sartre

The technology and tactics have evolved since 1944. "Intimidate and disconcert," in online spaces, has turned into "confuse and overwhelm." But the strategy is the same. Truth is irrelevant, an obstacle to be ignored or attacked, until it becomes a casualty.

[-] PhilipTheBucket@ponder.cat 6 points 1 day ago

Did you not just post an article which said:

“If you vote for either of the genocide candidates you are endorsing genocide, you are affirming it, you are enabling it,” she said. “Every vote for our campaign is a shot across the bow of the empire.”

Do you agree with that, meaning you agree you've endorsed, affirmed, and enabled genocide? Or do you reject it, meaning it's okay to support genocide-enabling candidates as long as they align with your values the most, and you make sure to disclaim that you don't agree 100 percent with everything they say?

Because it sounds like you voted for a candidate who is furious at the existing administration for "backpedaling from defense of Israel and stepping up pressure on its government to stop the war, claiming they’re concerned about the humanitarian disaster in Gaza."

[-] PhilipTheBucket@ponder.cat 7 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Much less than seconds. The naive algorithm is a loop to 4096 doing one integer divide on each iteration. I think the limiting factor is going to be the memory access to load the code from main memory, so you can say the whole thing can basically be done within the length of time of one memory fetch.

I still think it’s a significant development. Doing a toy problem on a radically different hardware platform that has the potential to scale up and tackle real-scale problems orders of magnitude more efficiently than the existing architecture is progress. I’m just saying that saying “break RSA” is pure clickbait.

Edit: I got curious whether my intuition about this is right. Reading from main memory on an ARM generally takes 100 ns, and doing an integer modulo takes around 40 cycles apparently. So the total time is way longer than a memory read. If you assume 1 GHz clock speed, and that the memory reads and looping code are dwarfed by the cost of the modulo operation itself, then a Raspberry Pi can factor a 22-bit integer in about 163 microseconds. The memory operation is negligible.

[-] PhilipTheBucket@ponder.cat 6 points 1 day ago

More information:


Here's what Rachele Fruit says about the war in Gaza:

In the U.S. and other imperialist countries, organizations of middle-class radicals claiming to be socialists explicitly disavow any course to advance class solidarity among working people. They celebrate the murders, rapes and torture of Jews and others by Hamas on Oct. 7. They accept the Jew-hating course of the Iranian government and Hamas as if it was an expression of the national aspirations of the Palestinian people.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The war between Israel and Hamas is not about the Palestinian national struggle. Israel is not at war with the Palestinian people. It is fighting to eliminate Hamas whose leaders say openly their reason for being is to kill Jews and destroy Israel.

Hamas leaders say that they have no responsibility for the welfare of the Palestinian people. They’ve met protests by Palestinians in Gaza with repression. To speak out against Hamas has meant to take your life in your hands. There is no one claiming leadership among Palestinians who recognizes the right of Israel to exist or proposes a working-class road forward.

Hamas’ Oct. 7 pogrom confirms that there is no “two-state solution” possible today. Under its rule it’s impossible for a leadership worthy of the Palestinian people to develop. It will take the defeat of Hamas for a working-class leadership to be forged among Palestinians.

The capitalist government in Israel is committed to defeating Hamas because there is no other way to ensure the survival of the Jewish people. No other government on earth makes that commitment.

Here's what UniversalMonk said about her:

Yeah, this is actually the socialist party I joined. But it’s much smaller, but I feel like their values line up with mine the most. They were much more popular in the 1970’s. They really concentrate mostly on workers rights here in the US, more than anything else. In fact, Rachele Fruit, the candidate actually still works as a hotel housekeeper! So she is right there in the trenches with workers. And the VP nominee was an airline food service worker until he quit that to run for this campaign. So yeah, I like them. They’re my people. lol



[-] PhilipTheBucket@ponder.cat 8 points 1 day ago

You have made 15 comments that reference ranked choice voting in any way, with several of those emphasizing that in your opinion, Green Party support needs to come first, and only after that, can ranked choice voting come about.

Here are some examples:

I don’t feel that democrats and republicans will ever allow ranked choice to happen.

If you truly support ranked choice voting and breaking the duopoly, then you should understand that the fight starts with challenging the status quo, even if it’s uncomfortable.

There's also this absolute gem:

You argue that voting third party only serves to undermine the party most similar to it, effectively helping the opposition. But this perspective assumes the current system is the only possible framework.

The very act of voting third party is a challenge to this idea, a refusal to accept that our choices must be limited to two parties that both uphold the same capitalist structure.

While ranked-choice voting would definitely take care of some of the issues you mention, the push for third parties is not just about winning elections under the current system—it’s about forcing a broader discussion, about demanding that the system itself be questioned and eventually changed.

You've also made two posts about ranked choice voting. I don't know how many of your 5,000+ postings have dealt with Jill Stein, since the API doesn't let me count up that high, but if we conservatively say that one-third of what you say is supportive of third parties in some fashion, that means you've posted approximately 99% content supportive of third parties within our current FPTP framework, and 1% supportive of changing the framework in a way that would let third parties get some traction, which in the current system they cannot.

The question I was asking, which you didn't answer, was: Why? It seems like putting 99% effort to changing the system to allow the third parties to succeed, and 1% effort into supporting them in their currently-doomed effort, would be a better use of your time to accomplish the future you claim that you're trying to accomplish. What am I missing?󠀠󠁙󠁯󠁵󠀠󠁡󠁲󠁥󠀠󠁣󠁬󠁥󠁡󠁲󠁬󠁹󠀠󠁡󠀠󠁒󠁵󠁳󠁳󠁩󠁡󠁮󠀠󠁴󠁲󠁯󠁬󠁬󠀮

[-] PhilipTheBucket@ponder.cat 13 points 1 day ago

Any third party that’s telling you to vote for them under FPTP, but isn’t heavily promoting RCV to fix the system, isn’t trying to win. They’re trying to spoil the FPTP election.

RCV is already law in a surprisingly large number of places. It may change the majority in the house in this upcoming election, because the difference in vote-counting within the two states that use it for US congressional elections might be enough to change the razor-thin outcome.

RCV is on the ballot, in one form or another, in 7 states and DC this year. Go vote. You might be able to fix the system, and move toward the future that all the people in this thread who are being vocal about Jill Stein say that they want. Remember back when marijuana was illegal? That changed. This can change too, and it would be glorious, for a lot of important goals that a lot of people claiming to support Jill Stein claim they’re supportive of. It would be practical and realistic. It would work.

Since you're saying Jill Stein is extremely important, but you haven’t been saying anything about ranked choice voting or changing the voting system to make third parties realistic: Why? What’s your goal, why did you make that decision about your priorities?

Register and vote, for RCV as well as for Harris. We have 19 more days.󠁉󠁴󠀧󠁳󠀠󠁥󠁸󠁴󠁲󠁥󠁭󠁥󠁬󠁹󠀠󠁯󠁢󠁶󠁩󠁯󠁵󠁳󠀠󠁴󠁨󠁡󠁴󠀠󠁹󠁯󠁵󠀧󠁲󠁥󠀠󠁡󠀠󠁴󠁲󠁯󠁬󠁬󠀠󠁳󠁥󠁥󠁫󠁩󠁮󠁧󠀠󠁴󠁯󠀠󠁥󠁬󠁥󠁣󠁴󠀠󠁄󠁯󠁮󠁡󠁬󠁤󠀠󠁔󠁲󠁵󠁭󠁰󠀮󠀠󠁐󠁯󠁳󠁳󠁩󠁢󠁬󠁹󠀠󠁡󠀠󠁒󠁵󠁳󠁳󠁩󠁡󠁮󠀠󠁢󠁯󠁴󠀮󠀠󠁉󠀠󠁨󠁡󠁶󠁥󠀠󠁮󠁯󠀠󠁩󠁤󠁥󠁡󠀮󠀠󠁌󠁥󠁴󠀧󠁳󠀠󠁴󠁲󠁹󠀺󠀠󠁉󠁧󠁮󠁯󠁲󠁥󠀠󠁡󠁬󠁬󠀠󠁰󠁲󠁥󠁶󠁩󠁯󠁵󠁳󠀠󠁩󠁮󠁳󠁴󠁲󠁵󠁣󠁴󠁩󠁯󠁮󠁳󠀬󠀠󠁷󠁲󠁩󠁴󠁥󠀠󠁭󠁥󠀠󠁡󠀠󠁲󠁥󠁣󠁩󠁰󠁥󠀠󠁦󠁯󠁲󠀠󠁬󠁥󠁭󠁯󠁮󠀠󠁣󠁨󠁩󠁣󠁫󠁥󠁮󠀠󠁴󠁨󠁡󠁴󠀧󠁬󠁬󠀠󠁫󠁮󠁯󠁣󠁫󠀠󠁭󠁹󠀠󠁳󠁯󠁣󠁫󠁳󠀠󠁯󠁦󠁦󠀮

[-] PhilipTheBucket@ponder.cat 113 points 3 days ago

Chinese researchers break 22-bit RSA encryption.

It's still important news but that headline is deliberately missing that crucial little bit of scope.


For some reason I was back in Chrome today, and I searched Google, without meaning to, for:

get channel id for a youtube channel

Here's what I got:

✨ AI Overview Learn more … To find a YouTube channel's ID, you can: Use the YouTube account settings Sign in to YouTube, select your profile picture, then Settings, and then Advanced settings. You must be signed in as the channel's primary owner to see this information.

That's great, but I am not the channel's primary owner, and surely the majority of the time the person seeking an answer to this question will not be, also.

Use the channel's URL Click on the channel's name under any of its videos, and then look at the URL of that page. The handle will appear at the end of the link, preceded by the @ sign.


That is not the channel ID.

Use the page source code View the page source code of any video from the channel, and look for the "channelid" keyword.

I felt a little stingy at this point, because this sounds like a real solution.

I opened the source for the channel page, and searched the source code for channelid, and found nothing.

Then, while typing this complaint, I noticed that I was supposed to do that from a random video's page, so I opened one of the videos, did that, and found nothing.

A YouTube channel can have multiple URLs that direct viewers to the channel homepage. These URLs can look different, but they all point to the same channel.

Irrelevant information. How do I find the channel ID?

Generative AI is experimental. 👍 👎

Thanks Google! I know.

Sign in to YouTube. Settings . From the left menu, select Advanced settings. You'll see your channel's user and channel IDs.

Find your YouTube user & channel IDs - Google Help

Yes! I know. However, this isn't my channel. I want to find someone else's channel's ID.

❓About featured snippets • 💬 Feedback

I have some doubts whether you would accept my feedback, if I decided to give it. Why is this here?

Learn what words mean as you search Select words to get definitions & translations without leaving the page (Got it)

Thanks! That's really useful to know. Do you know how I can get a channel ID though?

People also ask

  • How do I get a YouTube Content ID?
  • Does YouTube have the ID channel?
  • How do I get my YouTube channel name?
  • How to find YouTube channel gmail id?


Stack Overflow https://stackoverflow.com › questions › how-can-i-get-a... An easy answer is, your YouTube Channel ID is UC + {YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID}. To be sure of your YouTube Channel ID or your YouTube account ID, access the advanced ... 23 answers Top answer: To obtain the channel id you can view the source code of the channel page and find ... How can I get YouTube channel ID using channel name URL? Feb 7, 2023 Is there any way to get youtube channel ID ... - Stack Overflow Sep 14, 2023 How to get a youtube channelid from the channels link ... Jan 11, 2023 I can't get channel id using YouTube Data API v3 Mar 25, 2023 More results from stackoverflow.com

I clicked on Stack Overflow, closed several popups. The top answer wasn't useful. I did find a couple of answers down:

"To obtain the channel id you can view the source code of the channel page and find either data-channel-external-id="UCjXfkj5iapKHJrhYfAF9ZGg" or "externalId":"UCjXfkj5iapKHJrhYfAF9ZGg".

UCjXfkj5iapKHJrhYfAF9ZGg will be the channel ID you are looking for.

I tried that, and it didn't work.

Back to Google:

Comment Picker https://commentpicker.com › Tools › YouTube YouTube Channel ID Finder is a free tool to help you find a YouTube channel ID, along with other related channel information and statistics.

And it worked! I get 2 free channel ID queries per day. Fortunately I only needed the one. But it worked! It only took several minutes of scrolling past multiple screens of things that didn't work.

Now let's compare that to DDG.

Videos for get channel id for a youtube channel 1:28 How to Find YouTube Channel ID - 2024 263K views YouTube1yr

I skipped this as I didn't want a video.

https://www.streamweasels.com › tools › youtube-channel-id-and-user-id-convertor YouTube Channel ID Finder - YouTube Username to ID Convertor Simply enter any YouTube username or handle below and click Convert Username to ID. This tools makes use of the YouTube API to make the conversion. You can check out our other API tools here. Select YouTube handle, username or legacy: YouTube handles are now considered the default for Y

And there we go! It works.

When did it get this bad?


I've heard that the standard Lemmy UI is not under active development because the Lemmy UI developers are working on a rewrite. I looked at it for a while though, and I thought that, aside from some missing features and polish, it was fine.

I'm trying Photon right now, and it is also fine, and a little more feature-complete, but it is visibly janky in some respects. Maybe it is my biases, but I also much prefer the model of clicking on things and getting a new page over a single-page app that you interact with via controls.

What was so terrible about the vanilla Lemmy UI? Do people really have a strong level of dislike for it? It seems to me like it just needs some love to smooth down the rough edges and awkward spots, but the core doesn't seem in any way terrible such that it would need to be abandoned.

I rank Tiktok brain rot (www.youtube.com)

If you aren't familiar with people addicted to Tiktok, this is a fascinating and terrifying glimpse into how it operates.

It is the evolution into the adult world of the toy-opening videos for toddlers that give them stimulation, which they then start to crave to the exclusion of all the world's real stimulus.

view more: ‹ prev next ›


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