[-] Paragone@beehaw.org 8 points 6 months ago


Absolutely stupendous quantities of high-quality, full-spectrum light.

Live in a light-box.

There is a circuit which goes from pigmented-ganglia ( black-pigmented nerve-endings ) in our retinas, into our brains.

That sensor-system is rather dull, unlike the rods & cones.

Rig a room's light-switch so that when you flick it, suddenly you're saturated in sufficient light to cross your light-threshold, about 1/2 second later, it's like vital aliveness kicked into your brain.

I've replicated the experiment, and I've gotten others to do it, too.

One non-obvious thing, though:

Because when we're in the dark, we can't remember what it felt-like to have that light-brain circuit activated ( the SAD-treatment lights are intended to cross this threshold: it's the same mechanism ), so therefore, to treat profound, long-term depression, you NEED to get tons of lights onto a timer, & use that as your "alarm clock".

It works.

It'd save many lives, if doctors would admit it is actual, evidence-based medicine, but that'd gut billions of dollars of psychiatric-industry, so .. that won't ever happen.

( dad was a medical-researcher & doctor: I remember the grudge/hatred when the Australian researcher violated psychiatry's established "ulcers are a psychiatric illness" dogma, with evidence showing that ulcers are created by pylorii bacteria.

Paychiatry won't ever do the experiment, they won't admit it works, they won't tolerate anybody claiming it works, etc.

Religion is religion, and my autistic-empiricism has no validity in their reality.

Do the experiment, though, & you'll see that it actually tests to be true. )

[-] Paragone@beehaw.org 55 points 7 months ago


  • Spez got paid, according to that, $193,000,000 last year as CEO.

  • reddit "never turned a profit".

I can't imagine the corruption/anti-integrity required to reconcile those 2 facts.

How come he isn't in jail, for fraud??

[-] Paragone@beehaw.org 3 points 10 months ago


  • they said that it shows the emission of electromagnetic energy has the same cause, but didn't explain what that cause is...

  • they said that magnetars don't emit energy all the time, so we had to catch them when they did emit: that is false: we have to catch them when they're emitting at us, which is a very-different frame-of-reference.

Also, if the things are neutron-stars, then how the hell can they even have any electromagnetic field?

Neutrons are neutral.

It must be a crust of non-neutron protons & electrons, or the plasma swirling in, or something, that's producing the electromagnetic field...

No need to bother commenting on anything I say:

just random thoughs flitting through a deteriorating old brain...

[-] Paragone@beehaw.org 5 points 10 months ago

I do not look soft and cuddly!!

How dare you suggest such a thing, Hoomin!

( glowering Universally )

: P

I think part of the problem is simply that people are trying to figure-out what "good & proper boundaries" means, for them, and since nobody's got themselves together

( our world is engineered to sabotage self-competence: the self-competent can't be preyed-upon as completely or easily as the compromised, therefore self-competence isn't permitted.

As John Taylor Gatto, a New York State award winning teacher told us, children with secure self can't be manipulated, and therefore the education institution cannot tolerate children to have secure self.

Breaking them, so they are dependent on approval, is required, for institutional authority/security/dominion.

All the spyware that surveillance-capitalism does, the "panopticon" we bought our way into, is the same thing, but for-profit, and for-corporatism. A "designer prison".

Comically, it's fundamentally about competing addictions, with social-status being tied to sociopathy, in some corporate cultures. )

since nobody's got themselves together, we're all defective in doing relationship properly, because the fake relationship pushed on/in previous generations ( looking at the 1950's for its fakeness, as the worst ) meant that their relationships were .. often fundamentally ignoring & pretence based.

Try enduring a few minutes of "The Waltons" and see if you can stomach the "relationships" in it...

it was popular!

People believed in that, as hard as they could.

Getting bogusness out from ourselves has to happen in order for us to get it out from our relationships, right?

Well, it's a messy process...

[-] Paragone@beehaw.org 3 points 10 months ago

There is only 1 climate-model, that I know-of, which isn't contradicted by the still-accelerating planetary heating, and it predicts planetary heating of over 5C if one doesn't include the CO2 equivalent of the methane we've added to the atmosphere, & it predicts about 9C planetary heating if we keep the CO2 & methane the same.

It's a powerlaw. Same as what actually rules lightning, flooding, hurricanes, tsunamis, quakes, climate punctuations, etc.

Notice that the world "consensus" is centered on 1.5C and 2C.

The accelerating release of methane from melting permafrost .. probably means it isn't possible for the amount of methane in the atmosphere to be reduced .. any more.

( 1ppm methane in the atmosphere has a 20-year effect about 82.5x as intense as 1ppm CO2.

I've no idea how long it actually lives in the atmosphere, though, so it may be much worse )

I don't know that Greece will be inhabitable by the end of this century.

I honestly don't know if anything in the tropics, or even near, will remain inhabitable.

It might be that only Siberia will remain inhabitable, and Antarctica.

I don't think it'll get that bad, but .. dear God is humankind ignoring reality as devoutly as it can.

[-] Paragone@beehaw.org 3 points 10 months ago

There is a positive-feedback-loop of culture-polarization, prejudice, ideology-addiction, and identity-formation, that is getting activated more & more & more, now, globally...

I'm using amazon.com links so you can read the reviews, not to recommend them as where you buy books from. ( Bookwyrm isn't populated enough to default to them, yet )


identifies the 5 culture-levels/modes.

Once you've read that, you'll realize that humankind is being pushed lower & lower on the scale.

Level-2 breeds conspiracism, because it is beneath Level-3's narcissism-culture ( and narcissistic sociopathic authority has become a cultural-addiction to the point of being social-status ).


is a book on the 2 mind-functions/categories, which he calls System-1 & System-2.

System-1 is ( in my opinion ) Limbic mind ( herdbeasts have it ), whereas System-2 is deliberate & considered thinking...

The lower in the 5 culture-processes a person is, the less System-2 they exercise.

Throw-in an ocean of economically-enforced Attachment Disorder, saturating entire-generations ( parents couldn't afford to be present & to parent their kids, consequences implacably grow ),

and you've got the feedback-loop to guarantee the nonviability of humankind.

Escalation will continue, and the Dark Pentad, as I call it ( the professionals don't accept that it is 5D )

Narcissism/Machiavellianism/Sociopathy-Psychopathy/Nihilism/Sadism continues grabbing more power, as the System-1's pseudo-thinking enforces more reacting, and Dark Pentad capitalizes on that...

It's quite elegant, when you consider how efficient it is at guaranteeing The Great Filter's extinguishing of our kind...

Frustrating & depressing, but elegant as hell.

Notice that Russia's Learned Helplessness culture "gets even" through nihilism & sadism, as the myriad torture-operations strewn throughout Wagner territory & Ukraine both demonstrate...

Putting the harm on others is, for people oppressed long-enough ( like the Russian people deformed in Leninism & beneath the oligarchy/dictatorship ) a survival mechanism, psychologically.

So, as multiple forces/factions work at breaking human-worth/values from having any say in the rule/operation of our world, .. the lashing-out ( mass-shootings are now at more than 2x per day, in the US ), the nihilism ( common in Level 1 culture ), the sadism, all multiply themselves AND multiply each-other...

Think of it as multiple "bulls" battering heads, to see who gets to be the "god bull"...

Legalism is one of them, materialism/moneyarchy is another, class-based-validity is another, authority worship is another...

Notice that humanitarianism isn't one of the contenders fighting for planetary dominion...

Another thing, is to be able to switch between the apparent view, the political view, and the system view...

Islamist totalitarian authoritarianism & Zionist totalitarian authoritarianism both are totalitarian authoritarianism.

So, politically they are enemies, but they both are committed to breaking the world to their totalitarian authoritarianism.

Every country has such .. puppets .. of the 4 false-religions.

( legalism, materialism/moneyarchy, class-based-"validity", and authority-worship, are the 4 false religions )

When the economy collapses, you're going to see a sudden & immense tilt from the current careful-thinking/considered world, that we live in in fall 2023, into a deranged, aggressive, polarized & violent System-1 world, & fascism will be gaining supremacy pretty-much everywhere, globally.

"Big Think" on yt has a good vid on the 10 behaviours of fascism.

This, too, is expressing PunctuatedEquilibrium, the Pattern which expresses at all scales throughout Universe...

E.g. of PunctuatedEquilibrium

{ Big Bang, itself; CMB; stages in a star's life, like ignition, red-giant, collapse, & detonation/nova; our planet's oxygenation, termination of dinosaurs, other mass extinctions, the creation of our Moon, much of human history's battles & treaties, birth, graduation, marrying, employment, injury, death, electron-shell energy-states, atomic-decay, galaxy-collision, ... }

We're simply unconsciously enforcing that our toddler-nature get to be the only controller of our world's fate/viability/"vehicle", and ratcheting ourselves into the Tantrum of Tantrums, jacked with & backed by all the military, industrial, propaganda/Leninism/Murdochism ( he remapped Leninism from left to right, used TV instead of "education", and we call it "populist dictatorship" instead of "proletariat dictatorship", but it's fundamentally identical in method ), and every other enforcement-of-non-reasoning/enforcement-of-non-consideration/enforcing-of-non-objectivity.

Species-puberty, iow.

It'll be interesting to see if any survive this century.

So, the nonthinking automatic aggression, the narcissistic System-1, and the machiavellianism, that you're seeing now, should be significantly eclipsed by what it turns into, as soon as the context gets worse.

[-] Paragone@beehaw.org 6 points 11 months ago

I've tried it, for several languages...

It seems good, to me, but I've learned to invest in the BEST 2-ish recent books on any language I'm trying to learn:

the difference between average vs GOOD instruction is cliff-like, and I need to understand why things work the way they do.

( with 2 different-author books, best I can get, then if 1 author is explaining something in a way I can't get, then I've got a good alternative.

Better, though, is that if I make myself work through both, then it's much more likely to stick, see? : )

I consider Exercism to be a good part of a healthy ( programming-learning ) breakfast!

: )

CombinedArms: use EVERY dimension of leverage you can, simultaneously, and more-certainly win, quicker!

I'm saying this, and I also saying I've had to report bugs in their lessons, 1 or 2 times.

I need Exercism.

[-] Paragone@beehaw.org 15 points 11 months ago

The models/simulations are falsified by the evidence:


Notice that that darkens the planet's albedo, accelerating the progression of ClimatePunctuation/GlobalWarming...

and that the models/simulations contradict the evidence, saying that what happened wouldn't happen.

The real & correct prediction is that we have already put 5-6C global-warming's worth of CO2 into the atmosphere, AND we have also added other greenhouse gasses, like methane, & sulfur-hexafluoride.

Here is the robust fact:


The powerlaw they discovered that governs the interglacial temperatures is this:

280ppm is a good pre-industrial CO2 measure.

  • 280ppm * (9th-root-of-2) == +1C
  • 280ppm * (9th-root-of-2)^2 == +2C
  • 280ppm * (9th-root-of-2)^3 == +3C
  • 280ppm * (9th-root-of-2)^4 == +4C
  • 280ppm * (9th-root-of-2)^5 == +5C ( we are at 421, which is above this )
  • 280ppm * (9th-root-of-2)^6 == +6C
  • 280ppm * (9th-root-of-2)^7 == +7C
  • 280ppm * (9th-root-of-2)^8 == +8C
  • 280ppm * (9th-root-of-2)^9 == +9C ( aka 280ppm * 2 == +9C )

At that point, the CO2 level has been doubled.

CO2 acts like the Gate in a bipolar transistor: the tiny current you put into the gate, the HUGE current flows through the Source-Drain part of the transistor.

Increase the CO2, & that increases the moisture in the atmosphere, which MASSIVELY increases the amount of retained solar heat.

Pretending that +2C is attainable, now, is delusional.

I'm no longer certain that there will be ANY life around the equator, in 1 century, at or near the surface.

[-] Paragone@beehaw.org 6 points 11 months ago

All this begs the question:

Why not learn crochet/knitting, & make one's own, of whatever yarn one wants??

( that will happen, for me: I'm fed-up with things that never fit right, or are wrongly designed )

[-] Paragone@beehaw.org 7 points 11 months ago

Obviously, therefore, competing against the system of moneyarchy would be the only possible means of displacing its dominion on the world, so, ..

.. how come nobody's doing it properly, or at-scale??

I'm talking about a competing economic-system, not competing against a few companies within moneyarchy's regime.

: )

[-] Paragone@beehaw.org 11 points 11 months ago

I've become of 2 minds about leather footwear & gloves:

The primary alternative to leather is plastic, which, when it breaks-down, sabotages the food-web, right?

Leather doesn't do that.

I honestly don't know what The Right Answer(tm) is, on that one, anymore.

I'm usually vegan, btw, not for ideological/religious reasons, but simply because doing otherwise blocks my ability to reach the meditations I need.

I do find butchering animal lives for a mere few-meals unethical, but refugee Buddhist monk Kelsang Gyatso pointed-out in one of his books, IF a person has anemia, THEN the right antidote is eating red meat.

He's ordained, a Geshe, and he is recommending that right in his dharma.

Years-enduring clothing is a much less desolating consumption than needless meat-eating.

Exactly as that brilliant psychological truth in the Christian bible shows, naive truth, aka symbolic "truth", is syrupy-sweet in one's face/mouth, whereas digested & real, experience-induced-understanding Truth, is bitter.

See for yourself:


[-] Paragone@beehaw.org 4 points 11 months ago

I only glanced at that, & saw the ascendency/supremacy items...

Any moron can see that the dark-pentad...

{ Narcissism; Machiavellianism; Psychopathy; Nihilism; Sadism }

...is being more-and-more explored & pushed by various factional-supremacists throughout our world...

"Mutually Assured Destruction" .. is ONLY a deterrant when BOTH sides DON'T assume that God is going to obediently reward them for "martyring" themselves, with other-souls/CellsOfGod made into personal-slaves for them, for all Eternity.

Hamas's aim is Mutually Assured Destruction: Nihilism, with religious-reward from the GiverOfAllSouls supposedly rewarding them for their Nihilism-enforcement.

The "Christian" apocalyptic-nihilists are on the same wavelength, btw.

The Yang Unravelling stage of this Great Filter either has begun, or is about-to begin, between now & spring 2025...

There should be only 4 factions/empires left on the planet by 2033, and then the Hammerfall stage of The Great Filter begins, and should last for about 1/2 or so century, before terrestrial & marine food-webs collapse... maybe less than 1/2 century, but it won't be a mere-decade...

For all who believe that ICBM's are going to settle everything in mere-days, Kessler Syndrome is going to rip the rug out from all aerospace force-projection, right in the 1st few hours, if not minutes, of Hammerfall-stage.

It's like hollering into a building hurricane: nobody is going to believe ANY of this, until it has already become historical-fact, and even-then, it'll be denied by the world's majority: ideological-addiction/prejudice is a drug stronger than crack?

Non-objectivity is a mental-illness our cultures have made their beloved-drugs. And our lives are going to pay the price for that ignoring/denying, a thousandfold.

: \

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