[-] Paradoxvoid@aussie.zone 20 points 1 week ago

You've got to give Microsoft credit for their dedication to backwards compatibility.

[-] Paradoxvoid@aussie.zone 77 points 3 months ago

Here's another example where trying to chase the live-service money train has just ended up with a subpar product that people abandon or avoid almost instantly.

Unfortunately I suspect the wrong lessons will be taken away from this as well - e.g. the console/PC gaming market is too fickle, etc.

[-] Paradoxvoid@aussie.zone 15 points 3 months ago

Yeah I don't understand the premise of the headline either - unless it's supposed to be some slight on 'inner-city lefties', being the only ones who could possibly want an EV...

[-] Paradoxvoid@aussie.zone 39 points 7 months ago

I think it'll actually be Xarmageddon, which is like Armageddon, but much more woke.

I'm surprised he hasn't changed his name to Elon Mux by now.

[-] Paradoxvoid@aussie.zone 25 points 7 months ago

Ok but who actually doesn’t know what a magazine is

Kbin devs, apparently.

[-] Paradoxvoid@aussie.zone 14 points 7 months ago

Well Google has recently been forcing through its awful Web Environment Integrity proposal so...

[-] Paradoxvoid@aussie.zone 13 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Like legit, some of these comments are utterly deranged. YouTube has ZERO competition in the mass market consumer space, everyone else is a niche player, and it's debatable whether YouTube even turns a profit despite that.

[-] Paradoxvoid@aussie.zone 157 points 9 months ago

People saying Steam doesn't have a monopoly because other stores exist, is the same as saying Microsoft doesn't have a monopoly on PC Gaming because Mac and Linux exist. Technically true, but ultimately meaningless because its their market power that determines a monopoly, not whether there are other niche players.

While Valve and Steam have generally been a good player, and currently do offer the best product, they still wield an ungodly amount of influence over the PC gaming market space.

Epic is chasing that because they really want what Valve has, though no doubt they plan to speedrun the enshittification process as soon as they think it safe.

[-] Paradoxvoid@aussie.zone 20 points 10 months ago

Exactly! This is the playbook for how Linux has gained such a mainstay - while GNU/Linux on the desktop may still be pretty small, the extensibility and open-source nature of the platform has meant it's been able to take over on all sort of alternative platforms - Android and Steam Deck being the big ones in the consumer space, but also larger distros being used regularly in enterprise/web hosting.

If everyone had refused to embrace Android or Steam Deck or any of the other distros run and maintained by for-profit corporations due to some preconceived idea of what the 'correct' way to use Linux is, it would still be doomed to irrelevance outside of tech circles.

submitted 11 months ago by Paradoxvoid@aussie.zone to c/meta@aussie.zone

I was wondering whether there's any appetite to host alternative frontends? I've been using Alexandrite a bit recently, and really liking it (though would be more comfortable sending my login credentials directly to aussie.zone instead of hoping everything's legit), and some other servers are hosting that or something like Voyager for a mobile-first iOS-styled interface.


[-] Paradoxvoid@aussie.zone 20 points 11 months ago

The people who this really affected - third-party app users, people affected by the poor accessibility of the regular app/site and the anti- 'hail corporate' types have already migrated or are otherwise disengaged with Reddit, leaving just the bootlickers.

[-] Paradoxvoid@aussie.zone 20 points 11 months ago

People these days really are sheltered if they can't detect sarcasm without it being specifically called out...

[-] Paradoxvoid@aussie.zone 17 points 11 months ago

I heard someone approached Christian with that idea already, but he is wasn't really interested.

Setting up the whole ecosystem is hard - most of the app developers are very good with front-end and user experience, but setting up a robust, scalable backed is a completely different skill set.

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