[-] OrnluWolfjarl@lemmygrad.ml 47 points 4 months ago

By the way, the 20% threshold of the Georgian Law is far more forgiving than the Foreign Agents Registration Act that applies in the US, which is way more broad and also more vague in its restrictions.

Also, it's like libs and Eurolickers have forgotten that we've just finished spending 5 years of US media and government agencies crying about the possibility that Russia "might have meddled" in their elections. Why are they decrying a country that is trying to prevent that from happening.

On a side note, a few days ago, the Georgian president came on stage during a military ceremony and addressed the troops, basically asking them to help her overthrow the prime minister. The prime minister came up on stage after her and outright called her a traitor.

[-] OrnluWolfjarl@lemmygrad.ml 46 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)





Even though the West denies it, Russia has produced the signed draft agreement with genuine Ukrainian signatures.


The SMO began on February 24. Russia was not aiming to conquer territory but to force Ukraine to accept neutrality, recognize Crimea as Russian and allow autonomy to Donetsk and Luhansk. They occupied positions in the 2 regions, took Kherson (outside Crimea) and surrounded major cities like Mariupol and Kharkhov. They also drove straight for Kiev with little regard for securing territory. This led to logistical issues for Russian forces, but despite them, they were clearly beating back the Ukrainian army (which was at its peak).

Within a few days, Russia invited Ukraine to peace talks. They first occured in Belarus. Russia made their demands as mentioned and Ukraine demanded that Russia retreats from Ukraine, including Crimea and publicly denied peace negotiations.

To cover their asses for denying peace in a war they were clearly losing, Ukraine started accusing Russia of warcrimes, specifically that it was kidnapping children and massacring civilians like in Bucha (claims which the Western press was eager to support). The UN did an investigation and preliminary results show there was no case for warcrimes. The ICC (which is different to the ICJ) proclaimed Ukrainian claims were right and that was that.

Meanwhile, the Russians continued advancing. By March 6, Russian forces secured the Kiev airport and established lines of logistical supply for the forces around Kiev. This rattled Zelensky and negotiations resumed in Turkey.

Weird things started happening then like rumours about Ukrainian officials being interrogated by Ukrainian intelligence services (infiltrated and controlled by fascists) and finally one of the negotiators being shot dead and then accused of being a spy. This was accompanied by an intense PR campaign by Right Sector and other Ukrainian fascists to stop negotiations and return to the fight.

Despite this, the Ukrainian and Russian foreign minister met on March 10 and some progress was made. By March 16 leaks from both sides were saying that peace was close. In the meantime, Russian forces retreated from around Kiev, and also completely left the Sumy region. For the first time since the SMO started, no further advances were being made. And Ukraine did not claim this as a victory on the battlefield (not through official channels anyway), indicating this was an agreement reached during negotiations.

Boris Johnson then spoke to the G7 and said that "Ukraine needs to be supported so it is not forced to accept a Russian peace deal".

He then flew to Kiev and met with Zelensky, where as Ukrainian retired officials are telling us now, he convinced Zelensky to walk away from negotiations and he promised the West would "support Ukraine all the way".

So despite peace being so close, Ukraine cancelled the deal by the end of March, and walked away from negotiations. Which is why Ukraine seems so demanding when it comes to aid being provided by the West. Because it was promised to them. Also why Zelensky seems so arrogant when invited to NATO conferences. Because he understood that by declining Russian peace, Ukraine would be protected by NATO. Meanwhile, this is also the time when the fighting started getting more intense, and for the first time in the SMO, the Russian army started advancing with an actual formed frontline.

Last June, when Putin met with African leaders he published the draft of the peace deal which apparently was signed by the Ukrainian foreign minister and other negotiators. . The peace deal said that Russia would retreat from all territory taken after February 23, Ukraine would commit to having further talks regarding Crimea and autonomy of Donetsk and Luhansk. Ukraine would enshrine neutrality in its constitution. Russia would provide some aid for rebuilding areas damaged by war. This is the most generous peace deal Ukraine could ever hope for. And they walked away from it at the behest of the West, which spent 8 years arming Ukraine and financing the fascists taking over, so this war could happen.

[-] OrnluWolfjarl@lemmygrad.ml 51 points 6 months ago

I love how they use the term "revisionist" to refer to media from countries they don't like. The whole article is also a beautiful horseshoe theory polished turd.


I found this speech to be very candid and close to a historical materialist perspective.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Colleagues,

Today, I want to discuss a broad range of issues with you.

The Defence Minister [Sergei Shoigu] is back from his official trip abroad, and he will brief us on its outcomes and report on the progress of the special military operation.

Of course, we will discuss the situation in the Middle East and issues related to ensuring law and order in Russia. We will discuss what needs to be done to protect the rights of our people, public safety, civil peace and interethnic accord, including in view of external threats.

As you know, at a recent meeting with religious associations’ leaders, I spoke about the attempts to use the dramatic situation in the Middle East and other regional conflicts against our country to destabilise and divide our multi-ethnic and multi-faith society. For this purpose, many different means are being used, including, as we see, lies, provocations and sophisticated techniques of psychological and information aggression.

I want to repeat that those behind the Middle East conflict and other regional conflicts will be using the destructive impact of these conflicts to sow hatred and cause clashes between people around the world. This is the real self-serving aim of such geopolitical puppeteers.

We remember how the current phase of the Middle East crisis began: it was a terrorist attack against Israeli civilians and civilians from other countries who happened to be in Israel at that time. We see that, unfortunately, instead of punishing criminals and terrorists, they started to retaliate according to the principle of collective responsibility. There is no justification for the terrible events taking place in Gaza now, where hundreds of thousands of innocent people are being killed indiscriminately, without having anywhere to flee or hide from the bombing. When you see blood-stained children, dead children, the suffering of women and old people, when you see medics killed, of course, it makes you clench your fists as tears well in your eyes. There is no other way to put it.

However, we should not, we have no right and we cannot allow ourselves to be carried away by emotions. We must clearly understand who in reality is behind the tragedy of peoples in the Middle East and in other regions around the world, who has been organising this lethal chaos and who benefits from it. In my opinion, it has already become clear to everyone, as the masterminds brazenly act in the open.

These are the current ruling elites in the United States and its satellites who are the main beneficiaries of the global instability that they use to extract their bloody rent. Their strategy is also clear. The United States as a global superpower is becoming weaker and is losing its position, and everyone sees and understands this, even judging by the trends in the world economy. The American-style world, with the hegemony of one country, is being destroyed and is receding gradually but inexorably into the past.

However, the United States is unwilling to accept this, and instead seeks to preserve and extend its dominance, its global dictatorship, which is easier to achieve amid such chaos, because the United States believes this chaos will help it contain and destabilise its rivals or, as they put it, their geopolitical opponents, among which they also rank our country, which in reality are new global growth centres and sovereign independent countries who are unwilling to kowtow and play the role of servants.

Today, Russia is not just actively participating in the formation of a new, fairer multipolar world with equal rights and opportunities for all countries and civilisations. We are not only one of the leaders of this objective historical process, but I will say more, and everyone knows this: Russia is fighting on the battlefield for our future, for the principles of a just world order, for the freedom of countries and peoples. We are fighting consistently, and our soldiers and officers, our heroes, are fighting and losing their comrades-in-arms.

I will repeat again: the ruling elites of the United States and its satellites are behind the tragedy of the Palestinians, the massacre in the Middle East in general, the conflict in Ukraine, and many other conflicts in the world – in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and so on. This has become obvious to everyone. It is they who install their military bases everywhere, who use military force on every pretext and without any pretext, who send weapons to conflict areas. They are also channelling financial resources, including to Ukraine and the Middle East, and fuelling hatred in Ukraine and the Middle East.

They are not achieving results on the battlefield, so they want to split us from within, as far as Russia is concerned, to weaken us and sow confusion. They do not want Russia to participate in solving any international or regional problems, including in the Middle East settlement. They are not satisfied at all when someone does not act or speak exactly as they are instructed. They believe only in their own exclusivity, in being allowed to do anything.

They do not need durable peace in the Holy Land; they need constant chaos in the Middle East. Consequently, they are trying hard to discredit countries that are insisting on an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, on ending the bloodshed, and that are ready to make a real contribution to resolving the crisis, rather than parasitising on it. They are even attacking, ostracising and trying to discredit the UN and the clear position of the global community.

I would like to note that, unlike the West, our approaches towards the situation in the Middle East have always lacked mercenary interests, intrigues and double standards. We have stated and continue to openly state our position, which does not change every year. The key to resolving the conflict lies in establishing a sovereign and independent Palestinian state, a full-fledged Palestinian state. We have repeatedly said this openly and honestly during our contacts with the Palestinian and Israeli leaders.

I repeat, the truth is that the stronger Russia becomes and the more consolidated Russian society is, the more effectively will we be able to uphold our own national interests, as well as the interests of the nations that are victimised by the neo-colonial Western policy.

I would like to say once again that we must realise where the root of evil lies. We must know where the spider that is trying to entangle the entire planet and the whole world in its cobweb is. It wants to ensure our strategic defeat on the battlefield, and it is using people on the territory of contemporary Ukraine who have been brainwashed by it for decades. I would like to stress once again that, while fighting this enemy in the course of the special military operation, we are boosting the positions of all those who are struggling for their independence and sovereignty.

The events in Makhachkala last night were instigated also through social networks, not least from Ukraine, by agents of Western intelligences services. I would like to ask myself in this connection: is it possible to help Palestine by trying to attack the Tat people and their families? Tats, by the way, are the titular nation in Daghestan. The only way to help Palestine is to fight those who are behind this tragedy. We, Russia, are fighting them in a special military operation, fighting them for ourselves and for those who seek real, true freedom.

By the way, I never cease to be amazed by the Kiev regime and its overseas masters. We know that Bandera and other henchmen of Hitler have already been put on a pedestal of honour, we know and see how the Ukrainian leadership applauds the Nazis of the Second World War, who were guilty of the Holocaust victims, who personally took part in these crimes, and today, under the guidance of their Western patrons, are trying to instigate pogroms in Russia. By the way, I am not sure whether all the leading circles in the same States are aware of this. It would not be a bad idea for those who care so much about the citizens of Israel to investigate what their security services are doing in Ukraine, whether they are trying to instigate pogroms in Russia. Scum, that’s all. There is no other way to put it.

But those who really stand up for truth and justice, who fight against evil and oppression, against racism and neo-Nazism, which the West encourages, are now fighting at the front – near Donetsk, Avdeyevka, on the Dnieper. I repeat: these are our soldiers and officers. And the choice of a real man, a true warrior, is to take up arms and stand in line with his brothers, to be there where the fate of Russia and, indeed, of the whole world, including the future of the Palestinian people, is being decided.

I want to draw the attention of the heads of all regions, heads of law enforcement agencies and special services to the need for firm, timely and clear action to protect Russia’s constitutional order, the rights and freedoms of our citizens, inter-ethnic and inter-faith accord.

Let us move on to a discussion of all the proposed topics.


I found this speech to be very candid and close to a historical materialist perspective.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Colleagues,

Today, I want to discuss a broad range of issues with you.

The Defence Minister [Sergei Shoigu] is back from his official trip abroad, and he will brief us on its outcomes and report on the progress of the special military operation.

Of course, we will discuss the situation in the Middle East and issues related to ensuring law and order in Russia. We will discuss what needs to be done to protect the rights of our people, public safety, civil peace and interethnic accord, including in view of external threats.

As you know, at a recent meeting with religious associations’ leaders, I spoke about the attempts to use the dramatic situation in the Middle East and other regional conflicts against our country to destabilise and divide our multi-ethnic and multi-faith society. For this purpose, many different means are being used, including, as we see, lies, provocations and sophisticated techniques of psychological and information aggression.

I want to repeat that those behind the Middle East conflict and other regional conflicts will be using the destructive impact of these conflicts to sow hatred and cause clashes between people around the world. This is the real self-serving aim of such geopolitical puppeteers.

We remember how the current phase of the Middle East crisis began: it was a terrorist attack against Israeli civilians and civilians from other countries who happened to be in Israel at that time. We see that, unfortunately, instead of punishing criminals and terrorists, they started to retaliate according to the principle of collective responsibility. There is no justification for the terrible events taking place in Gaza now, where hundreds of thousands of innocent people are being killed indiscriminately, without having anywhere to flee or hide from the bombing. When you see blood-stained children, dead children, the suffering of women and old people, when you see medics killed, of course, it makes you clench your fists as tears well in your eyes. There is no other way to put it.

However, we should not, we have no right and we cannot allow ourselves to be carried away by emotions. We must clearly understand who in reality is behind the tragedy of peoples in the Middle East and in other regions around the world, who has been organising this lethal chaos and who benefits from it. In my opinion, it has already become clear to everyone, as the masterminds brazenly act in the open.

These are the current ruling elites in the United States and its satellites who are the main beneficiaries of the global instability that they use to extract their bloody rent. Their strategy is also clear. The United States as a global superpower is becoming weaker and is losing its position, and everyone sees and understands this, even judging by the trends in the world economy. The American-style world, with the hegemony of one country, is being destroyed and is receding gradually but inexorably into the past.

However, the United States is unwilling to accept this, and instead seeks to preserve and extend its dominance, its global dictatorship, which is easier to achieve amid such chaos, because the United States believes this chaos will help it contain and destabilise its rivals or, as they put it, their geopolitical opponents, among which they also rank our country, which in reality are new global growth centres and sovereign independent countries who are unwilling to kowtow and play the role of servants.

Today, Russia is not just actively participating in the formation of a new, fairer multipolar world with equal rights and opportunities for all countries and civilisations. We are not only one of the leaders of this objective historical process, but I will say more, and everyone knows this: Russia is fighting on the battlefield for our future, for the principles of a just world order, for the freedom of countries and peoples. We are fighting consistently, and our soldiers and officers, our heroes, are fighting and losing their comrades-in-arms.

I will repeat again: the ruling elites of the United States and its satellites are behind the tragedy of the Palestinians, the massacre in the Middle East in general, the conflict in Ukraine, and many other conflicts in the world – in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and so on. This has become obvious to everyone. It is they who install their military bases everywhere, who use military force on every pretext and without any pretext, who send weapons to conflict areas. They are also channelling financial resources, including to Ukraine and the Middle East, and fuelling hatred in Ukraine and the Middle East.

They are not achieving results on the battlefield, so they want to split us from within, as far as Russia is concerned, to weaken us and sow confusion. They do not want Russia to participate in solving any international or regional problems, including in the Middle East settlement. They are not satisfied at all when someone does not act or speak exactly as they are instructed. They believe only in their own exclusivity, in being allowed to do anything.

They do not need durable peace in the Holy Land; they need constant chaos in the Middle East. Consequently, they are trying hard to discredit countries that are insisting on an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, on ending the bloodshed, and that are ready to make a real contribution to resolving the crisis, rather than parasitising on it. They are even attacking, ostracising and trying to discredit the UN and the clear position of the global community.

I would like to note that, unlike the West, our approaches towards the situation in the Middle East have always lacked mercenary interests, intrigues and double standards. We have stated and continue to openly state our position, which does not change every year. The key to resolving the conflict lies in establishing a sovereign and independent Palestinian state, a full-fledged Palestinian state. We have repeatedly said this openly and honestly during our contacts with the Palestinian and Israeli leaders.

I repeat, the truth is that the stronger Russia becomes and the more consolidated Russian society is, the more effectively will we be able to uphold our own national interests, as well as the interests of the nations that are victimised by the neo-colonial Western policy.

I would like to say once again that we must realise where the root of evil lies. We must know where the spider that is trying to entangle the entire planet and the whole world in its cobweb is. It wants to ensure our strategic defeat on the battlefield, and it is using people on the territory of contemporary Ukraine who have been brainwashed by it for decades. I would like to stress once again that, while fighting this enemy in the course of the special military operation, we are boosting the positions of all those who are struggling for their independence and sovereignty.

The events in Makhachkala last night were instigated also through social networks, not least from Ukraine, by agents of Western intelligences services. I would like to ask myself in this connection: is it possible to help Palestine by trying to attack the Tat people and their families? Tats, by the way, are the titular nation in Daghestan. The only way to help Palestine is to fight those who are behind this tragedy. We, Russia, are fighting them in a special military operation, fighting them for ourselves and for those who seek real, true freedom.

By the way, I never cease to be amazed by the Kiev regime and its overseas masters. We know that Bandera and other henchmen of Hitler have already been put on a pedestal of honour, we know and see how the Ukrainian leadership applauds the Nazis of the Second World War, who were guilty of the Holocaust victims, who personally took part in these crimes, and today, under the guidance of their Western patrons, are trying to instigate pogroms in Russia. By the way, I am not sure whether all the leading circles in the same States are aware of this. It would not be a bad idea for those who care so much about the citizens of Israel to investigate what their security services are doing in Ukraine, whether they are trying to instigate pogroms in Russia. Scum, that’s all. There is no other way to put it.

But those who really stand up for truth and justice, who fight against evil and oppression, against racism and neo-Nazism, which the West encourages, are now fighting at the front – near Donetsk, Avdeyevka, on the Dnieper. I repeat: these are our soldiers and officers. And the choice of a real man, a true warrior, is to take up arms and stand in line with his brothers, to be there where the fate of Russia and, indeed, of the whole world, including the future of the Palestinian people, is being decided.

I want to draw the attention of the heads of all regions, heads of law enforcement agencies and special services to the need for firm, timely and clear action to protect Russia’s constitutional order, the rights and freedoms of our citizens, inter-ethnic and inter-faith accord.

Let us move on to a discussion of all the proposed topics.


I found this speech to be very candid and close to a historical materialist perspective.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Colleagues,

Today, I want to discuss a broad range of issues with you.

The Defence Minister [Sergei Shoigu] is back from his official trip abroad, and he will brief us on its outcomes and report on the progress of the special military operation.

Of course, we will discuss the situation in the Middle East and issues related to ensuring law and order in Russia. We will discuss what needs to be done to protect the rights of our people, public safety, civil peace and interethnic accord, including in view of external threats.

As you know, at a recent meeting with religious associations’ leaders, I spoke about the attempts to use the dramatic situation in the Middle East and other regional conflicts against our country to destabilise and divide our multi-ethnic and multi-faith society. For this purpose, many different means are being used, including, as we see, lies, provocations and sophisticated techniques of psychological and information aggression.

I want to repeat that those behind the Middle East conflict and other regional conflicts will be using the destructive impact of these conflicts to sow hatred and cause clashes between people around the world. This is the real self-serving aim of such geopolitical puppeteers.

We remember how the current phase of the Middle East crisis began: it was a terrorist attack against Israeli civilians and civilians from other countries who happened to be in Israel at that time. We see that, unfortunately, instead of punishing criminals and terrorists, they started to retaliate according to the principle of collective responsibility. There is no justification for the terrible events taking place in Gaza now, where hundreds of thousands of innocent people are being killed indiscriminately, without having anywhere to flee or hide from the bombing. When you see blood-stained children, dead children, the suffering of women and old people, when you see medics killed, of course, it makes you clench your fists as tears well in your eyes. There is no other way to put it.

However, we should not, we have no right and we cannot allow ourselves to be carried away by emotions. We must clearly understand who in reality is behind the tragedy of peoples in the Middle East and in other regions around the world, who has been organising this lethal chaos and who benefits from it. In my opinion, it has already become clear to everyone, as the masterminds brazenly act in the open.

These are the current ruling elites in the United States and its satellites who are the main beneficiaries of the global instability that they use to extract their bloody rent. Their strategy is also clear. The United States as a global superpower is becoming weaker and is losing its position, and everyone sees and understands this, even judging by the trends in the world economy. The American-style world, with the hegemony of one country, is being destroyed and is receding gradually but inexorably into the past.

However, the United States is unwilling to accept this, and instead seeks to preserve and extend its dominance, its global dictatorship, which is easier to achieve amid such chaos, because the United States believes this chaos will help it contain and destabilise its rivals or, as they put it, their geopolitical opponents, among which they also rank our country, which in reality are new global growth centres and sovereign independent countries who are unwilling to kowtow and play the role of servants.

Today, Russia is not just actively participating in the formation of a new, fairer multipolar world with equal rights and opportunities for all countries and civilisations. We are not only one of the leaders of this objective historical process, but I will say more, and everyone knows this: Russia is fighting on the battlefield for our future, for the principles of a just world order, for the freedom of countries and peoples. We are fighting consistently, and our soldiers and officers, our heroes, are fighting and losing their comrades-in-arms.

I will repeat again: the ruling elites of the United States and its satellites are behind the tragedy of the Palestinians, the massacre in the Middle East in general, the conflict in Ukraine, and many other conflicts in the world – in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and so on. This has become obvious to everyone. It is they who install their military bases everywhere, who use military force on every pretext and without any pretext, who send weapons to conflict areas. They are also channelling financial resources, including to Ukraine and the Middle East, and fuelling hatred in Ukraine and the Middle East.

They are not achieving results on the battlefield, so they want to split us from within, as far as Russia is concerned, to weaken us and sow confusion. They do not want Russia to participate in solving any international or regional problems, including in the Middle East settlement. They are not satisfied at all when someone does not act or speak exactly as they are instructed. They believe only in their own exclusivity, in being allowed to do anything.

They do not need durable peace in the Holy Land; they need constant chaos in the Middle East. Consequently, they are trying hard to discredit countries that are insisting on an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, on ending the bloodshed, and that are ready to make a real contribution to resolving the crisis, rather than parasitising on it. They are even attacking, ostracising and trying to discredit the UN and the clear position of the global community.

I would like to note that, unlike the West, our approaches towards the situation in the Middle East have always lacked mercenary interests, intrigues and double standards. We have stated and continue to openly state our position, which does not change every year. The key to resolving the conflict lies in establishing a sovereign and independent Palestinian state, a full-fledged Palestinian state. We have repeatedly said this openly and honestly during our contacts with the Palestinian and Israeli leaders.

I repeat, the truth is that the stronger Russia becomes and the more consolidated Russian society is, the more effectively will we be able to uphold our own national interests, as well as the interests of the nations that are victimised by the neo-colonial Western policy.

I would like to say once again that we must realise where the root of evil lies. We must know where the spider that is trying to entangle the entire planet and the whole world in its cobweb is. It wants to ensure our strategic defeat on the battlefield, and it is using people on the territory of contemporary Ukraine who have been brainwashed by it for decades. I would like to stress once again that, while fighting this enemy in the course of the special military operation, we are boosting the positions of all those who are struggling for their independence and sovereignty.

The events in Makhachkala last night were instigated also through social networks, not least from Ukraine, by agents of Western intelligences services. I would like to ask myself in this connection: is it possible to help Palestine by trying to attack the Tat people and their families? Tats, by the way, are the titular nation in Daghestan. The only way to help Palestine is to fight those who are behind this tragedy. We, Russia, are fighting them in a special military operation, fighting them for ourselves and for those who seek real, true freedom.

By the way, I never cease to be amazed by the Kiev regime and its overseas masters. We know that Bandera and other henchmen of Hitler have already been put on a pedestal of honour, we know and see how the Ukrainian leadership applauds the Nazis of the Second World War, who were guilty of the Holocaust victims, who personally took part in these crimes, and today, under the guidance of their Western patrons, are trying to instigate pogroms in Russia. By the way, I am not sure whether all the leading circles in the same States are aware of this. It would not be a bad idea for those who care so much about the citizens of Israel to investigate what their security services are doing in Ukraine, whether they are trying to instigate pogroms in Russia. Scum, that’s all. There is no other way to put it.

But those who really stand up for truth and justice, who fight against evil and oppression, against racism and neo-Nazism, which the West encourages, are now fighting at the front – near Donetsk, Avdeyevka, on the Dnieper. I repeat: these are our soldiers and officers. And the choice of a real man, a true warrior, is to take up arms and stand in line with his brothers, to be there where the fate of Russia and, indeed, of the whole world, including the future of the Palestinian people, is being decided.

I want to draw the attention of the heads of all regions, heads of law enforcement agencies and special services to the need for firm, timely and clear action to protect Russia’s constitutional order, the rights and freedoms of our citizens, inter-ethnic and inter-faith accord.

Let us move on to a discussion of all the proposed topics.


I found this speech to be very candid and close to a historical materialist perspective.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Colleagues,

Today, I want to discuss a broad range of issues with you.

The Defence Minister [Sergei Shoigu] is back from his official trip abroad, and he will brief us on its outcomes and report on the progress of the special military operation.

Of course, we will discuss the situation in the Middle East and issues related to ensuring law and order in Russia. We will discuss what needs to be done to protect the rights of our people, public safety, civil peace and interethnic accord, including in view of external threats.

As you know, at a recent meeting with religious associations’ leaders, I spoke about the attempts to use the dramatic situation in the Middle East and other regional conflicts against our country to destabilise and divide our multi-ethnic and multi-faith society. For this purpose, many different means are being used, including, as we see, lies, provocations and sophisticated techniques of psychological and information aggression.

I want to repeat that those behind the Middle East conflict and other regional conflicts will be using the destructive impact of these conflicts to sow hatred and cause clashes between people around the world. This is the real self-serving aim of such geopolitical puppeteers.

We remember how the current phase of the Middle East crisis began: it was a terrorist attack against Israeli civilians and civilians from other countries who happened to be in Israel at that time. We see that, unfortunately, instead of punishing criminals and terrorists, they started to retaliate according to the principle of collective responsibility. There is no justification for the terrible events taking place in Gaza now, where hundreds of thousands of innocent people are being killed indiscriminately, without having anywhere to flee or hide from the bombing. When you see blood-stained children, dead children, the suffering of women and old people, when you see medics killed, of course, it makes you clench your fists as tears well in your eyes. There is no other way to put it.

However, we should not, we have no right and we cannot allow ourselves to be carried away by emotions. We must clearly understand who in reality is behind the tragedy of peoples in the Middle East and in other regions around the world, who has been organising this lethal chaos and who benefits from it. In my opinion, it has already become clear to everyone, as the masterminds brazenly act in the open.

These are the current ruling elites in the United States and its satellites who are the main beneficiaries of the global instability that they use to extract their bloody rent. Their strategy is also clear. The United States as a global superpower is becoming weaker and is losing its position, and everyone sees and understands this, even judging by the trends in the world economy. The American-style world, with the hegemony of one country, is being destroyed and is receding gradually but inexorably into the past.

However, the United States is unwilling to accept this, and instead seeks to preserve and extend its dominance, its global dictatorship, which is easier to achieve amid such chaos, because the United States believes this chaos will help it contain and destabilise its rivals or, as they put it, their geopolitical opponents, among which they also rank our country, which in reality are new global growth centres and sovereign independent countries who are unwilling to kowtow and play the role of servants.

Today, Russia is not just actively participating in the formation of a new, fairer multipolar world with equal rights and opportunities for all countries and civilisations. We are not only one of the leaders of this objective historical process, but I will say more, and everyone knows this: Russia is fighting on the battlefield for our future, for the principles of a just world order, for the freedom of countries and peoples. We are fighting consistently, and our soldiers and officers, our heroes, are fighting and losing their comrades-in-arms.

I will repeat again: the ruling elites of the United States and its satellites are behind the tragedy of the Palestinians, the massacre in the Middle East in general, the conflict in Ukraine, and many other conflicts in the world – in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and so on. This has become obvious to everyone. It is they who install their military bases everywhere, who use military force on every pretext and without any pretext, who send weapons to conflict areas. They are also channelling financial resources, including to Ukraine and the Middle East, and fuelling hatred in Ukraine and the Middle East.

They are not achieving results on the battlefield, so they want to split us from within, as far as Russia is concerned, to weaken us and sow confusion. They do not want Russia to participate in solving any international or regional problems, including in the Middle East settlement. They are not satisfied at all when someone does not act or speak exactly as they are instructed. They believe only in their own exclusivity, in being allowed to do anything.

They do not need durable peace in the Holy Land; they need constant chaos in the Middle East. Consequently, they are trying hard to discredit countries that are insisting on an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, on ending the bloodshed, and that are ready to make a real contribution to resolving the crisis, rather than parasitising on it. They are even attacking, ostracising and trying to discredit the UN and the clear position of the global community.

I would like to note that, unlike the West, our approaches towards the situation in the Middle East have always lacked mercenary interests, intrigues and double standards. We have stated and continue to openly state our position, which does not change every year. The key to resolving the conflict lies in establishing a sovereign and independent Palestinian state, a full-fledged Palestinian state. We have repeatedly said this openly and honestly during our contacts with the Palestinian and Israeli leaders.

I repeat, the truth is that the stronger Russia becomes and the more consolidated Russian society is, the more effectively will we be able to uphold our own national interests, as well as the interests of the nations that are victimised by the neo-colonial Western policy.

I would like to say once again that we must realise where the root of evil lies. We must know where the spider that is trying to entangle the entire planet and the whole world in its cobweb is. It wants to ensure our strategic defeat on the battlefield, and it is using people on the territory of contemporary Ukraine who have been brainwashed by it for decades. I would like to stress once again that, while fighting this enemy in the course of the special military operation, we are boosting the positions of all those who are struggling for their independence and sovereignty.

The events in Makhachkala last night were instigated also through social networks, not least from Ukraine, by agents of Western intelligences services. I would like to ask myself in this connection: is it possible to help Palestine by trying to attack the Tat people and their families? Tats, by the way, are the titular nation in Daghestan. The only way to help Palestine is to fight those who are behind this tragedy. We, Russia, are fighting them in a special military operation, fighting them for ourselves and for those who seek real, true freedom.

By the way, I never cease to be amazed by the Kiev regime and its overseas masters. We know that Bandera and other henchmen of Hitler have already been put on a pedestal of honour, we know and see how the Ukrainian leadership applauds the Nazis of the Second World War, who were guilty of the Holocaust victims, who personally took part in these crimes, and today, under the guidance of their Western patrons, are trying to instigate pogroms in Russia. By the way, I am not sure whether all the leading circles in the same States are aware of this. It would not be a bad idea for those who care so much about the citizens of Israel to investigate what their security services are doing in Ukraine, whether they are trying to instigate pogroms in Russia. Scum, that’s all. There is no other way to put it.

But those who really stand up for truth and justice, who fight against evil and oppression, against racism and neo-Nazism, which the West encourages, are now fighting at the front – near Donetsk, Avdeyevka, on the Dnieper. I repeat: these are our soldiers and officers. And the choice of a real man, a true warrior, is to take up arms and stand in line with his brothers, to be there where the fate of Russia and, indeed, of the whole world, including the future of the Palestinian people, is being decided.

I want to draw the attention of the heads of all regions, heads of law enforcement agencies and special services to the need for firm, timely and clear action to protect Russia’s constitutional order, the rights and freedoms of our citizens, inter-ethnic and inter-faith accord.

Let us move on to a discussion of all the proposed topics.

[-] OrnluWolfjarl@lemmygrad.ml 59 points 11 months ago

The Reddit exodus brought a lot of heavily propagandized idiots. They are shocked to experience not being inside the Western approved echo chamber. Give time for their brains to normalize.

Work. (www.youtube.com)
[-] OrnluWolfjarl@lemmygrad.ml 59 points 11 months ago

There is a lot to talk about here.

On the Tibetan uprising:

The major funder and organizer of the Tibetan uprising was the CIA. This is well-documented by now, and the CIA/USA are openly proud of it (e.g. infuriating but very informative reads on this: https://www.amazon.com/CIAs-Secret-Tibet-Modern-Studies/dp/0700617884, https://www.jstor.org/stable/26925943)

The Tibetan guerilla groups requested help from the CIA since 1957, but the CIA was reluctant to help them at first. They then turned to other Western nations. By this point, Canada had already started its Nazi importation programs, in efforts to use foreign anti-communists to combat the rising domestic socialist movement. When China had re-acquired Tibet in 1950, many monks started fleeing to the West, including Canada, through this program (https://www.thecanadafiles.com/articles/the-house-of-anti-communists-and-the-nazi-monster-it-spawned). Eventually, many of the monks who had left Tibet to India would resettle in Canada. The Tibetans joined an existing anti-China community in Canada, created by repatriated KMT fighters and politicians.

Through this community in Canada, the Tibetan guerilla groups raised funds, and made connections with the Canadian government, and it was through them that they initially established contact with the CIA. The Canadian government was a happy intermediary during this period.

After the uprising, the Canadian government was at the forefront of accusing China on how it handled Tibet. This is the earliest example I know of, where a Canadian-based NGO publishes a "study" on human rights violations in Tibet.

On genocide narratives

Take a look at these Canada-based organizations.




These are all cut-outs of CIA and CIA-affiliated organizations, based in Canada and employing Canadian lobbyists (The last one was established by this Canadian NGO: https://www.raoulwallenbergcentre.org/en/).

The strategy is simple: The US issues accusations. Then Canada and Canadian-based NGOs back them up. Why Canada? Because that gives the illusion that the issue is not an excuse to conduct US foreign policy, but rather a legitimate issue of human rights violations.

A good break down of how the Uyghur genocide narrative was created through this method is documented by The Grayzone: https://thegrayzone.com/2021/03/17/report-uyghur-genocide-sham-university-neocon-punish-china/ (pay attention to the last segment of the article talking about Canadian involvement).

The Canadian parliament and the Canadian delegation to the UN are constantly making proclamations about Uyghur and Tibetan genocides:




[-] OrnluWolfjarl@lemmygrad.ml 109 points 11 months ago

They didn't just give them weapons. They trained them in Canada.

Also, let's not forget:

  • Canada has been actively importing Nazis since the 50s (and Trudeau's father signed off on it too)

  • The Canadian minister of finance is the granddaughter of an actual Nazi and proud of it.

  • Canada has been instrumental in pushing the Uyghur genocide narrative

  • Canada has been instrumental in pushing the Tibetan genocide narrative and had financed the Tibetan monk uprising in 1959

  • Canada is littered with hundreds of Nazi memorials, including several to Stepan Bandera

[-] OrnluWolfjarl@lemmygrad.ml 69 points 11 months ago

Not even a staffer to vet them. Either Zelensky or Rota introduced the Nazi as having "fought against Russia for Ukrainian independence, during WW2".

Everyone should immediately understand what this means, and especially a Holocaust survivor descendant.

[-] OrnluWolfjarl@lemmygrad.ml 88 points 11 months ago

Spencer's analysis is just an overview of the current symptom.

This is the real disease:

because it sees a new platform it can scale to feed the financial growth demanded by investors.

Investors/shareholders demand infinite growth, but there's finite space to grow (millions of games, few customers). This is why, in the past 2 decades we've been seeing the scummiest of practices being employed again and again, as well as a 300% hike in base prices. Capitalism has eaten gaming.

But we've been observing this trend in AAA and AA publishers/developers mostly. Indie gaming is alive and well and evolving towards being better and better. Why? Because indie developers are not usually beholden to investors.

Once you hear a gaming company you used to like has gone public, say your condolences and then run away.

[-] OrnluWolfjarl@lemmygrad.ml 65 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

During break, a colleague today (at a school) brought up Hitler after watching a documentary about it. We started talking, and he admitted he knew very little about Hitler and how he came to lead Germany, and wanted to know more. I analyzed the whole thing. Other colleagues in the area started jumping in and asking questions. They were appreciative of the way I talked about it and praised me for knowing so much about history and politics, while admitting that they also knew very little.

Now, I'm not saying this story to tout my own horn, but to emphasize what happened next. Bear in mind, nobody at the workplace knows I'm a communist. They know, I'm left-leaning, but that's it.

Anyway, someone then jumps in and says communism and fascism are the same thing ("communism is red fascism and you have to be an idiot and not know any history to be either one").

I bite my tongue and laugh inside. Here they are admitting they know very little history and praising me for knowing so much of it, then saying communists don't know history.

At any rate, I don't think I'll reveal my politics any time so. It's really effective injecting them with historical materialism without using the buzzwords.

[-] OrnluWolfjarl@lemmygrad.ml 56 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I don't know much about Nigerien politics (btw Nigerian refers to Nigeria), but I've been trying to read up since the coup. It seems the coup government enjoys a lot of popular support, as opposed to the previously "elected" government. I've seen people claim that the previous elections were a sham, with the winning candidate straight buying up votes with US and French funds, though I don't have proof for this claim (but seems plausible).

As an outsider looking it, it certainly seems to me that a government that wants to oust French economic and political influence from the country will be far better in improving Nigerien people's lives rather than a government that is in favour of maintaining French influence in the country.

Niger is a prime example of Parenti's view "there are no poor countries, there are over-exploited countries". Niger has rich deposits of Uranium, Gold, precious stones, Oil, and rare minerals.

The reason it has become such a headline is that Niger is France's prime supplier of Uranium, and France acquires that Uranium at 20% its regular price. France is the EU's largest producer of electricity from nuclear powerplants. And it sells this electricity at quite a profit. France should have the cheapest electricity in the EU by far, but it actually sells it at the average EU price, which means all that difference is pure profit. It also exports a lot of this electricity, primarily to Belgium and Germany.

Long-story short, if France loses Niger as a Uranium supplier, its economic rating WILL go down from AA to A, which, along with everything else going on, will trigger a major recession. Germany's energy needs will also be directly impacted, especially since they are cut off from Russian gas.

So I don't know much about the Junta in Niger and their intentions, beyond what they've already announced publicly, but I do know that France has a vested interest in exploiting Niger. Therefore, any Nigerien government that France doesn't like, is probably good for the people of Niger.

And lastly, we should remember that what is branded as military coups by the West are sometimes socialist revolutions led by the military. Examples: Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and Thomas Sankara in (the neighbour of Niger) Burkina Faso.

[-] OrnluWolfjarl@lemmygrad.ml 57 points 1 year ago

If the West didn't organize a coup in Ukraine, put Nazis into power, then prod them into slaughtering their countrymen, then the Russians wouldn't have invaded. The Russians didn't just wake up one day and decide to invade Ukraine.

I'd love to see how you people will react when Mexico joins BRICS and the US invades it.

[-] OrnluWolfjarl@lemmygrad.ml 57 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Keep hoping. Better yet, go there and fight yourself if you think it's so important. But you won't. You'll just move your outrage to the next target that US propaganda will point you to.


Good evening to all. I have a serious problem: a big fire has been burning the area of Saronida, which makes the air very stifling for the guests here. The guests have left. What would be the correct thing to do in this situation? Return of money? Is it really my fault or is the guest just unlucky, since I'm not responsible for forest fires occuring in the surrounding area. I'd like your opinion and your help 🙏

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