
joined 2 months ago
[–] Onomatopoeia@lemmy.cafe 1 points 1 day ago

Meh, potato, potahto, kind of just another way of saying the same thing. Bureaucracy always suffers these kinds of challenges, government even worse than businesses do.

[–] Onomatopoeia@lemmy.cafe 22 points 1 day ago

I once believed university was a shared intellectual pursuit. That faith has been obliterated

Dude, I lost that faith during my first month, decades ago.

Even worse, Robert Pirsig documents the loss in "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", written (partly) about his experience as a professor in the 1960's.

[–] Onomatopoeia@lemmy.cafe 4 points 1 day ago

I imagine it's about use-case.

I have no concern about desktop performance, and frankly virtual box is such a dog all the time that anything else is faster.

VMware now uses KVM for it's desktop virtualization, which is definitely better than VirtualBox. Even old VMware Workstation on Windows is far better than VirtualBox.

[–] Onomatopoeia@lemmy.cafe 4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (3 children)

Yea, the pocket door is a challenge, but there should be plenty of room - there should be a lot of space from the door to the ply panel. Once installed, a Molly should only extend about 1cm. Just make sure to cut the screw down once installed (the screw is longer so it can compress the Molly, easy to cut with a pair of dikes).

Optionally, you can use a wood screw for that end, one that's long enough to just go through the ply when set at the right depth. This will ensure you have maximum thread engagement.

Wood screws will probably be OK, it just makes me a little nervous with that weight. Of course, more screws=more distributed load, but then you have to get them all to line up perfectly, which isn't easy.

[–] Onomatopoeia@lemmy.cafe 11 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (6 children)

I wouldn't use wood screws for that kind of weight on a floating shelf (even with that nice ply backer). A floating shelf has a lot of leverage against that screw, trying to pull it outward, while other shelf types pull straight down with less lever action.

Use something like a toggle bolt or Molly. They distribute the load a lot more. I really prefer Molly for plaster/sheetrock, because they stay in place. Perfect for a floating shelf.

Edit: I hope the shelf has 3 or 4 mount points. That's still a lot of weight for just 2 screws with a floating shelf. I'd be concerned about the screw heads handling the load over time. They're probably fine, but it only takes one poorly made screw to bring the shelf down.

[–] Onomatopoeia@lemmy.cafe 0 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Vertical tabs... in 2025.

Something we've had from extensions since what, 2010? Wow, much impressed.

[–] Onomatopoeia@lemmy.cafe 8 points 2 days ago

Hahahaha, damn. Ouch.

[–] Onomatopoeia@lemmy.cafe 30 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Ah, yes, good old gatekeeping.

What, exactly, are we permitted to post, master?

The irony being this post is nothing more than a complaint. Oh, the hypocrisy.

[–] Onomatopoeia@lemmy.cafe 7 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

My reaction was "what the fark?"

I mean the layers of crap on crap. Just wow.

The effort they put in to do all that was surely more than it would've taken to just ship, oh, any version of Linux? Or even the open-sourced version of dos? (I kid, I kid!)

Very, very interesting reading. I'm kind of shocked.

[–] Onomatopoeia@lemmy.cafe 1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

"That's not what that means, it's only to help you use the web better".

Blah blah, bullshit.

Mozilla has been going down for years.

[–] Onomatopoeia@lemmy.cafe 13 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (2 children)

I just block everything out of the gate. The harder a site is to use, the less likely I'll use it.

Helps keep me from useless browsing too

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