I'm curious about everyone's thoughts on this. Do we think it will affect Canadian influencers? Maybe not yet, but I'd like to believe it's only a matter of time before a similar law finds its way up north.. and oh man, that day will be DELICIOUS.

[-] OddQuality@lemmy.ca 19 points 2 months ago

If my mom was posting shit like this on the internet, I would run away from home 😭

[-] OddQuality@lemmy.ca 19 points 2 months ago

This lady is UNHINGED. Who honestly feels this deeply about a corporation? Are we sure she isn't a bot? Lol

[-] OddQuality@lemmy.ca 20 points 2 months ago

A tube top for an amusement park? Tell me you don't actually ride the rides without telling me.. gonna be pulling that damn thing up all.day.long!

[-] OddQuality@lemmy.ca 18 points 3 months ago

Imagine being a ✨️world✨️famous✨️swimsuit✨️model✨️ but you still buy all your clothes from Amazon. Tragic.

[-] OddQuality@lemmy.ca 18 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Birdie is actually so famous now that she got (ETA:) 80,000 more new followers than Taylor Swift in the last 30 days.

[-] OddQuality@lemmy.ca 22 points 3 months ago

I don't follow her actual social media anymore, I just see what gets posted here soo it's quite possible I've missed it.. but it occurred to me the other day, while I was at the beach, that I have seen this woman in more bathing suits than I've seen myself. BUT I've never actually seen her get into any water? Lol.. like, what is the point? She really just wants the validation of being told she's beautiful, to get those likes via semi-nude videos, and it really has nothing to do with confidence or the clothes at all. Like, c'mon TBP, DO A CANNONBALL! How are people not bored to death of this?

[-] OddQuality@lemmy.ca 19 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

She only hit 2.4 mil followers because she bought them, though. But I guess if anyone believes their own hype, it's definitely her.

[-] OddQuality@lemmy.ca 15 points 3 months ago

I know the consensus before was that Getty Images probably wouldn't bother photoshopping any non-celebrity face, but I can't get over how ridiculous her nose looks in the right-hand picture. I just don't fully believe that can be true. I mean, are these nostrils for ants?! 😅

[-] OddQuality@lemmy.ca 15 points 3 months ago

Marketing 101: what are people insecure about? Tap into it and sell them the solution.

[-] OddQuality@lemmy.ca 18 points 3 months ago

The Birds Papaya is a "body positive" influencer marketed towards women. On the surface, the values she pretends to espouse are great! Women feeling confident in whatever body they've got! That's how she hooked so many of us former followers. However, once you start paying attention, it becomes apparent that she is just another capitalist shill trying to make a buck at any cost. She'll post pictures of her body, with captions detailing all the innocuous things she "used to be" self conscious about - leading the viewer to think, "Wait. We're supposed to feel bad about the way our armpits look?" only for her, totally just by chance, happen to find this great product that will totally fix X,Y,Z problem! She also uses face and body filters and gets extensive cosmetic work on her face, but lies to say she's just totally natural and real because she's so at peace with herself now! And you can be, too, for $29.99! Your friend, the Birds Papaya, would never lie to you!

She also exploits her minor children for content. She has strapped a go pro to her toddler to film content -- including ads. She has posted video of her child playing in her bed--when she thought she was alone--from a nanny cam. She forced her oldest to talk about her first period in an ad for period underwear. She talks about where they all live, where the kids work, what events they'll be attending.

She has completely plagiarized articles word-for-word on her blog. She deletes and blocks anyone that says anything even moderately critical - so do the brands and media outlets that work with her. And now she's gone and got her Reddit sub, where the evidence for all of this and more was compiled, banned from the platform.

Soo anyway, she sucks and people deserve to know lol

[-] OddQuality@lemmy.ca 22 points 3 months ago

As someone stated before, Kn1x really "hopped on" last minute and all of the graphics & marketing materials with their name on them were all made in less than a month leading up to this huge event? They just so happened to be ready to release the Birds Papaya collection at this complete surprise opportunity? DOUBT.

[-] OddQuality@lemmy.ca 17 points 3 months ago

I'm so glad to see a new place we can convene. She doesn't deserve to get off that easy ✌️

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