[-] OberonSwanson@sh.itjust.works 7 points 3 days ago

Interesting direction, any recommendations? As I feel like I’m starting all over again these days lol.

[-] OberonSwanson@sh.itjust.works 31 points 3 days ago

The depressing fact this is already in their calculations really suggests fines should be vary based on a percentage of the company’s profits, not a set number for all.


I haven’t bought computer speaker setup in well over a decade, but getting back into gaming, any suggestions?

I ask, due to the fact it looks like the old brands are all over the place in quality these days, like the Logitech G560 Speaker System, whose required software is messy. https://a.co/d/00gehZRS

Which is really making me wish I kept up to date, as Amazons current “recommendations system” can’t be trusted for quality with so many being cheapo speakers and SEO ruining result searches. 

Thanks in advance, as I feel like I’ve awaken in a speaker dystopia. 😧

[-] OberonSwanson@sh.itjust.works 14 points 5 days ago

Bingo. Which is why they comfortably hide using the infighting of the two party system. One party has to be willing to accept they’ll be doing most of the work to fix the situation. Up until now, they wanted us believing the task is Sisyphean and impossible, the truth is we can easily catch them with their pants down.

[-] OberonSwanson@sh.itjust.works 63 points 5 days ago

It actually isn’t, but those in charge know our legal system works so slowly. So the companies already know they just have to delay and they’ll only pay a percentage of a fine for swindling patients. And instead of being accused of robbing, their legal team will get charges lowered and the company will just change its name and start over. Until the punishment fits the crime, the rich scams will continue.

[-] OberonSwanson@sh.itjust.works 13 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Trump is not some genius, he's just an abusive asshole with a megaphone.

As the son of a former abusive asshole myself, there’s truth in it. A large percentage of people will accept abuse for close to a decade, but usually they inevitably snap and try getting away from the abuse. It just requires constant small losses to realize, and you can’t let them rot alone. Otherwise they fall even deeper into a cult-like thinking. Maybe it should be seen a little akin addiction, they need a reminder, there’s a small way to get back to how things were before.

[-] OberonSwanson@sh.itjust.works 22 points 5 days ago

No, that’s to logical. They’ll spin the numbers to mean something positive for the party.

[-] OberonSwanson@sh.itjust.works 98 points 8 months ago

Canceling Apple TV over this, knew they were spineless, but this is pathetic since it’s one of the few shows I watch on it. Growing really tired of all these service subscriptions as it is.





[-] OberonSwanson@sh.itjust.works 54 points 9 months ago

When you think about it, it makes sense if you imagine spez was dropped on his head a lot as a child.

[-] OberonSwanson@sh.itjust.works 51 points 9 months ago

China is the Steven Segal of countries, a giant fat pussy.


CHaNGE my miNd

[-] OberonSwanson@sh.itjust.works 61 points 9 months ago

No kidding, it’s ridiculous to think they expect us to fork over $25k for cars that will invade our privacy. I have a 23 year old car I’ll drive till it’s dead before that ever happens.


After reading the list, a dog groomer beats a barber. Plus I can snap/bite?

[-] OberonSwanson@sh.itjust.works 51 points 11 months ago

Yup. Wish my Welsh grandfather could’ve lived to see this.

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