[-] Notorious_handholder@lemmy.world 80 points 9 months ago

You might not, but you gotta remember that the public is also filled with idiots

[-] Notorious_handholder@lemmy.world 46 points 9 months ago

Wait what's the difference between Atheist, No response, and Nothing?

Also why is there a generic Christian but then also Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox? But then they just Muslim and not it's different denominations? Why even have different denominations when you have the generic catch all and the Other category?

This graph categorization makes no sense!

[-] Notorious_handholder@lemmy.world 34 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I'm so confused, this seems like a string of really weird decisions

  1. Why would you buy from gamestop of all places online when they're so ubiquitous that you could walk into one anywhere and buy it new with the box instead?
  2. Why buy it from gamestop online for full price when you could buy it digitally for full price or other online places with a discount.
  3. Of all things to buy new, a pokemon game is one that buying used for cheaper is a better option all around, and gamestop specializes in used games.
  4. I'm still stuck on this but why gamestop? Amazon and ebay have the game much cheaper new, and with the box guaranteed too

Op get a refund and save like 20-30 bucks buying the game from elsewhere with better quality control.

Edit: To make it perfectly clear since people can't differentiate, I ain't blaming OP at all. Gs is a shitty company who I wouldn't trust to provide free air. OP needs to get a refund and buy elsewhere from a company that will treat him better. My questions are just me personally being curious about what lead to picking gs in the first place given their reputation. It's not victim blaming and I dislike that I even have to make this disclaimer instead of being able to trust people to understand nuance

[-] Notorious_handholder@lemmy.world 45 points 9 months ago

The CEO of Unity is also the former CEO of EA. So that tracks

[-] Notorious_handholder@lemmy.world 19 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Yeah sort of. At first I started feeling very drunk, but not like normal drunk. I can't really think of good analogy other than it was like half way in between drunk and a small amount of anesthetic maybe?

It was this slow dip into unconscious, it wasn't like sleeping where I'm vaguely aware of the passage of time. But it wasn't the instant knock out of anesthetic or normal unconscious either. It was like lowering myself into a pool if that make sense. Wasn't a bad feeling, just kind of different. Had an awful migraine that lasted a couple of days afterwards though.

Thanks I'm extremely happy everday with my failure! Lol

[-] Notorious_handholder@lemmy.world 40 points 10 months ago

Years ago when I was in a bad place in life I attempted suicide using a tank of nitrogen and an oven bag. Thankfully I was stupid as hell and didn't tie the bag properly or something. So when I passed out the bag managed to come off somehow. Still not entirely sure how it happened but either way I'm thankful it did and I managed to survive for better days.

Anyways, Im telling you this to let you know I can very much confirm that breathing nitrogen is painless and was no different than regular breathing.

Your body only starts the alarm bells when it can't exchange out the co2 in your lungs. It can't really tell the difference between pure nitrogen and some other gases coming in vs the optimal mixture we need to breath. So the alarms never really go off. There's more to the science behind it, but it's kind of a glaring flaw evolution left in our bodys survival system that can be taken advantage of including for use in anesthetic.

[-] Notorious_handholder@lemmy.world 22 points 10 months ago

Yoooo I loved the Delta force games as a kid. Shame it's Tencent bringing it back :(

[-] Notorious_handholder@lemmy.world 19 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I don't really like bashing or putting the new generations in negative light... But in this case it is true. Late gen x, Millennials, and early gen z grew up with computers and tech that was more troublesome and where forced to learn how to naturally troubleshoot. On top of that we got eased into the more advanced and user friendly stuff.

Later generations where born with the easier user friendly stuff and don't have to troubleshoot nearly as much.

Of course this is also a generalization and does not reflect on an individual bases

[-] Notorious_handholder@lemmy.world 32 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

How the fuck do you managed to just casually lose a 3090ti and a companies proto-type cooler design that came with it... AND THEN AUCTION IT OFF AFTER HAVING TWO EMAIL EXCHANGES SAYING IT WILL BE RETURNED!!

Like, I've been through some managerial fuck ups before with getting shit mixed up or sent off incorrectly...but this is on a level I'm having a very hard time understanding just what the fuck went wrong, how it went wrong, and if they even have a single rule or policy in place to keep track of items.

Then there was all the other errors they mentioned in the vid, like basic facts and specs about a component... Like how do you manage to fuck that up as well? That is the type of shit you look up in 5 seconds on Google.

LMG looks like a clusterfuck that needs some serious intervention

[-] Notorious_handholder@lemmy.world 45 points 10 months ago

Imagine being in Taiwan and having full access to information about China and the west and still shilling for China. Those types of people should be looking for a dominatrix, not a political philosophy...

[-] Notorious_handholder@lemmy.world 165 points 11 months ago

I cant tell if people in this thread are trolls, ultra elite linux shills, or just people incapable of following simple instructions...

Like I get it, windows bad or w/e... But to act like it takes longer than an hour or two to install it, let alone 2 whole fucking days is just asinine.

Imagine having enough of a skill issue that it takes you 2 days to install Windows OS. The OS that idiot proofs itself by literally holding your hand on every option and walks you through itself to install.

Im not even joking, I re-install and have installed windows the past few years multiple times on personal devices for myself and my family and friends and even do it for professional devices and servers for my job. It is brain dead easy, enough that my tech illiterate grandparents managed to re-install it before I could make the drive to meet them and do it for them... I can't take this OP or anyone else seriously if they can manage to install a linux based OS but somehow have 2 days worth of trouble with Windows OS...

[-] Notorious_handholder@lemmy.world 37 points 11 months ago

On one hand I'm excited for what the tech can do for medical purposes and future applications... On the other hand I'm terrified on what governments and corporations have in mind for it, cause I guarantee it will not be good

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