[-] NotYourSocialWorker@feddit.nu 28 points 9 months ago

Ah but when the prices can't go any higher they can always remove content, paying their suppliers less and getting cheaper hardware. I wish I was joking but these are the options that are left.

[-] NotYourSocialWorker@feddit.nu 28 points 9 months ago

It doesn't help that Google tries to guess what you actually wanted to search for.

[-] NotYourSocialWorker@feddit.nu 50 points 10 months ago

Many sub contractors live on the mercy of the companies they supply. That forces them to show more goodwill than they want.

I remember a couple years back when Ericsson unilaterally decided that they would stop paying their bills after a month and instead changed it to three months. So, do you want to piss off the biggest company in the region or do you just say "Thank you, sir"?

As an aside, what kind of amoral sod goes around teaching companies what bills they can ignore and how morally bankrupt must you be to listen to them?

[-] NotYourSocialWorker@feddit.nu 27 points 10 months ago

You remind me of chatting with a friend from Hong Kong and how surprised she was that I, as a young man, knew how to cook and did it for fun.

[-] NotYourSocialWorker@feddit.nu 41 points 10 months ago

Never ask questions you don't want an honest answer to.

[-] NotYourSocialWorker@feddit.nu 31 points 10 months ago

I find it interesting that in Swedish the opposite of sunwise is "motsols", i.e. counter sunwise or literally "against the sun". Sunwise is called "medsols", lit. "with the sun".

[-] NotYourSocialWorker@feddit.nu 24 points 10 months ago

My wife is a teacher and often amazes her kids (age 15-18) by doing "ctrl+f". So jepp, they have only surface level knowledge of the tools they are using.

[-] NotYourSocialWorker@feddit.nu 54 points 11 months ago


By their logic games like civ with its turn based fighting "had no right to exist" because counterstrike is popular...

Some people just enjoy being able to plan their actions and having a bird's eye perspective on things.

[-] NotYourSocialWorker@feddit.nu 34 points 11 months ago

Have you ever heard of the just world fallacy?

You seem to have made some good choices but you don't seem to understand how much luck has to do with the outcome.

It doesn't take very much to wipe out savings or destroy a plan, especially before you got any funds to handle the unexpected and even more so in the US and it's low de-comodification.

Get hit by a car by no fault of your own, rack up a high medical bill and be fired due to not being able to work. It's not that an outlandish scenario and one that most can't plan for or have money in reserve for.

And that's of course even harder for someone growing up in a poor household and working minimal wage jobs.

[-] NotYourSocialWorker@feddit.nu 81 points 11 months ago

Agreed. I find it fascinating how hard it is for some people to understand the difference between "lawful" and "morally right".

[-] NotYourSocialWorker@feddit.nu 27 points 11 months ago

As much as I dislike Facebook I really don't agree with the idea that they should pay for linking to news articles.

One could flip the argument in article and ask if having a post on Facebook is worthless for the newspapers, then why are companies paying Meta for ads on Facebook?

I also feel that this goes against the concept of the internet. If Facebook has to pay then why shouldn't I when I'm linking to a page from my blog? Why shouldn't Lemmy?

The problem for the rest of us is that big companies can handle the payment, and they can handle the admin for getting paid. The rest of us won't get paid but we'll all have to pay. The barriers for entry will only become bigger and only the big boys will be allowed to play.

[-] NotYourSocialWorker@feddit.nu 31 points 1 year ago

I feel that this very much depnd on which games you're playing. Competitive or Roblox, Windows is the better choice. Majority of the games I play though works without any issues on Linux.

I've heard that some games even are faster on Linux even when running proton buy it isn't anything I've myself has investigated.

Gaming is one of my main intrests and I've been playing on Linux for at least ten years. It's not for everyone I guess.

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