[-] NoneYa@lemm.ee 10 points 3 hours ago

Could be market share. More PSN accounts than Nintendo and Xbox in competition.

Just to play devil’s advocate here.

But I’m with you, either selling data or both of these.

[-] NoneYa@lemm.ee 12 points 2 days ago

You’re unfortunately correct. IT departments will just implement a new GPO to modify registry or otherwise hope to block this or pause this update until they absolutely have no choice and then hope for the best or hope to block it later down the line.

[-] NoneYa@lemm.ee 3 points 2 days ago

Yeah there have been some games that were being announced I was interested in. On Instragram, they have a very good algorithm for me about music. I’ve clicked a few that were legitimately interesting. Some were promoting a musical artist and I technically didn’t click the ad, itself, but I did go to YouTube to look up their music and give it a listen.

[-] NoneYa@lemm.ee 5 points 2 days ago

Sony could have required retailers to do things like limit items per customer or not sell it at all. Sony could have made an actual attempt to sell directly to consumers. They supposedly had a program for that and even that didn’t let me buy a console from them. All they had to do was limit 1 to people who had existing PSN accounts for X amount of time and they weren’t even willing to do that. I’ve had my one and only PSN account since the early PS3 days and had every console up to the PS5, including the handhelds and many accessories. Paying fans like me should have been their top priority to sell to since they sell consoles at a loss and hope to make up the difference in games and accessories we buy for said console.

They had plenty of power to prevent or reduce it from happening and they didn’t do a damn thing. Hell yeah I’m swearing off the PS5 for that experience. Fuck them.

Plus, this PC building experience was legitimately fun and PC gaming is a much better way to go in many ways. Sony did me a favor realizing this and people like me won’t be coming back for the PS6 either.

[-] NoneYa@lemm.ee 18 points 3 days ago

They lost me when they let scalpers buy up all the PS5s in my area. That money went to a gaming PC when those components became available. I was fighting to give them my money and they didn’t give a damn.

Hard pass, Sony. Should’ve treated your actual customers better.

[-] NoneYa@lemm.ee 8 points 3 days ago

Leopards ate my face, anyone?

Don’t be surprised when the dog you’ve been training to be vicious comes back to bite you too.

[-] NoneYa@lemm.ee 14 points 3 days ago

Same here. I tell people that it’s my reminder of my mortality and how fragile life actually is. Treat each day as your last and live as if you won’t be here tomorrow, because it is promised to no one.

[-] NoneYa@lemm.ee 3 points 4 days ago

I had GamePass for a few years and just canceled last month. I barely used it anymore except for Minecraft and Halo Infinite and don’t play those anymore. I might even own Minecraft and have forgotten.

But then I signed back up for Nintendo Online because my girlfriend and her son just got Switches and we play Animal Crossing together. But it’s not as much as GamePass so not that big of a deal.

But I’m sick of subscriptions for shit I don’t even use. Everything nowadays has to be a subscription for no reason. Nintendo doesn’t even provide anything of valuable for theirs since I can’t even talk over it. I’m just paying for what used to be free on their past consoles.

[-] NoneYa@lemm.ee 3 points 6 days ago

You got a CD? Some of these boxes have just a piece of heavy paper with a code to download. Fortnite for Switch immediately comes to mind.

The only benefit of this is for those who want to pay for cash or those who want a physical box to display.

[-] NoneYa@lemm.ee 153 points 1 month ago

Think of all the money Nintendo lost over people playing that custom content that was paying homage to their beloved titles! Man, sure glad Nintendo scared them into taking those down.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by NoneYa@lemm.ee to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

This is assuming he’d have been found guilty for leading the Nazi government like others were.

Edit: of course it would likely be death, but was wondering what specific means of death would have been carried out for him.

[-] NoneYa@lemm.ee 189 points 2 months ago

This whole rapey lingo needs to fucking die already.

No means no, corporations. Not “maybe later”, not “remind me later”…it’s a yes or a no.

Every company does it now and I’m sick to death of it. Even for the free trials like YouTube Premium. I don’t want your fucking shit. Leave me alone.

submitted 3 months ago by NoneYa@lemm.ee to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Just curious what an inverted reality of ours would be like, where instead of having too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere creating glasshouse gas effect, what would the inverse be like where we don’t have enough carbon dioxide in our atmosphere? What would the climate of earth be like?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by NoneYa@lemm.ee to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

I have this lunch box that is huge but works really well for me. I made a mistake a few weeks ago by leaving rotten food in it over the weekend and the stench is unbearable.

This lunch box has a removable interior made of some kind of plastic so I removed it and soaked it in warm water and dish soap for 48 hours in the sink and then I scrubbed the interior with a sponge.

When I got done, it still smelled like rotten food! I also cleaned the lid which isn’t removable but made of the same material. But just used the sponge on it.

Sticking my head inside is where I smell it most, so I think it’s the removable tub.

I also tried teabags as I heard of something like this with smelly shoes, but now my lunch box smells like feet lol.

So I’m at a loss. I love this box and don’t want to trash it. It was hard finding one like it.

Anything else I can try?

Edit: thanks for the suggestions! I forgot to mention that I did put some vinegar and baking soda in last night and kept the lid closed. I’ll leave it this way until tomorrow night and see.

Thanks for the suggestions!

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by NoneYa@lemm.ee to c/showerthoughts@lemmy.world
[-] NoneYa@lemm.ee 263 points 5 months ago

I’d have to say Jury Nullification would be one and especially so because mentioning it or admitting that you know of it can get you pulled off an American jury.

It’s the idea that even if a person is brought to trial and is guilty of an action that is legitimately classified as a crime, if you and your fellow jurors disagree, you can still find the plaintiff “not guilty”.

For example: marijuana is illegal on the federal level and some state levels and if someone were in court on charges of possession of marijuana and nothing more, regardless what the law says or how the judge feels, you and your jurors can vote to find this person innocent so they don’t face the legal consequences for possession.

submitted 6 months ago by NoneYa@lemm.ee to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by NoneYa@lemm.ee to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

I noticed that I and Alexa say “six ‘oh’ five a m”, but is that the correct way of saying the time? Specifically the “oh” part?

Kind of like when speaking out a phone number, how we might say “my number is one two three, six ‘oh’ six…” but really, that’s not an “oh” like the letter O even though it looks like an O, but everyone knows the person is saying “six zero six”, which is the proper way of saying that.

Edit: thanks for all the answers everyone! This was just pure curiosity for me but I really enjoyed reading everyone’s responses and learning some new things!

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