submitted 7 months ago by Nobsi@feddit.de to c/dach@feddit.de

Würde ich ja sehr bevorzugen. Dass "eigentlich der normalzustand" geld kosten soll habe ich auch noch nie verstanden. Ich habe mich eh immer gefragt, warum das nicht der standard ist. Jetzt will die EU das auch so fest setzen.

[-] Nobsi@feddit.de 85 points 8 months ago

"we need more people that we dont respect to do the jobs that we dont want to. At the same time we have to make it really hard for immigrants to live here"

[-] Nobsi@feddit.de 34 points 8 months ago

Zu deinem Edit: Da ist niemand getriggert. Dein Senf zu dem Thema hat nur niemandem irgendwas gebracht. Wie wäre es mal mit einer Meinung oder einer Idee?

[-] Nobsi@feddit.de 44 points 9 months ago

Okay sure. Abolish the CCP, free all uyghurs, free Hong Kong, free Tibet, remove the great firewall, apologize for the great leap forward; not to the EU but to your own Population, apologize for the great cultural revolution deaths, Tianenmen square... do i have to go on?

[-] Nobsi@feddit.de 41 points 9 months ago

Divorce water was free what are you talking about?

[-] Nobsi@feddit.de 50 points 9 months ago

Are these wankers serious?

[-] Nobsi@feddit.de 33 points 9 months ago

"I can't build a steady userbase"

[-] Nobsi@feddit.de 48 points 9 months ago

Do we even need Lemmy to be popular?

Yes otherwise this will become a tech and tankie echochamber shithole

[-] Nobsi@feddit.de 47 points 9 months ago

"I think my phone is more interesting than gardenwork"
Bro that's ADHD!
"I sometimes forget where i put my keys"
That's ADHD for sure you should get meds

On ADHD-TikTok everything is ADHD

[-] Nobsi@feddit.de 114 points 9 months ago

"oh no i cannot play on my phone, how could school be so cruel"

[-] Nobsi@feddit.de 41 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Oh god, this is so embarassing for us as a society. Young men look for guidance, and all they find is Rape Tate who tells you to be an alpha male by just being obnoxiously "superior" to others.
John Peanutbutter who tells you to be an alpha male but with science in your brain
fresh and fit who tell you to be alpha males but by figuratively just shaming women
and on the opposite side you have nothing for a while and then you have destiny and hasan who try to make you debate like highschoolers.

Is the world just full of grifters now?

[-] Nobsi@feddit.de 34 points 10 months ago

Nichts, das ist eine Beleidigung wie Hurensohn auch.
Beleidigungen sind im Wortschatz jugendlicher fest verankert. Das hat keine Auswirkung auf die Zukunft.
Hört auf aus allem irgendeine Existentielle Scheiße zu machen.

[-] Nobsi@feddit.de 59 points 10 months ago

When do we ban the AFD in Germany 👀👀👀👀

submitted 11 months ago by Nobsi@feddit.de to c/de_edv@feddit.de

If your organization is not using the Twitter web part or has disabled it via PowerShell (Use the Twitter web part) in SharePoint in Microsoft 365 this notification may be safely disregarded.Due to a change in Twitter’s terms of use for third-party access, the Twitter web part in SharePoint in Microsoft 365 will no longer be supported and will be removed from the web part toolbox, as well as from any Microsoft-produced site templates.

When will this happen:

This change will be rolling out mid-September.

How this will affect your organization:

The Twitter web part will no longer be available to select from the web part toolbox within SharePoint pages. Any pages that currently have the Twitter web part will be unaffected by this change, however due to a change in Twitter’s terms of use for third-party access, users may see an error message (originally communicated in MC630306 July 2023).

What you need to do to prepare:

SharePoint administrators should consider removing the Twitter web part from their SharePoint pages. This can be done manually via the page authoring experience.Reference:Twitter web part display in SharePoint is empty - Microsoft Support Using web parts on SharePoint pages

Gadse (feddit.de)
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Nobsi@feddit.de to c/gatze@feddit.de

Gadse child aufm sduhl

Kreuzpfosten von miezlich

Gatze (feddit.de)
submitted 11 months ago by Nobsi@feddit.de to c/gatze@feddit.de

2 Gatse die in Haus drin rein sind.

Gadse (feddit.de)
submitted 11 months ago by Nobsi@feddit.de to c/gatze@feddit.de

Gadse darw niht mea überall hinpissen und isd wüdn

Gatze (feddit.de)
submitted 11 months ago by Nobsi@feddit.de to c/gatze@feddit.de

Bottom Text

Gatze (feddit.de)
submitted 11 months ago by Nobsi@feddit.de to c/gatze@feddit.de


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