[-] NightAuthor@lemmy.world 251 points 1 month ago

When driving: Don’t be nice, be predictable.

[-] NightAuthor@lemmy.world 107 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I hate Teams, give me Slack

Edit: I left an optional team in teams, and still got a notification for a meeting that isn’t on my calendar, my meetings page, nor do I have access to in any other way.

[-] NightAuthor@lemmy.world 64 points 5 months ago

Sounds like they just proved that some people left Reddit for lemmy and now like lemmy.

While this kind of work is necessary, confirming assumptions, it’s not particularly interesting.

[-] NightAuthor@lemmy.world 72 points 5 months ago

I wonder if we can actually adopt technology so fast as to completely ruin our economy before we can notice that’s what’s happening.

Businesses are going to adopt AI and robotics to increase productivity and drive down costs. But it quickly becomes a tragedy of the commons if every business only considers their own selfish interests. Eventually there will not be enough employed consumers to be able to buy those products your pumping out at record rates.

[-] NightAuthor@lemmy.world 124 points 5 months ago

Why does this meme have no volume?

[-] NightAuthor@lemmy.world 63 points 5 months ago

Can’t be that many on Lemmy at this point.

submitted 5 months ago by NightAuthor@lemmy.world to c/adhd@lemmy.world

Started reading this book by an ADHDer YouTuber I’ve been watching, and I think it’s really good so far. Only stop reading at page 42 cuz my wife turned off the lights for bed.

Anyone else reading it?

In case it’s not clear in the image: “How to ADHD” by Jessica McCabe

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by NightAuthor@lemmy.world to c/bitwarden@discuss.tchncs.de

I’m hearing people really love 1password. I believe they also were the first ones to come up with a mobile-friendly implementation prior to iOS/Android support for third party password managers.

Seems like 1password has been and is on the ball as far as having the freshest features the fastest.


Their foot steps sound like they just have 2 pegs for feet… they hit so hard.

And they frequently, almost daily, spend the entire evening stomping around the entire footprint of their apartment.

Are there people who really just get the top floor, and think “I’m so smart, and everyone else can get fucked” then proceed to make all the fucking noise in the world?

[-] NightAuthor@lemmy.world 59 points 7 months ago

So, national minimum wage is $7 something, so homes should be about $77k, right?


I got an email about the new TV interface for Spotify, it said it was for TVs, streamers, consoles, etc.

I open Spotify on the ATV and it’s the same shit it’s been for years.

They never implemented lyrics either.

I like it too much to move away, but this kinda pisses me off.

submitted 7 months ago by NightAuthor@lemmy.world to c/avelon@lemm.ee

I struggle to click on anything that has a height of 1 line of texts. Short comments, post titles… other stuff

It’s actually pretty aggravating.

Idk what the solution is for this, but it’s a problem I virtually never had w Apollo. Is the touch target only the line of text and not inclusive of the padding around the text?

Ios 17.0.3 Avalon 1.0.8

[-] NightAuthor@lemmy.world 62 points 7 months ago

Could be a lady, sometimes those hysters gotta be ectomied.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by NightAuthor@lemmy.world to c/homeassistant@lemmy.world

I've got Sonos showing up in HomeAssistant, as a media player with all the expected controls and info.

I tried going through the UI, creating a new homekit integration, accessory mode, selecting just the 1 single sonos to be included.

This yields me a series of switches in the Home app on my iPhone.

I've tried adding the sonos through an accessory mode entry in yaml to make it mascarade as a TV and a Receiver, but each time it shows up as a "TV"/"Receiver" in the home app, but with only a power button.

I've read through https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/homekit none of the troubleshooting tips helped, I heeded all info I could find on media_players, tv, and receivers.

Can any one help me with this? It seems like it should be possible, I really wan't expecting this to give me the trouble it has.

Ultimately I just want to be able to control things like play/pause/skip/volume via siri, if you've got other suggestions to that end, I'm all ears.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by NightAuthor@lemmy.world to c/apple_enthusiast@lemmy.world

The emails look legit, came from noreply@email.apple.com, don't even have a link in them to reset password, just a plaintext url to access appleid settings if I need to reset password.

Dear <>,
Your Apple ID (<>) was used to sign in to iCloud via a web browser.
Date and Time: October 21, 2023, 10:30 PM PDT
If the information above looks familiar, you can ignore this message.
If you have not signed in to iCloud recently and believe someone may have accessed your account, go to Apple ID (https://appleid.apple.com) and change your password as soon as possible.
Apple Support

I have 2fa enabled, and haven't got a login request any time I've got one of these emails.

The password isn't used for anything else, and is complicated enough that I highly doubt it was bruteforced.

The only other thing of note, is that around the time I started getting these emails, my windows machine prompted me a couple of times in a couple of days to re-sign-in to the iCloud desktop app. But the signin requests have stopped on windows, and the emails have continued. Oh, and this desktop currently shows up 4 times in the appleid devices list for some reason.

Anyone have any idea whats going on?

As a last resort I may contact apple support, but 1. I've been apple support before, and 2. the couple of times I've been stumped by apple device behavior, even their highest available support specialist couldn't resolve the issue (Though, I did eventually figure it out on my own)

submitted 8 months ago by NightAuthor@lemmy.world to c/arctic@lemmy.world

There is no error or anything when you try to make a post without logging in, it simply sit there w the spinning wheel until you hit cancel. It should prompt to login before user is allowed to compose a post.


When logging in, visually, it appears that the instance field defaults to lemmy.world, however the field is treated as blank

And and

Had to navigate away from login page after the above issue left the page in a faulted state and wouldn’t let me press “login” again after filling out the instance field.

submitted 8 months ago by NightAuthor@lemmy.world to c/arctic@lemmy.world

This is such an important feature to me, as a person who really likes to engage in back and forth comment conversations, timely responses are immensely helpful, and only feasible with notifications.

I’m aware there are on going costs, personally I’m happy to pay a couple of bucks a month for push notifications alone. More if other features are also included.

submitted 8 months ago by NightAuthor@lemmy.world to c/avelon@lemm.ee

Wish I could zoom in more on this image, ideally till it fits the full width of the screen, for this particular image.

[-] NightAuthor@lemmy.world 73 points 8 months ago

No one’s going to say anything about “indefatigable”? Am I the only illiterate here that’s never heard of this word?

[-] NightAuthor@lemmy.world 65 points 9 months ago

I can’t fucking read

Chess grandmaster Hans Niemann dies using vibrating sex toy to cheat

[-] NightAuthor@lemmy.world 71 points 9 months ago

IANAL but, if it’s a publicly owned and operated library, and someone acting on behalf of the government fired these people for some sort of protected speech (which isn’t always just talking/writing) then I’m pretty sure that’s a 1a violation.

Though I could use some clarity on any distinction between a persons own speech, and speech that could be seen as that of the library.

[-] NightAuthor@lemmy.world 77 points 9 months ago

I usually get my kids their own tickets to sit with me.

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