[-] Nighed@sffa.community 2 points 17 hours ago

That's a fair point.

[-] Nighed@sffa.community -1 points 18 hours ago

If you were single and earning an MPs salary it could be a bit of a no brainer - could you get a other equally or better paying job within a few months? Considering you have been a politician for the last 5 years not an SME in whatever field?

If you had a family on that salary, unsure. If you agreed it with your other half as a planned move, maybe?

[-] Nighed@sffa.community 6 points 1 day ago

Think of it as a safety net, if you lose the election you lose your job.... But the winnings of that bet would then help you out.

If you win, you keep your reasonable lucrative job, no problem.

[-] Nighed@sffa.community 13 points 1 day ago

If you have lots of tabs up top you can't see the names, vertical tabs lets you see more/all of the tab titles.

I have been using the tree style tabs add-on for years, it's amazing.

[-] Nighed@sffa.community 10 points 1 day ago

Isn't this functionality already built into the default web UI?

[-] Nighed@sffa.community 8 points 2 days ago

There should be options for hard difficulty that are due to the AI being better, not just getting massive buffs.

Some of the examples given were about the AI not even knowing about certain game mechanics!

[-] Nighed@sffa.community 1 points 2 days ago

But when you have a problem, you complain to your representative that represents your area and knows all the details. That's a powerful thing.

In the UK at least there are a lot of seats that are swung by those holding them rather than their party.

[-] Nighed@sffa.community 3 points 2 days ago

In any round though you only have 1 vote still, it's just collecting the votes ahead of time? The only thing you lose is knowing who is in each round in advance?

In your example, wouldn't the same candidates have been knocked out in each round regardless?

[-] Nighed@sffa.community 4 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I was more thinking https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deccan_Traps

More than 1 million cubic kilometres of lava. Enough gasses to cause a mass extinction event.

[-] Nighed@sffa.community 8 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Ugh, life took ages to get started. Lazy bacteria!

It's still a hell of a long time if you consider that the entirety of recorded (ish) history is only a few thousand years long.

Updated comment to remove an order of magnitude.

[-] Nighed@sffa.community 16 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

It's not X turning into Y when it comes to evolution. There were all kinds of different dinosaurs, that evolved I to all kinds of different niches. Most of those then went extinct due to rocks falling from the sky, or the entirety of India turning into a huge volcano etc.

So it's not that a T-Rex turned into a chicken, it's that T-Rexs lived alongside other dinosaurs that developed feathers and filled more niches etc. those that survived eventually became birds. (Have you ever seen an Emu up close?!? No wonder the Australians lost to them 🤣)

Disclaimer: I have no specific knowledge. Also, remember this happened over (~~billions?~~ hundreds of millions) of years.

Other comments about just not noticing feathers are valid too.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Nighed@sffa.community to c/unitedkingdom@feddit.uk

(They were on bail, but have now been charged)


It looks like the website is being crushed to death by all of us currently though =/

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by Nighed@sffa.community to c/formula1@lemmy.world

Everyone might already know this, but it was news to me! I'm going to miss the first race ☹️

See https://f1calendar.com/


https://f1countdown.com/ (not updated yet)

For timezone adjusted times.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/11429948

Men accused of pushing cyclists into ditches for fun go on trial in France

Two defendants could face up to five years in prison after spate of incidents in country’s rural south-west

Two men accused of driving up to cyclists in rural south-west France and pushing them into ditches for fun have gone on trial in Toulouse for organised violence and could face up to five years in prison.

The two men, aged 20 and 22, were arrested last year after a spate of cyclists being pushed off their bikes on quiet country roads. One victim told the newspaper La Dépêche: “It was April … I’d gone out on my bike for the afternoon. When I got to a little country road … I felt a car was following me silently. It was driving very slowly behind me when it could easily have overtaken me. Then after a few minutes it drove up beside me. The car’s passenger suddenly pushed me down.”

Another man described being on a weekend cycle ride with two friends when a car pulled up beside him and the passenger allegedly reached out a hand and pushed him into a ditch.

At least 12 cyclists were hit over a period of several months, some sustaining injuries including a wrist fracture and a collar-bone fracture.

submitted 5 months ago by Nighed@sffa.community to c/space@beehaw.org

It looks like it clipped the ground after an emergency landing. There may also be a separate communication issue?


Hopefully fairy-ey enough, feel free to remove if not.

cross-posted from: https://sffa.community/post/807630



Not sure I could ever live with that - anyone able to test if multi monitors works?

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by Nighed@sffa.community to c/formula1@lemmy.world

Gif of the crash: FP2 Sainz Crash

The bump has now been grinded away: https://twitter.com/F1ingenerale_/status/1728350425512890687

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