
joined 2 years ago
[–] 5 points 1 week ago

the proper US Board on Geographic Names’s official process not being followed for the name change.

This is the theme of this administration. Doing whatever they want with no regard for process. This gulf of "America" nonsense truly feels like the actions of a believed king or emperor. A frivolous decree that doesn't change anything, doesn't materially affect anything, just an opportunity to exercise their believed power.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

Why do you think AI doesn't exist? Or that there's "no such thing as people 'relying' on it"? "AI" is commonly used to refer to LLMs right now. Within the context of a gizmodo article summarizing a study on the subject, "AI" does exist. A lack of precision doesn't mean it's not descriptive of a real thing.

Also, I don't personally know anyone who "relies" on generative AI, but I don't see why it couldn't happen.

[–] 5 points 2 years ago

Trippin through time

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

Love the artwork


It's in the title! What's your current campaign or setting you've been playing in recently?

I'll start:

I've been running a homebrew game that's gone all over the place over the years. My group fought a doppleganger invasion, overthrew a local oppressive government, battled with a devil cult, and many more odd ball adventures.

Recently after one party member drew the Moon from the Deck of Many things and wished to become "God Emperor" I decided to overhaul the world as a space themed adventure. The party is now playing in an alternate reality where the party member who made the wish is now Emperor but the party's old characters, twisted by some evil magic, are now working against them to bring down the empire.