007 games. But the N64 soundtrack was great.
I understand where you're coming from. I even went as far as to not using Bluetooth headphones anymore because of the radiation.I switched all my plastic utensils for wood and steel.I swapped out all my apps for foss apps.I was never really one to ever use AI for anything.I've kind of always enjoyed the hunt and the learning process when it came to figuring out foss applications. But it does feel super paranoid to always be worried about people watching you. When in reality, they aren't watching you. They are using your data to make money. They don't really care about who you are. So in short, I have started using Bluetooth headphones again, LOL.
From what I understand the official dock is the only one that doesn't have issues. Don't ask me why, but I have seen this issue multiple times online. The only solution seems to be the official dock.
Don't forget grayjay
Stremio for movies and TV shows
Sports fire for live sports
Stream fire for live TV
Smart tube for ad free YouTube
RiMusic for free YouTube music
Fossify files for explorer
Local Send to send apks to TV
Downloader for everything lol
Are there ways to customize the the ui somehow? I mean changing the icon shaped and cosmetic changes?
Well yes. Doesn't graphene just use the stock android ui. The pixel launcher? It would be nice to have the option to use another device with a little more style and customization. Like a oneplus.
Hopeful it migrates to Lemmy.
Steam deck made me fall in love with KDE.
The entire plannet is becoming uninhabitable. Globalism is taking control. Maybe you should find a small village in the mountains somewhere.
I thought we lost you. I was a huge fan of you on reddit.
I really like express VPN, and the app is open source.