[-] MrVilliam@lemmy.world 32 points 6 hours ago

The real crazy part is that it'd be perfectly legal for Joe Biden to issue the same offer, so long as it's through professional channels as an official act. The SCOTUS said so. Hell, to make it crystal clear, just order it through the military and then watch from the situation room. He could take out a few SCOTUS justices at the same time. And then unilaterally dictate that that sort of shit is not legal going forward. Best October surprise ever.

[-] MrVilliam@lemmy.world 15 points 6 hours ago

Here's trump saying "there's a little hurricane in Florida" to explain people leaving his rallies. He can pretend that more should've been done, but he's full of shit and downplayed it while Biden was pushing for preemptive funding which Republicans in Congress neglected to include in the budget.

These assholes doomed those poor people and are now calling foul to win political points. Fucking disgusting.

[-] MrVilliam@lemmy.world 4 points 11 hours ago

It's absolutely nuts to a lot of insiders here too. I can't imagine a worse candidate, yet about 1/3 of the country seems to think that the choice in this election is a no-brainer, but in the exact opposite way that you would expect. The war on education led us here.

[-] MrVilliam@lemmy.world 32 points 3 days ago

Maybe the most egregious example of this was something I saw yesterday, which was somebody saying "Tim Walz needs to go vegan". When pressed about why him and not, say, Donald Trump, they said that people on the left and center were more likely to actually be swayed. It wasn't worth engaging any further, but I thought it was pretty hilarious that they bothered to try to push the 60-year-old VP candidate to go vegan, but not the 40-year-old VP candidate. Like, you know that you're not pushing the needle for anybody with that post, right?

It's about as useless as making a post saying that JD Vance should hang dry his clothes instead of wasting energy running a clothes dryer.

[-] MrVilliam@lemmy.world 4 points 3 days ago

My friends and I like to play Rocket League while chatting. It's free to play now. We were absolutely terrible when we first tried it but we've gotten pretty good over the years. We like doing a Spotify jam and trading off album picks too.

Some of my other friends will do Borderlands while talking, but I think that's a little too much going on, plus I'm not that into shooters. But maybe that's appealing to you guys.

We're probably gonna get Space Marine II soon for this as well. Seems like Gears of War for the modern era.

Streets of Rage 4 is also a fucking good time. Excellent music too.

[-] MrVilliam@lemmy.world 30 points 4 days ago

Really grasping for reasons to not like him, huh? I wonder why you aren't broadcasting that Donald Trump needs to go vegan 🤔

[-] MrVilliam@lemmy.world 6 points 4 days ago

Unfortunately, about half of Congress politicizes objective science and spreads obvious lies about science things because their donors pay them to. And about 1/3 of the people just believe whatever they say.

[-] MrVilliam@lemmy.world 4 points 4 days ago

My wife and I visited last summer! It was an absolutely delightful city. The whole time we were there, I was thinking about how much I'd love to live in a place like that. It was so cool to pop down from the hotel, walk to a nearby cafe for coffee and a light breakfast, and then figure out what we wanted to walk to next. People would buy a bag or two of groceries (including freshly baked bread) and walk home with it. That place was like a goddamn fairy tale lol.

[-] MrVilliam@lemmy.world 6 points 4 days ago

The litmus test for whether something is a lawful order is to ask what will happen if you refuse. If the penalty for refusal is your arrest, say that you would prefer not to but will comply under threat of arrest. If it actually wasn't a lawful order but you complied to avoid arrest, you'll learn from a lawyer and get to sue over that.

As somebody else noted, driving is a privilege, not a right; if you're pulled over for a traffic offense, you're obligated to hand over your license and other related documents as requested depending on the state, probably registration and proof of insurance. If you don't, then in many states it's assumed that you were driving without being licensed to do so, and you're probably going to jail.

On the flip side, if the cop asks to search your vehicle, you can tell him no. Don't stop him from doing it anyway, just reiterate that you don't consent to it and fight in court. There are some situations (like you're under arrest and your car is being inventoried and impounded) in which they don't need your consent to get in your car. Probable cause also gets them access to your car without your consent.

If you're asked to do a field sobriety test, just refuse. Same for a breathalyzer. They'll probably take you in and have you use a lab machine at the station, but that's preferable to their bullshit games if you know you're not doing anything wrong. Make quantitative science be the only evidence. Don't drink and drive in the first place and you'll be fine on that front.

[-] MrVilliam@lemmy.world 35 points 5 days ago

Courts have ruled that the police have absolutely no duty to protect and serve you. That shit is a slogan. The reality is that they exist to protect capital and serve capitalists. Cops are class traitors, punishing anybody who steals or threatens value of capital. Some cops do some good, but that isn't and never was the real intent.

[-] MrVilliam@lemmy.world 49 points 6 days ago

Felon-Running-For-President Who Promised To Be A Dictator Wants Your First Amendment Right Violated

Even better headline.

[-] MrVilliam@lemmy.world 111 points 6 days ago

This. You have rights, but the police will lie, cheat, and steal their way into getting whatever they want, especially when what they want is for you to waive your rights.

When stopped by the police (in America), you say "I invoke my fifth amendment right to not answer questions and I don't consent to any searches and seizures. Am I being detained or am I free to go?" That question starts a clock for what is a reasonable amount of time to detain you for their investigation because you've made it clear that you'd like to leave as soon as you're legally allowed to.

As for any kind of force, just stay silent and unthreatening. They're gonna do what they're gonna do, and anything you do can be used as rationalization for escalation, which they really seem to fucking love. Be polite when you do choose to speak. Obey lawful commands and let them arrest you if that's what they're gonna do. You don't fight armed thugs in the street, you fight them in court. File complaints and sue when they violate your rights and cause undue harm. Swinging at them or shouting in their face is how you get shot. Let their ego win the moment and then administratively destroy their career and life later on.

I'm also not a lawyer, but this is what any half decent lawyer would tell you to do. Just shut the fuck up (but invoke your right to shut the fuck up or your silence can actually be used against you) and be as passive as possible so your lawyer has a slam dunk case getting your charges dropped and/or suing the everloving fuck out of them, hopefully nullifying their qualified immunity in the process. Nothing you do or say to the police can help you, but it sure as shit will be used against you. Even things you think are innocuous can corroborate that you're who they're looking for, so just shut the fuck up.

submitted 1 month ago by MrVilliam@lemmy.world to c/memes@lemmy.ml
submitted 2 months ago by MrVilliam@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

My wife and I have been using Cozi for years to manage our work schedules, plan dates, block off personal time, and manage grocery lists and to-do lists. There has been some pretty egregious enshittification through locking more and more essential features behind a paywall and now it's altering times for some reason and straight up losing list items and calendar entries. I'm done. Its only function was to maintain calendar items and lists so I wouldn't need to manually remember everything; it's worthless if I can't trust it to remember for me.

So now we're looking for a replacement tool to manage our family. FOSS preferred, but not required. I'm even open to using two separate apps for it, one for calendar and another for lists. We just need them to live online so we can independently add to it while the other person is asleep or at work.

I'm hoping that somebody else has already done the legwork to find the best option?

submitted 6 months ago by MrVilliam@lemmy.world to c/the_pack@lemmy.world
submitted 7 months ago by MrVilliam@lemmy.world to c/memes@lemmy.ml
submitted 8 months ago by MrVilliam@lemmy.world to c/memes@lemmy.ml

There's only a week or so left! If anybody wants to party up to try to climb just a little further, DM me. I think I'm Diamond 1 in 2s and plat 2 or 3 in 3s, but with a teammate who meshes with me I can do much better.

Everybody well above or well below my rank, put your rank down so others can try to find a buddy or two as well.

With player trading coming to an end, I guess this could also be a last call for trades.

US East 2s Diamond (lemmy.world)

It's the last weekend of the season. Anybody looking to go for broke in ranked to see what's possible with fewer inhibitions?

I'm on PS5 in NoVA and bouncing around low Diamond. If you rotate properly, I'll forgive every whiff.

Fun Team Names? (lemmy.world)

Whether it's a club name, club tag, or tournament name, what are some interesting names you've used or seen?

My friends and I recently played a tournament and somehow won with the name Socialist Jiu Jitsu. Our club name is Aunt Tifa. We used the club tag [BLM] for a while, but the amount of racism in the text chat was exhausting, so now it's just [ANTI]. It was pretty entertaining to get people tilted and then silently dunk on them, but the toxicity wasn't fun most of the time.

Work/Life Balance (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago by MrVilliam@lemmy.world to c/antiwork@lemmy.ml

Nobody ever laid on their death bed wishing they had worked more.

Breathe clean air. Enjoy sunlight. Eat fresh produce. Be a free human when you can.

Zuck be pouncing (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago by MrVilliam@lemmy.world to c/memes@lemmy.ml
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